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[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Oct 17,2005 5:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Oct 17,2005 5:54pm - shrapnel !  ""]
ha we were asked to play that show, but wanted to do the Kubrick one instead. goodluck guys !
[Oct 17,2005 5:56pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Great flyer.
[Oct 17,2005 6:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yea, good luck guys, tell them we send our reguards, the people settin this up seemed really cool.
[Oct 17,2005 6:11pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Let's coordinate - 3 vehicles I would imagine will do it.
[Oct 17,2005 8:40pm - BornSoVile ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Let's coordinate - 3 vehicles I would imagine will do it.

sounds good to me! i think we won't have the van that weekend so we'd hafta to take two cars anyways.
[Oct 17,2005 8:41pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
this is going to kill....i know some other bands are being worked out. some of the names being thrown around were villains, the dying light, and battletorn. i hope to have all the info asap.
[Oct 17,2005 10:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
we played with battletorn in NYC, awsome band.
[Oct 18,2005 7:39am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
yeah battetorn is a great crossover thrash band. i hope they play. the guitarist also plays in villains who is ex members/members of hemlock, cattlepress, thralldom, and unearthly trance. villains is a black/thrash band. awesome stuff.
[Oct 18,2005 11:36am - KillerKadoogan ""]
2 days before my birthday!
[Oct 18,2005 11:50am - SuperFly ""]
you're 19th???
[Oct 18,2005 12:37pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, I heard you and him yelling about something...
[Oct 18,2005 12:37pm - shatteredliz ""]
oops, wrong thread...I'm gonna try to be there!
[Oct 18,2005 12:45pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
the big one nine
[Oct 27,2005 3:46am - shrapnel !  ""]
i want a full report on this place, were playing there on new years eve
[Oct 27,2005 12:02pm - shatteredliz ""]
Sean, almost every time you play in New York, I'm otu of town. Do you plan it that way?
[Oct 27,2005 12:10pm - shrapnel !  ""]
of course, it's cause you're so hot....i can't handle it
[Oct 28,2005 6:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Negative Reaction is great
[Oct 28,2005 10:35am - shatteredliz ""]
That band Dimentianon is playing the Rigor Mortis show, too.
[Nov 24,2005 3:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
bump for the peoples
[Nov 28,2005 4:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
What a great show! That was seriously the best Hirudinea set I've ever seen, and Abhorred sounded awesome. The venue is the basement of a browstone in Brooklyn--amazing! I do have to say, I didn't realize Brooklyn was so big. That was the furthest from my apartment I've wandered in Brooklyn.

Eric and Megan-thanks for coming out to Duff's afterwards, and Eric, thanks for driving! Hope you had a great time like I did!

When Jimmy sends me those pictures I'll send 'em to you.

I will definitely be back at that place (and maybe next time I'll actually knwo how to get there and back). The people were great and the bands were awesome.

It was great seeing you all!

Good times!
[Nov 28,2005 4:40pm - paganmegan ""]
thanks for hanging out , Liz, and for bringing us to Duff's. It was also awesome of you to let us crash at your place. Many thanks for that! The show ruled
[Nov 28,2005 4:41pm - shatteredliz ""]
Haha! I just remembered those barking guys in the car!
[Nov 28,2005 5:18pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wish I hadn't been too fucking beat to make the trip, I'm sure it was a blast.
[Nov 28,2005 5:18pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
This was indeed the most fun i think i've ever had at a show (that we played, anyway).

Awesome place, awesome people, AWESOME fucking crowd especially. Boo ya.
[Nov 28,2005 5:18pm - ninkaszi  ""]
yeah i had a fucking blast. it was good to see you liz. i wish i could have gone to the bar but i had no ID. i wimped out haha. sorry. and yes, i agree that was probably the best hirudinea show ever. it's much easier for me to concentrate on my vocals now. abhorred was really fucking good. great trip.
[Nov 28,2005 5:22pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
yeah, it was good to see liz. thanks for coming out, keepin the scene alllllliiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuvvvvvv.

same to megan. and brian. (who i'm sure reads every messageboard in existence looking for his name, and will no doubt see this.)
[Nov 28,2005 5:24pm - shatteredliz ""]
For future reference, you don't need an ID for Duff's!
We'll all go next time!
[Nov 28,2005 5:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
Yes this was a very violent show, tons of thrashing, claws in the face, beer split and plenty of grass smoked. I'm glad us and Hirudinea represented MA without all the kiss ass pushover bullshit fake shit that seems to be everywhere nowadays. Nothing but headbanging and total chaos, an unrelenting fuck you in face of weak. Hopefully we'll get some pictures soon. It was great seeing you Liz, sorry I didn't go to Duff's, I thought I was gonna fight your boyfriend. Remember, I'm Cindy Lee's nephew.
[Nov 28,2005 5:28pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
hahaha i forgot to mention, Brooklyn has its own Rev. Aaron, only gay.
[Nov 28,2005 5:28pm - shatteredliz ""]
Actually Josh, Ralph and I are just friends. Why'd you want to fight him?
[Nov 28,2005 5:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
oh, I didn't like him, I was jealous obviously.
[Nov 28,2005 5:33pm - shatteredliz ""]
Haha, well, no reason to be jealous.
And yeah, I'm gonna send Nina an e-mail about your aunt!
[Nov 28,2005 5:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
KillerKadoogan said:hahaha i forgot to mention, Brooklyn has its own Rev. Aaron, only gay.

hahah, that dude! funny watching the looks on his face when me and that dude from LI that Mr. Superfly knows were having a passionate bruins discussion.
Cool cool Liz, my Aunt is under the impression we were romantically involved, sorry but I had to brag to someone, funny though cause she keeps telling me how she's gonna introduce me to Nina...she wants a cut of any deal if inked, I find that hilarious.
[Nov 28,2005 5:51pm - shatteredliz ""]
Okay, so Nina thinks that she babysat for your kids and that you're married! Who's kids did she babysit?
[Nov 28,2005 5:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
oh jesus
[Nov 28,2005 6:09pm - shatteredliz ""]
So, it looks like Abhorred will have some more "industry" out at the next show--This woman Nina, Josh's Aunt's babysitter (or something like that), wants to go!
[Nov 28,2005 6:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
i feel like being john travolta and constantly saying "this is wild, this is crazy, this is wild, this is crazy"

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