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[Oct 7,2005 3:13pm - Siberia ""]
So, the other night at practice, all of a sudden I lost all my low end and half of the power from my 5150. Has anyone else ever had this happen? I checked all my tubes and they all look good, but I'm far from a genius so I don't really know what to look for, they were all crystal clear though.
[Oct 7,2005 3:48pm - thedeparted ""]
wow man, seriously the same shit has been happening with our guitarist jeff
he uses a 5150
he works at gc, i think they were gonna take a look at it today
ill let you know, once i hear something
[Oct 7,2005 3:48pm - DreamingInExile ""]
is it a 5150EVH or a 5150 II?
[Oct 7,2005 3:50pm - thedeparted ""]
[Oct 7,2005 3:53pm - DreamingInExile ""]
what about yours siberia?

I've never heard of the EVH's having issues before, I've seen and heard the 5150 II's have issues, but never the original ones
[Oct 7,2005 3:56pm - thedeparted ""]
jeff thinks his tubes are going, they were changed about a year and a half ago maybe a little longer....

[Oct 7,2005 4:06pm - Siberia ""]
Mine's an EVH. I bought mine in 1995 and have never had a single problem with it.

Please do let me know how they diagnose his issue, I'm curious to know.
[Oct 7,2005 4:54pm - Aegathis ""]
i think thats happened to me as well.
[Oct 7,2005 5:04pm - goratory nli  ""]
"If you're experiencing a lack of bottom end and power, it's probably your output tubes. If you're hearing strange sounds coming from your amplifier, turn your gain section up in volume, and slowly turn the master volume down. If the noises persist after the master volume has been turned down, it's an output tube. If the noises go away after turning the master volume down, it's an input tube."

i just looked up your problem. its a tube thing from what it sounds like. i know people dont like to do it but changing your tubes every 6months to a year depending on how much you play is really needed or you lose the bottem end.

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