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enslaved-the drunk guy

[Aug 1,2003 2:39am - dyingmuse ""]
what was with the drunk guy at the show,that was waaaayy too funny!!! this guy was like 45 ish and he was a bar regular...and he was dancing like a fucking baffoon wow i watched him more than enslaved...what an idiot.
[Aug 1,2003 2:59am - the_reverend ""]
and you can see him again in a few minutes.
the pictures will take me about 10 more minutes.
oh, i'm home btw working on them.
[Aug 1,2003 3:04am - the_reverend ""]
there they are up.
[Aug 1,2003 10:38am - litacore ""]
missed it for the chopping block show last night. did he smash his guitar again?
[Aug 1,2003 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
as always, the met cafe has a great sound set up and the staff is cool (james rocks). The attendance wasn't horrid, but it could have been better. I hope Ann and Ben didn't loose $$ on the show. it seemed by the end of the night to have filled up. However, if they did loose money and actually decide to stop doing metal shows... blame yourself for not going. Sucks cause they are the only ones who would get bands like S.C.D. or nunslaughter or enslaved.

hirudinea: I find that the less-drunk these guys are, the tighter their sets are. I can't wait for them to play my radio show when they will be forced not to drink (no drinking in the building the radio station is in). The sound for them started out like a whole lot'a ass, but then was superb by the last track. The non-mike (ninkaszi187) singer was singing a little differently. Along with his old-punk mixed with marduk yell, he did some low growls... I'd never heard that before. Also, their last track right at the end had almost a break down in it. All in all, their set was really good and sounded great on a real stage with a real sound system. (no lita they are at the end of their guitar budget I guess so the axes didn't get hacked)

epoch of unlight: why did I think these guys were from russia? Probably just cause they were on an originally russian label. funny, they are really from memphis. they played really well. Played new tracks, old tracks and a cover track, at the gates "raped by the light of christ". It's funny that I thought they sounded a bit like Goatwhore live and then they announced their releasing a split with goatwhore.

usurper: ok, these guys came out and ruled. Yes, they were fat, old, in leather, etc... but they came out like rocks stars and owned the stage. Large black-death-speed metal with their feet up on the monitors, waving their tongues at all the girls in the audience. they did a cover of black funeral. though honestly... I don't think I know that song.

enslaved: I heard that their set was going to suck from various people. Hard to believe cause their dec 2001 set was amazing. raise your hand if you were there. anyhow, they played for a hour and hit up a bunch of older tracks AND tracks from the new cd. The new CD is a little iffy, but they played the best tracks off of it (how can you not like As Fire Swept Clean The Earth!). And what was up with that soprano note? worst decision ever.

drunkguy: you know those "middnight at the roxy" dancer guys? well, this was one fo them, but it was to metal. he did a lot of finger snapping and pointing and smelling like vodka. I think him and the guy with the dreds who "was trying to put his hair balls all over everyone" (to quote a dad who was there with his 15yo daughter) were having a contest to see who could be more drunk. hah, sorry, that ball quote was funny. it was even funny hearing the guy yell it. I wished his daughter said something like "DAD your embarassing me talking about that guy's balls"
[Aug 1,2003 5:43pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I thought we (Hirudinea) played and sounded excellent. I was happy I could hear everything. Great place to play. I can't thank Anne enough for having us play last minute. Killer show. The free beer was appreciated very much.

Rev, the breakdown part is usually where I end up breaking my stuff/making noise, but I am down to two guitars that I don't want to break haha.

Usurper is the meaning of metal. Awesome set. I fucking love that band. Black Funeral is a Mercyful Fate song, it's on the Mellisa album.

Enslaved- I was throwing up during mid set, in and out of passing/blacking out. They played good. I wish they played more old stuff but I am not complaining. The first song off the split with Emperor ruled.

Great time!

If anyone went to the Chopping Block show, how was it? I would have been there if I wasn't playing.

