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Anyone going to Salam MA after Opeth on 10/30...

[Oct 17,2005 12:28pm - BogusRendition ""]
I'm looking for a ride to Salam from the Palladium on the 30th after Opeth. If anyones headed that way and has space for me and my back pack (I'll ride in a trunk if thats what youve got), please drop me a line. Thanks.
[Oct 17,2005 1:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
You're going to hang out with former Heisman winner and XFL standout Rashan Salam!? CAN I COME!?
[Oct 17,2005 1:17pm - BogusRendition ""]
[Oct 17,2005 1:20pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Fine whatever, I'll just hang out with the REAL 1995 Heisman winner, Ki-Jana Carter
[Oct 17,2005 1:23pm - Yeti  ""]
bahahaha you got served
[Oct 17,2005 3:19pm - anonymous  ""]
hey man i'll give you a ride.
email me phone # powerdrainxxx@yahoo.com
my name is alex
[Oct 17,2005 11:17pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Fine whatever, I'll just hang out with the REAL 1995 Heisman winner, Ki-Jana Carter

"Remember what I told you. THeres only one thing you need to know to be a great quarter back..."

"It was just vapor lock"

"Remember what I told you"

"It was just vapor lock"

"Remember what I told you"

"It was just vapor lock"

"Remember what I told you"


And Alex, thanks for the offer. Ill email you.
[Oct 18,2005 12:57pm - Yeti  ""]
vapor lock...vapor lock....vapor lock....

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