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[Oct 3,2005 8:48am - tyag  ""]
Anyone have any that TYAG can borrow for recording? Or anyone looking to sell theirs? drop me an email at tyagxgrind@comcast.net if you can help! thanks. Devon
[Oct 4,2005 12:20am - anonymous  ""]
triggers are for homos who canno create real BD sounds...pussiesss
[Oct 4,2005 12:22am - Dissector ""]
If there's one thing I know about Devon (the drummer) is that he can do anything without triggers. They probably just want the sound.
[Oct 4,2005 12:33am - mark fucking richards  ""]
it's for recording purposes. the easier it is to lay down the drum tracks the better.

and yes, devon can definitely do anything without triggers. the drum sound in the room we're recording in is fucking weird as hell so we kinda need triggers for that.
[Oct 4,2005 12:35am - DEATH2ALL ""]
anonymous said:triggers are for homos who canno create real BD sounds...pussiesss

And I'm guessing....names are for homos who aren't worried about someone knowing who they are when they talk shit.?.?.?.

What do your kicks sound like?
[Oct 4,2005 11:26pm - tyag  ""]
um.... yeah so back to my original question.
[Oct 5,2005 1:04am - attendmyrequiem ""]
devon why not get samples and use sound replacer?
[Oct 5,2005 6:15pm - diamond_dave ""]
Normally I would agree with anonymous, but Mark is right, sometimes you just can't get a good sound in a certain room. Although, you should be able to close mic, and depending on what you are recording with you can gate the decay, then add an artificial delay/reverb. The only other thing i can suggest is to buy a trigger setup from Guitar Center, then return it when you are done recording.
[Oct 5,2005 6:56pm - thedeparted ""]
go to guitar center in north attleboro and ask for Jeff,
he's our guitarist, tell him what band youre in and he'll hook you up pretty cheap.
then bring it back like dave said ^^
[Oct 5,2005 6:57pm - Hooker nli  ""]
get in touch with Bredan. tell him hooker sent you.

[Oct 5,2005 6:59pm - Hooker nli  ""]
ah fuck. he took the site down. you can find him here somewhere.

he may rent them for cheap or just let you borrow them.
[Oct 5,2005 7:09pm - nate nli  ""]
The trigger argument is lame... Most guitarists use different amps or pedals for different sound and effect, even to help tune. Drummers that use triggers use them for the same purpose. They can be set to sound like a perfectly tuned kit. At shows they are easier to level out and sound consistent. Triggers are awesome I think, but that's my 2 cents.

Get em and return em.
[Oct 5,2005 8:48pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
I know nobody asked me, but.......

triggers just don't have the boominess that a natural mic sound gives.
I've never used 'em and never will.
Especially snare drum triggers. How do you think these super fast blast guys go so fast? they are barely tapping their snare drum, but with the trigger on it sounds like they are hitting it hard, which they are not. That's kinda like cheating??? but hey, if you can get a better sound out of it, that's all that matters i guess.
[Oct 5,2005 8:55pm - Dissector ""]
I personally don't like the sound of triggers I was just stating that Devon isn't using them to cheat.
[Oct 5,2005 9:08pm - tyag  ""]
I'm going to use close mics and triggers, mixing the 2 is best sound replacing on protools works but I want something that will be actually captured through the performance and not tweeked after. I didnt mean to spark a debate, I don't care about oppinion cause every big band (and small) use them at some point I'm sure I was just looking to find a kind soul who'd let us use them for tracking.....

Also I can get a good kick sound. Not a problem, its consistancy and not wanting to fucking compress or Sound Replace that keeps me looking.
[Oct 5,2005 10:24pm - Sanchez  ""]
tyag said:its consistancy and not wanting to fucking compress or Sound Replace that keeps me looking.

So you need to use triggers so your bass drum volume is consistent? Yeah, that's not cheating.
[Oct 5,2005 10:25pm - VICTIM  ""]
if you cant play your instrument, all the digital manipulation in the world wont save you!
[Oct 5,2005 10:26pm - VICTIM  ""]
VICTIM said:if you cant play your instrument, all the digital manipulation in the world wont save you!

you should kick puppies in the face instead of playing drums
[Oct 5,2005 10:28pm - Aegathis ""]
Its only cheating if the drummer uses them to solely to cover up the fact that he cant keep a consistant beat, which as previously stated in this thread isnt the case with devon.
[Oct 5,2005 10:30pm - Sanchez  ""]
Aegathis said:Its only cheating if the drummer uses them to solely to cover up the fact that he cant keep a consistant beat, which as previously stated in this thread isnt the case with devon.

...and which was later admitted by tyag that the bass drum sound on the recordings is not consistent.
[Oct 5,2005 10:31pm - VICTIM  ""]
Aegathis said:Its only cheating if the drummer uses them to solely to cover up the fact that he cant keep a consistant beat, which as previously stated in this thread isnt the case with devon.

if you cant kick the thing with the same pressure and need a machine to help your incompetence your cheating
[Oct 5,2005 11:43pm - Aegathis ""]
VICTIM said:Aegathis said:Its only cheating if the drummer uses them to solely to cover up the fact that he cant keep a consistant beat, which as previously stated in this thread isnt the case with devon.

if you cant kick the thing with the same pressure and need a machine to help your incompetence your cheating

Right, thats exactly what i meant. if your uncoordinated it will still be noticable,BUT some people prefer the sound of the triggers. I dont how ever i like the natural drum sound mic'd. I get quite annoyed with of triggered snares,during blasts.
[Oct 5,2005 11:54pm - born so french  ""]
i dont know, ive played with 2 drummers that used triggers and it was a huge pain in the ass both times! honestly i wont even jam with someone whos got them anymore ...
[Oct 6,2005 12:24am - mark fucking richards  ""]
Sanchez said:Aegathis said:Its only cheating if the drummer uses them to solely to cover up the fact that he cant keep a consistant beat, which as previously stated in this thread isnt the case with devon.