[Aug 1,2003 10:46pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i had a lot of fun at the show. i thought Enslaved played a pretty good set. i bought a lot of beer. the drunk dancing guy was not only drunk, he was fucking *tapped*. a lot of cool kids were there. the met isn't such a bad little place.
[Aug 4,2003 5:59pm - armageddonday ""]
Alright, thank all of you for coming! Great show as usual, and as usual we lost $$...but you know what? I won't quit. We have another show coming in September if everything works fine, but if we loose $$ on that show that may be the last show of that kind (SCD, Nunslaughter and the likes we'll keep going cause they dont have a ridiculous garanty and rider). So basically we didn't have enough to cover the garanty (short of $200), but this is a contract and I didn't respect it so I might have to give some explanations to the labels, and the booking agency. Whatever, it's not a big deal. THe bands got what they asked though (except Hirudena, who got nothing sorry guys, at least you got beers)..but we also didn't get our money back from the rider, promotions and the whole crap before the show.
I seriously was wondering if it was worth it, but you know what? we'll eventualy figured out what we're doing wrong. I don't care, my neck still hurt yesterday...and I think that's worth it. Seing bands like Usurper/Enslaved and the crowd smiles, thanx, and tap on the shoulder is worth it.
I JUST DON'T WANT TO LOSE MONEY ANYMORE...I don't care if we don't make any I WANT TO BREAK EVEN.

the_reverend said:as always, the met cafe has a great sound set up and the staff is cool (james rocks). The attendance wasn't horrid, but it could have been better. I hope Ann and Ben didn't loose $$ on the show. it seemed by the end of the night to have filled up. However, if they did loose money and actually decide to stop doing metal shows... blame yourself for not going. Sucks cause they are the only ones who would get bands like S.C.D. or nunslaughter or enslaved.

hirudinea: I find that the less-drunk these guys are, the tighter their sets are. I can't wait for them to play my radio show when they will be forced not to drink (no drinking in the building the radio station is in). The sound for them started out like a whole lot'a ass, but then was superb by the last track. The non-mike (ninkaszi187) singer was singing a little differently. Along with his old-punk mixed with marduk yell, he did some low growls... I'd never heard that before. Also, their last track right at the end had almost a break down in it. All in all, their set was really good and sounded great on a real stage with a real sound system. (no lita they are at the end of their guitar budget I guess so the axes didn't get hacked)

epoch of unlight: why did I think these guys were from russia? Probably just cause they were on an originally russian label. funny, they are really from memphis. they played really well. Played new tracks, old tracks and a cover track, at the gates "raped by the light of christ". It's funny that I thought they sounded a bit like Goatwhore live and then they announced their releasing a split with goatwhore.

usurper: ok, these guys came out and ruled. Yes, they were fat, old, in leather, etc... but they came out like rocks stars and owned the stage. Large black-death-speed metal with their feet up on the monitors, waving their tongues at all the girls in the audience. they did a cover of black funeral. though honestly... I don't think I know that song.

enslaved: I heard that their set was going to suck from various people. Hard to believe cause their dec 2001 set was amazing. raise your hand if you were there. anyhow, they played for a hour and hit up a bunch of older tracks AND tracks from the new cd. The new CD is a little iffy, but they played the best tracks off of it (how can you not like As Fire Swept Clean The Earth!). And what was up with that soprano note? worst decision ever.

drunkguy: you know those "middnight at the roxy" dancer guys? well, this was one fo them, but it was to metal. he did a lot of finger snapping and pointing and smelling like vodka. I think him and the guy with the dreds who "was trying to put his hair balls all over everyone" (to quote a dad who was there with his 15yo daughter) were having a contest to see who could be more drunk. hah, sorry, that ball quote was funny. it was even funny hearing the guy yell it. I wished his daughter said something like "DAD your embarassing me talking about that guy's balls"

[Aug 4,2003 11:21pm - Terence ""]
I hear you on that one Anne, Ive set up so many shows in the past where I have lost money, but I keep going, for the benefits of the bands and for personal booking experience, its almost worth it, it just sucks when you lose more than $500, at least in my opinion, hah.
[Aug 4,2003 11:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I need to re-name the "reply" buttons to something else..
sucubus said "quote" like they are on her mesage board.
maybe "quote/reply"
I don't know.
[Aug 4,2003 11:34pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Just "quote" or maybe "don't abuse me" or "fight clarity button."

Commence the jigglin'.

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