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hockey fights are fun

[Oct 3,2005 12:44am - intricateprocess ""]

everyone loves em. this site is pretty cool and is updated pretty regularly throughout the season.

im not sure if anyone watched the game saturday night to see colton orr break joe rulliers nose. it was pretty crazy

thank god hockey is back
[Oct 3,2005 3:01pm - ihatebobsaget ""]
fucking swank
[Oct 4,2005 12:04am - intricateprocess ""]
[Oct 4,2005 1:03am - ryan from hbbsi  ""]
i did have a nice big hockey fights pics thread a while back if someone wants to dig it up
[Oct 4,2005 4:43pm - intricateprocess ""]
cool. i think i actually saw that
[Oct 4,2005 5:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Oct 5,2005 12:15am - intricateprocess ""]
damn right! cant wait. im going to get my jersey tommorow afternoon, not sure who to getim either gettin thornton,leetch,murray,or raycroft
[Oct 5,2005 12:28am - BornSoVile ""]
I want a Leetch one.

Everyone see the new rules??
4 feet expansion in the offensive zone
extended goalie creases behind the net, prevents corner clears
two line passes

hello offense! d around the league is gonna have to reacess the way they play. I expect Samsonov to have a huge year with that open ice in the neutral zone.
[Oct 5,2005 12:42am - anonymous  ""]
as much as i wish it wasn't so...the bruins will suck...
watch college hockey!
[Oct 14,2005 12:50am - BornSoVile ""]
did anyone see Colton Orr fight tonight?? It was a dandy. The pre game report actually said that the NHL is having a drought of fights this year, I guess they are fining players AND coaches for excessive violence. GAY.
[Oct 14,2005 1:04am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That Colton Orr fight was awesome.
[Oct 14,2005 1:32am - BornSoVile ""]
he was getting pounded at the beginning but came back strong, the other dude had height and reach on him, i was impressed. then pat leahy threw down like 30 seconds afterwards. good game!
[Oct 14,2005 1:36am - intricateprocess ""]
colton orr cane from behind against eric cairns, and showed that he can hold his own.

and than than big man chris gratton challenges pat lehay.

oh wow such a fun night to be a bruins fan
[Oct 14,2005 2:04am - BornSoVile ""]
i love bruins in 2. 12-2am no intermissions, nuttin!
[Oct 14,2005 2:39am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
What happened to that huge black dude Florida had?
[Oct 19,2005 1:21pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Crazy French Hockey Fight
[Oct 23,2005 12:47am - COLTON ORR RULES  ""]
[Oct 23,2005 1:33pm - ryanfromhbbsi still isnt fucking logged in  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:What happened to that huge black dude Florida had?

he figured out that american black folk should stick to basketball, bluntz, and rap?....that and florida blows. the farther you get away from canada, the less people give a flying fuck about hockey.
[Oct 23,2005 10:41pm - anonymous  ""]
I went to the Bruins game last night.It was cool they won.But with the new rules come more penalty calls.To many penalty calls slow the game down.The refs were calling fucking everything.WHy dont they just make a non checking/fighting NHL.Its practically that way already.Man I miss the the days of Cam Neely playing for the Bruins.The game has changed dramatically since then.
[Oct 23,2005 10:49pm - ryanfromhbbsi still isnt fucking logged in  ""]
yeah fuck the new rules. we need to start an underground metalheads hockey league with the intent at keeping it a dirty sport in its true form. we dont need hockey to get pussified like everything else seems to be in america
[Oct 23,2005 10:50pm - Dankill  ""]
The rules are making it so they'd call a penalty for a player farting too close to the other. Power plays are more comman now and so are stoppage of the game. That and the NHL is fining players AND coaches 10k per fight, plus a one game suspention for the player. It's bullshit. If they want to bring hockey back to it's previous glory, keep the rules that keep the fast pace of the game, but stop calling sissy penalties and bring back the fighting. Old Tyme Hockey is what people loved. This new shit has been a lot of fly by night memories since the 90's rolled around.

Go Bruins!
[Oct 23,2005 10:57pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
Dankill said:The rules are making it so they'd call a penalty for a player farting too close to the other. Power plays are more comman now and so are stoppage of the game. That and the NHL is fining players AND coaches 10k per fight, plus a one game suspention for the player. It's bullshit. If they want to bring hockey back to it's previous glory, keep the rules that keep the fast pace of the game, but stop calling sissy penalties and bring back the fighting. Old Tyme Hockey is what people loved. This new shit has been a lot of fly by night memories since the 90's rolled around.

