Picture of my Cat playing guitar...[views:1700][posts:17]_____________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 9:13am - RustedAngel ""] I never usually let other people play my guitars, but damnit, he was just so cute I couldnt' resist. :spineyes: [img] |
_____________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 9:16am - RustedAngel ""] obviously a little photoshopping was done on my part to get rid of the shit behind him. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 9:44am - DreamingInExile ""] AHAHAHAHA nice photo Tom |
_____________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 2:56pm - RustedAngel ""] DreamingInExile said:AHAHAHAHA nice photo Tom thanks ;) bump for people who drink alchohol everyday. |
__________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 3:11pm - succubus ""] that's too cute |
________________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 3:16pm - todayistheday ""] you need to change your strings |
_____________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 3:24pm - RustedAngel ""] todayistheday said:you need to change your strings actually I don't, must be weird lighting/shading or something. :spineyes: |
__________________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 3:26pm - intricateprocess ""] that cat kinda looks like an owl |
______________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 3:32pm - Philonymous ""] aawwww I love kittys haha I have a persian cat too, just that he's grey |
______________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 4:11pm - Anthony nli ""] haha use that as the new Porphyria splash page Tom, just slap a logo in the top left corner |
_________________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 4:13pm - DreamingInExile ""] Anthony nli said:haha use that as the new Porphyria splash page Tom, just slap a logo in the top left corner AHAHAHA, that would slay! :doublehorns: |
_____________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 4:22pm - RustedAngel ""] Anthony nli said:haha use that as the new Porphyria splash page Tom, just slap a logo in the top left corner hahah good idea, maybe around x-mas or something. hahaha. |
______________________________________ [Oct 20,2005 4:28pm - Anthony nli ""] RustedAngel said:Anthony nli said:haha use that as the new Porphyria splash page Tom, just slap a logo in the top left corner hahah good idea, maybe around x-mas or something. hahaha. you could photoshop a santa hat on him too hehe |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2005 12:38pm - MikeGore ""] I was drunk, poor and hungry, so I ate your cat. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 21,2005 3:46pm - brokenclown ""] cats are gay |
_____________________________________ [Oct 21,2005 3:47pm - Hooker nli ""] is that a persian? i want to kill it if so. |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2005 4:09pm - anonymous ""] www.eyeenvision.com beware the HISS OF DEATH |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2005 4:09pm - anonymous ""] http://www.eyeenvision.com |