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check this band out, pretty intense, young too

[Oct 3,2005 7:37pm - thedeparted ""]
[Oct 3,2005 7:41pm - niccolai ""]
That bass pedal work is fucking discusting.
[Oct 3,2005 7:42pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah isnt it, really good production too
they are being watched by metalblade right now, or so i heard
good luck to them
they deserve it
[Oct 3,2005 8:49pm - PatMeebles ""]
[Oct 3,2005 8:54pm - brian_dc ""]
damn you matt, I can't stop listening to this shit now
[Oct 3,2005 8:55pm - nate nli  ""]
wow those guys are pretty damned good... it's fucked their so young, they sound like they've been around a while. Nothing to majorely original but they can fuckin play really well. Wow.
[Oct 3,2005 8:58pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah man, i love em, heh i downloaded em
[Oct 3,2005 9:00pm - brian_dc ""]
as a rule I don't stream anything from purevolume ever...that's gotta be the worst media player I've ever encountered
[Oct 3,2005 9:02pm - thedeparted ""]
haha yeah it is
[Oct 3,2005 9:04pm - nate nli  ""]
it sounds better on their myspace page
[Oct 3,2005 9:13pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah, i just downloaded them because they were good enough to add to my playlist
[Oct 3,2005 9:28pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Eh, instrumentally talented, sure... but how bout a little songwriting?
[Oct 3,2005 9:32pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Yeah these kids can play, check out these guys from Framingham. Young too, they're all pretty cool kids too.

[Oct 3,2005 9:37pm - thedeparted ""]
i was unsure at certain parts, but the guitars rock
the singing is a lil much
talented bastards though
[Oct 3,2005 10:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Oct 3,2005 10:23pm - thedeparted ""]
call it what you want man, they are talented kids, dont deny them that heh
[Oct 3,2005 10:35pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
They're definitely tight as fuck.
[Oct 3,2005 10:37pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
And Mike definitely knows a tight teenage boy when he sees one!
[Oct 3,2005 10:37pm - thedeparted ""]
dont we all
[Oct 3,2005 10:43pm - dreadkill ""]
we played with contagion once. they are really good, except for one of the songs i heard getting ruined by a metalcore breakdown at the end. if they cut that crap out of their songs, they'll be pretty fuckin awesome.
[Oct 3,2005 10:47pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
BestialOnslaught said:And Mike definitely knows a tight teenage boy when he sees one!

[Oct 3,2005 11:27pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
where was the repost police on this one?

: post by the_taste_of_cigarettes at Jul 22,2005 9:35pm
here are some bands I really liked. It's not all the bands, as it was a few weeks and I'm gonna need to retrace my steps, but these are ones currently on my mind:

Heros Laid To Rest - IN - Doom/Sludge stuff. Really big and thick sounding.

Index - MO - Pop/Ska/Punk like Dead Milkmen meets AAA

We Fly Our Kites At Night - AZ - Majority Rule meets Pg 99 meets old DIY shit

Phantasmagoria - CA - Bizarro improv death grind tech stuff

Navies - DC - Huge sounding post-hardcore with a 40+ inch kick drum

Mustangs & Madras - CO - awesome post-hardcore stuff meets later-era black flag

The Symptoms (?) - CO - I have their sticker upstairs... I think that's the name? Or the Skeptics? Great fucking Le Tigre punk meets B52s and The Cramps. Good shit!

New Day Radio (?) - CA - Rowan would know their name. Really cool hardcore like...if Strife had cleaner guitars and vocals and were like rocking the fuck out

The Faceless - CA - Intense tech metalcore. We didn't play with them but they were on the PA when we were setting up for our LA show

Bear Tax (aka Extraction Point) -- UT -- AWESOME shit. Really thick hardcore ala Big Bear or Coalesce

Ever Since The Accident -- MT -- Cool post-hardcore shit. Really techy with lots of cool guitar riffs. Kinda like Fugazi.

No Secrets Among Sailors - OR - Awesome shit like Jawbreaker. Really cool, I remembered the singer from meeting him last year at our not-a-show.
[Oct 3,2005 11:29pm - brian_dc ""]
because how can we remember a list like that...from late july....I mean, I get why you remember...

but come on now

your expectations are unrealistic

and my reaction of overdone
[Oct 3,2005 11:30pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ps Bear Tax was that band from Provo in which the singer (Ariel - RIP) died in a cave accident
[Oct 3,2005 11:31pm - brian_dc ""]
I remember that...that was a shame
[Oct 4,2005 12:43am - BornSoVile ""]
contagionma - not bad! i like finding bands from my area.
the faceless - meh, it's like listening to every band from last year that was revolutionary but instead of revolutionary it's just generic. they play well, i don't know, i fail to see the orginality.
[Oct 4,2005 2:16am - BestialOnslaught ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:where was the repost police on this one?

Noone pays attention to Metal recommendations from people who don't know Metal from marshmellow!
[Oct 4,2005 8:59am - mark fucking richards  ""]
i think josh summed it up the best.
very very talented for their age; i think in time they'll be creating some pretty crazy shit.

and is it me or does the beginning of 'the ghost of a stranger' sound almost EXACTLY like the beginning of the first song on the first necrophagist cd???
[Oct 4,2005 9:07am - jonhatesyou  ""]
thedeparted said:http://www.purevolume.com/thefaceless

Since when do you gayfags listen to good music? 2 Months ago you were writing nu-metal songs bashing this forum, now you post here because you realized how gay you were. LOL!

Go back to the BAY STATE ROCK BOARD where you came from.

[Oct 4,2005 11:53am - the_rooster ""]
YAWN. could they maybe try a little harder to rip off Between the Buried and Me.

maybe they should use their talent to do something original.

the speed and proficiency of their playing doesn't even impress me. same old medio-core riffs. woooo i can sweep!!!
[Oct 4,2005 11:58am - yllib ""]
not impressed. and good production doesn't mean shit if they can't do it live.
[Oct 4,2005 12:06pm - thedeparted nli  ""]
jonhatesyou said:thedeparted said:http://www.purevolume.com/thefaceless

Since when do you gayfags listen to good music? 2 Months ago you were writing nu-metal songs bashing this forum, now you post here because you realized how gay you were. LOL!

Go back to the BAY STATE ROCK BOARD where you came from.


i love you

[Oct 4,2005 1:31pm - Yeti  ""]
this technicality and speed playing is cool and all, but thats what so many bands are going after. we need another good Disembowelment or Evoken style. when was the last time you went to a show and a band really stood out. not in that "they were good" sense, but one that blew your fucking mind. the last band i saw that did that was Black Harvest
[Oct 4,2005 3:00pm - HELLO, EXACTLY!  ""]
jonhatesyou said:thedeparted said:http://www.purevolume.com/thefaceless

Since when do you gayfags listen to good music? 2 Months ago you were writing nu-metal songs bashing this forum, now you post here because you realized how gay you were. LOL!

Go back to the BAY STATE ROCK BOARD where you came from.


[Oct 4,2005 3:16pm - cdan ""]
noooooo you diii iiiiiiint!! this like SOOoOooOoOooOO OLD. i posted this like 5 months agoOOoOoO!! REPOST POLICE! REPOST POLICE!

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