Go Bruins!

the bruins suck! and the whole reason there trying to stop the fighting is to give SKILLED players a chance to score if you only watch hockey for the fights than you dont know what hockey is all about and i would rather not have you sitting next to me at a game! meatheads are the reason hockey almost disappeared not powerplays!
u remember mario lemieux{think i spelled that wrong} getting the shit knocked out of him every time he touched the puck? thats not hockey its lowest denominator meathead white trash bullshit! you should go to NASCAR with the other idiots if you want to see that kind of stuff!
[Oct 23,2005 11:00pm - intricateprocess ""]
Dankill said:The rules are making it so they'd call a penalty for a player farting too close to the other. Power plays are more comman now and so are stoppage of the game. That and the NHL is fining players AND coaches 10k per fight, plus a one game suspention for the player. It's bullshit. If they want to bring hockey back to it's previous glory, keep the rules that keep the fast pace of the game, but stop calling sissy penalties and bring back the fighting. Old Tyme Hockey is what people loved. This new shit has been a lot of fly by night memories since the 90's rolled around.

Go Bruins!

you dont get suspened or fined unless THE FIGHT IS IN THE LAST 5 MINUTES OF THE GAME.

and a no fighting,checking NHL? are u serious? you might as well watch sesame street

and the penalties will start to calm down as the season rolls along and people figure out what you can and can't do

i do hope colton orr beats the piss out of brashear

i was at an AHL game friday night. 3 fights it was sweet
[Oct 23,2005 11:06pm - intricateprocess ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Crazy French Hockey Fight

hahah HOLY SHIT. thats wayyyy out of control

there was a fight like that i was watching from last season in some Quebec league. Donald Brashear pummels the shit out of some guy. i guess there are some pretty brutal leagues up in canada
[Oct 23,2005 11:15pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm sorry, then I guess the 70s and the 80s were some shitty times for hockey.
And don't worry, I'm sure I'm not gonna be sitting next to you in the Garden.
[Oct 23,2005 11:23pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
Dankill said:I'm sorry, then I guess the 70s and the 80s were some shitty times for hockey.
And don't worry, I'm sure I'm not gonna be sitting next to you in the Garden.

yeah those were great years for hockey but there over! and you should have no trouble spotting me at the games{its the fleet center now,by the way,among the highest priced tickets in the game also,i love massachussettes!}i'm the one proudly wearing his CANADIENS jersey!

ohhh canada...
[Oct 23,2005 11:44pm - Dankill  ""]
No, it's not the Fleet Center anymore.
[Oct 23,2005 11:47pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
is it the garden again? stupid massholes ,it would be such a relief if you guys could just get something , anything right the first time!
[Oct 24,2005 10:16pm - intricateprocess ""]
bruins lose in a shootout. what an effin game. thornton hits the damn post.
[Oct 24,2005 10:18pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
intricateprocess said:bruins lose in a shootout. what an effin game. thornton hits the damn post.

in the words of yoda "there is no try you do or dont and joe thornton consistently doesn't! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha habruins suck!
[Oct 24,2005 10:20pm - intricateprocess ""]
xxx proctologist said:intricateprocess said:bruins lose in a shootout. what an effin game. thornton hits the damn post.

in the words of yoda "there is no try you do or dont and joe thornton consistently doesn't! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha habruins suck!

no no no, the penguins suck.
[Oct 24,2005 10:25pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
bruins suck,always will, move to philly!blank
[Oct 24,2005 10:26pm - intricateprocess ""]
ok great sure
[Oct 24,2005 10:29pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
come on take a couple shots at the bruins youll feel better! i'm a former fan ,i used to sound just like you"oh so and so is gonns have a great year,this could be the team blah blah blah and year after heartbreaking year they let me down so now i revel in thier consistent submediocre high school{and i mean freshman}talent level!
[Oct 24,2005 10:32pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
hey ,atleast you've still got the patriots!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yhqa yha ha ha ha haha ha ha
[Nov 1,2005 12:51pm - ryanfromhbbsi still isnt fucking logged in  ""]

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