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ATTN: Shroud of Bereavement

[Jul 25,2003 11:24am - Beakey ""]
I probably shouldn't be telling you this online but there is a guy you can call El Duce (pronounced El Doo-Chay). You can call him at 617-984-2139. Tell him that you are looking for shows. He can give you the code that Jimmy Flynn needs in order to book you. I know it's a pain in the ass but Jimmy will only deal with people if they are legit. He's a good guy though, and so it El Duce. Together, they pretty much have the local music scene around here by the balls.
[Jul 25,2003 12:09pm - joe/notcommon ""]
what the hell is this about? Jimmy said he is ready to cancel my show because of unscreened calls
[Jul 25,2003 12:30pm - Beakey ""]
Joe, I don't think there's a single person in the area that's gonna call Jimmy Flynn without getting an access code first. Jimmy's probably just messing with you as usual.
[Jul 25,2003 12:35pm - joe/notcommon ""]
well with me maybe it's different, since i go way back with him.
Don't forget who got his band their first show ever.
I will call back Jimmy today and get the info on whats up, there is plenty of time until my show to straighten things out
[Jul 25,2003 1:50pm - Beakey ""]
Joe, I just talked to Jimmy and he's gonna cancel the All Asia and Middle East shows unless he gets an access code for those calls he got. Can you talk to him? He won't listen to me.
[Jul 25,2003 2:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jul 25,2003 2:31pm - Beakey ""]
Nothing that bad. Don't worry, you didn't know. Jimmy Flynn doesn't really take calls unless you can give him an access code. You have to call El Duce first in order to get one (he's the guy that takes all of your info) and then you can call Jimmy. That's probably why Jimmy acted like he didn't know what you're talking about. He gets like that.

El Duce's phone number is written above in this thread.
[Jul 25,2003 2:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
ok i called and got the code word...this is pretty weird the whole stealth code thing...anyway thanx for the hook up ill be calling him at 400 or so \m/
[Jul 25,2003 2:40pm - Beakey ""]
No problem. Just don't tell Jimmy you got El Duce's name from me. Just tell him you saw it on one of El Duce's fliers.
[Jul 25,2003 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
this sounds like some f'd up game of clue.
don't tell anyone, but the crowbar is connel mustard and it was in the library.
[Jul 25,2003 3:09pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I was playing Clue two nights ago. I didn't win. I usually win. Now I'm sad.
[Jul 26,2003 11:15am - joe/notcommon ""]
jimmy had his phone turned off, i wasnt sure if i should have left the message or not.
i will track him down today

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