...and which was later admitted by tyag that the bass drum sound on the recordings is not consistent.

he doesn't mean the consistency of our drummer; it's the consistency of the sound in the studio. we've recorded at the same place before and the drum sound was a fucking bitch to level out because of mic's moving not even a centimeter, throwing things out of whack, and just random spots of unnecessary reverb and echo. that alone took half our recording time.

this argument really doesn't matter, since we'll be doing whatever the fuck we want anyway.
[Oct 6,2005 6:28am - Handinjury NLI  ""]
mark fucking richards said:Sanchez said:Aegathis said:Its only cheating if the drummer uses them to solely to cover up the fact that he cant keep a consistant beat, which as previously stated in this thread isnt the case with devon.

...and which was later admitted by tyag that the bass drum sound on the recordings is not consistent.

he doesn't mean the consistency of our drummer; it's the consistency of the sound in the studio. we've recorded at the same place before and the drum sound was a fucking bitch to level out because of mic's moving not even a centimeter, throwing things out of whack, and just random spots of unnecessary reverb and echo. that alone took half our recording time.

this argument really doesn't matter, since we'll be doing whatever the fuck we want anyway.

Yes, because automating kick tracks suck, trust me , I did it this week. Use the triggers.
[Oct 6,2005 8:15am - Aegathis nli  ""]
Handinjury NLI said:Yes, because automating kick tracks suck, trust me , I did it this week. Use the triggers.

Dude , come see us at the new wave next friday
[Oct 6,2005 10:06am - DEATH2ALL ""]
why is this even an argument? People should wait till they hear the recording, before they pass judgement. Did you find any triggers yet?
[Oct 6,2005 10:17am - Al_Ravage ""]
You can get a set of triggers for less than 50 bucks
[Oct 6,2005 10:21am - RustedAngel ""]
there are plenty of drummers better than all of you who use triggers, so shut up. hahaha. :spineyes:
[Oct 6,2005 1:57pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
nah, we haven't gotten em yet. i don't even think we have enough money collectively as a band to buy the triggers and return them, haha. we are poor as hell. we could indeed get a set of triggers for 50 bucks, if they suck or are used and someone is desperate for cash. you also need the module too.

i'm gonna try contacting hooker's friend, but like we said, if anyone can lend us some on here that would be sick. we record next weekend (saturday oct. 15th and sunday oct. 16th), and would only need to use them for that time period.
[Oct 6,2005 4:02pm - M)))  ""]
People who bash triggers are probably those who can't afford them...
[Oct 6,2005 5:41pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I'd lend you mine, but I have Teratism practice sunday. And I only have 1 normal trigger & my kick triggers are part of my pedals. I'd have to give you my pedals too. sorry!
[Oct 7,2005 10:31pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
sall good man, it's the thought that counts
[Oct 14,2005 12:58pm - greggdeadface ""]
triggers are for pussy ass drumers that cant play hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 14,2005 12:59pm - anongoroth  ""]
[Oct 14,2005 1:03pm - godamn  ""]
greggdeadface said:triggers are for pussy ass drumers that cant play hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you don't even play hard, fag.
[Oct 14,2005 1:10pm - greggdeadface ""]
thats not what ya mama said asshole,and have i ever used triggers no so fuk ya face!!!!!!!!!! hahaahahahahaha fuker
[Oct 14,2005 1:12pm - anongoroth  ""]
yeah kill'm, punch'm in the face. yeah get'm
[Oct 14,2005 1:19pm - mOe ""]
I use kick drum triggers on recordings and anyone who's seen me play knows how hard i hit..so BOOYAH!
And i yes, i do prefer a triggered drum sound for heavier music...but thats just me
[Oct 14,2005 1:22pm - greggdeadface ""]
triggered drums are not what the acutal drums are supose to sound like.u loose the natural sound for more of a dialed in sound,it sounds so fukn fake!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 14,2005 1:42pm - mOe ""]
i splice in natural sound with triggered sound..DUH..i throw a mic in front of my bass drum as well as triggers...the overheads pic up some bass drum sound as well
[Oct 14,2005 2:18pm - Joey nli  ""]
mOe said:I use kick drum triggers on recordings and anyone who's seen me play knows how hard i hit..so BOOYAH!

Yes we do... not so hard during the blasts. BOOYAH!

Keep practicing that baton twirling you do also.
[Oct 14,2005 2:35pm - anonymous  ""]
post by greggdeadface at Oct 14,2005 1:22pm

triggered drums are not what the acutal drums are supose to sound like.u loose the natural sound for more of a dialed in sound,it sounds so fukn fake!!!!!!!!!
the only fake around here is you you fat bitch
[Oct 14,2005 4:23pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
this is still going???

for those of you who prefer triggers, sorry, we won't be using them

for those of you who prefer natural, congratulations, we won't be using them.
[Oct 15,2005 4:49pm - yummy  ""]
i once pretended to be a fat bitch then I became one.

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