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any one see hatebreed thursday nite???

[Jul 26,2003 2:41pm - fatstonerkid ""]
hey i just heard that someone got stabbed at hatebreed. if u or anyone u know went then reply and let me know wut happened :doublehorns:
[Jul 28,2003 2:29am - the_reverend ""]

there's a news story about it.
[Jul 28,2003 2:55am - moran ""]
that's what happens when you like shitty music.
[Jul 28,2003 3:00am - the_reverend ""]
"..the heavy metal band hatebreed..."
[Jul 28,2003 3:36am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I like the lingering shot of the guy in the basketball jersey, is he in Hatebreed or something? Wouldn't surprise me.
[Jul 28,2003 4:38pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Jul 29,2003 11:58am - joe/notcommon ""]
i wish someone would stab all hatebreed fans
[Jul 29,2003 12:12pm - xmikex ""]
anyone remember when a kid getting beaten at a hatebreed show wasn't news?
[Jul 29,2003 12:17pm - Beakey ""]
I remember at one Hatebreed show, me and xmikex beat the shit out of Joe Not Common until he cried like a little baby girl. What a pussy.
[Jul 29,2003 12:57pm - xmikex ""]
yeah, i was pretty drunk. :duffbeer:
[Jul 29,2003 1:01pm - Beakey ""]
You were always drunk back then.
Remember the time you threw up at the Hemp Fest, all over Tree's bassist? The lead singer of Letters to Cleo was totally down to hook up with you up until that point.
What a shame.
[Jul 29,2003 1:09pm - xmikex ""]
who needs women when i have booze.
[Jul 29,2003 1:24pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
No I wasnt there, I like good music with singers that have all 10 fingers.
[Jul 29,2003 2:08pm - Siberian  ""]
Back in the day Tree was playing at club toast up here in Burlington VT and River fucking puked all over me and a friend of mine. They were right at the end of "Suffer" and his last scream brought out more than just vocals!
[Jul 29,2003 2:08pm - Siberian  ""]
Back in the day Tree was playing at club toast up here in Burlington VT and River fucking puked all over me and a friend of mine. They were right at the end of "Suffer" and his last scream brought out more than just vocals!
[Jul 29,2003 2:11pm - Beakey ""]
And that truly proves that River is the most hardcore mutherfucker alive. Well, that and the fact that he completely beat the piss out of about nine dudes last night at the Quincy VFW.
[Jul 29,2003 3:04pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Did that shit really happen? Thats so awesome. Thats what everyone gets for attending a VFW show. River should have beat the shit out of EVERYONE.
[Jul 29,2003 3:06pm - Beakey ""]
He would have if it wasn't for getting mased in the face by like three cops.
[Jul 29,2003 3:20pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
leave it to the quincy pigs to ruin all the fun
[Jul 29,2003 3:57pm - Siberia ""]
Yeah I really miss those days. Everytime after that show when tree came to town River always hung out with us, we always had the dank VT shyte for him too! I wonder if that's why they played up here so often? Craziest shit though, when I moved to allston back in 97 I ended up living less than a block from River and I ran into him on the street one night half drunk (both of us were) and he was totally like "DUDE!!!! We gotta hang", and I ended up going to some real crazy parties at his pad.
[Jul 31,2003 10:54pm - fatstonerkid ""]
dude none of u answered my damn question. i wanted to know what happened and all u guys did was insult Hatebreed and tell stories about other shows u saw. now if anyone can tell me wut happened then let me know.
[Jul 31,2003 10:57pm - jesus ""]
i know what happened, but i'm not telling you
[Jul 31,2003 10:58pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the first reply was a link to a video of the news report about what happened.
[Jul 31,2003 11:17pm - fatstonerkid ""]
the link was about a strike at some hospital not about wut happened
[Jul 31,2003 11:19pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
fatstonerkid said:the link was about a strike at some hospital not about wut happened

oh... i guess the video changed... hmmm well i guess you're out of luck then :p
[Aug 1,2003 12:32am - xmikex ""]
nobody answered your question because you're STOOOOPID. go away.
[Aug 1,2003 1:16am - luke ""]
the stabbing had to do with non show related issues. just gay shit. the kid who got stabbed is fine, and the kid that stabbed him is getting charged...don't ask me how i know. haha
[Aug 1,2003 1:21am - xmikex ""]
luke thought he was in CB-4 and started stabbing people
[Aug 1,2003 2:15am - luke ""]
obviously. hahah
[Aug 1,2003 3:45am - the_reverend ""]
e-mail me and I'll send you the video.
it was a fight over a woman.
[Aug 4,2003 4:07pm - fatstonerkid ""]
thank u luke. finally someone answered me.

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