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King Richard's Faire

[Sep 23,2005 6:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
headin there tomorrow, i love that place, should be fun.
[Sep 23,2005 6:36pm - succubus ""]
dunno if aaron and i will go but i have a top we got in montreal to wear "bar wench" aaron called me
have fun
[Sep 23,2005 7:28pm - todayistheday  ""]
use to go all the time untill i was like 15...they need to add new stuff
[Sep 23,2005 8:13pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'm with the guy above. I use to love Ren. faires but they've slowly gotten more and more expensive and lost thier magic...
[Sep 23,2005 8:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i go every year, i just dig that shit.
[Sep 23,2005 8:22pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I've gone every year except for last year and this year so far. I still may go this year. I also really enjoy it...but fuck, $25?...I feel like it was like $12 3 or 4 years ago...
[Sep 22,2008 11:37am - aril  ""]
i want to go to this in the coming weekends. I love this place... and it's only a few miles away.

but they're right about the $25 admission. 25 bucks + the cost of TICKETS for food and mead!? it's almost impossible to go there without spending $100.
anyone go this year, yet?
[Sep 22,2008 11:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We're heading there on the 11th for my buddy's birthday - our straightedge buddy is driving the party wagon and we're gonna get barbaric on mead and loud noises. I recommend human chess - always a good time.
[Sep 22,2008 11:52am - Mess ""]
i've never been there. i'd like to go there. my gf's bday is later this week. maybe i'll take her there.
[Sep 22,2008 11:53am - aril  ""]
party wagon? poseurs. i'm riding a horse over.
[Sep 22,2008 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 22,2008 11:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
By "party wagon" I mean "longboat on wheels."
[Sep 22,2008 1:32pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
I went there saturday with Pam and my nephew, man has that place jumped the shark.
I saw people dressed like fucking 20th century ninjas, a Mr. spock and get this 2 yes 2 Darth Vaders!. this isnt fucking comic con.
not to mention with the admission and food tickets and little ride things for my nephew, and like the knife throwing, I dropped 3 fucking bills. it was fun, but god damn.
[Sep 22,2008 2:28pm - Godlessrob ""]
I work there, I know it's expensive.
[Sep 22,2008 2:31pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I hereby dub this place gaye
[Sep 22,2008 2:38pm - Godlessrob ""]

aril said:i want to go to this in the coming weekends. I love this place... and it's only a few miles away.

but they're right about the $25 admission. 25 bucks + the cost of TICKETS for food and mead!? it's almost impossible to go there without spending $100.
anyone go this year, yet?

If you want to go let me know and I can hook you up with some comp passes. let me know how many you need.
[Sep 22,2008 2:40pm - aril  ""]
hell yea, that would be great if possible.
also gotta meet up and discuss that bar thing if you're still down.
[Sep 22,2008 2:44pm - Godlessrob ""]
yes i am. Yea i usually get a ton of comp passes to hand out to people. I already went through a shitload, let me know what weekend you want to go.
[Sep 22,2008 3:43pm - Seth  ""]
Say hello to my ex at the wax hands and roses.. she is the really blonde with big tits... supposedly she was cheating on me with some dude from there... You will see her there.... Just yell Rebecca!
[Sep 22,2008 4:11pm - Godlessrob ""]
I've known becca a long time. It wasn't me I can tell ya that much. She doesn't work at wax anymore just roses.
[Sep 22,2008 4:13pm - sacreligion ""]
i love me some krf. i just wish you got more than 5 drops of mead for the $6 it costs.
[Sep 22,2008 4:19pm - aril  ""]
sacreligion - I remember you saying something about being at UMD for a little bit or something.
not sure if you knew this, but that liquor store near UMD (god damn, my mind just went blank. it's the big yellow one)sells a few different types of mead at a reasonable price.
[Sep 22,2008 4:22pm - sacreligion ""]
cardoza's. i never really went there though, unfortunately. i spent most of my time totally blitzed as opposed to hammid.

they sell it at some places in worcester. good ol' chaucers. i think it's like $12 or $13 a bottle if i remember correctly...although it's not the proper beverage to drink bottle after bottle in order to get wasted.
[Sep 22,2008 4:23pm - Godlessrob ""]
Fucking hell, I have bottles of the shit they sell at KRF in my fridge and the liquor cabinet. Every sat night during faire all the cast members come over to my house and get fucking plastered. i run a renny flop house during faire season.
[Sep 22,2008 4:24pm - aril  ""]
cardoza's - ahh, no idea how that slipped.
I used to go there all the time until I discovered Westport Liquor's collection.
[Sep 22,2008 4:25pm - sacreligion ""]

Godlessrob said:Fucking hell, I have bottles of the shit they sell at KRF in my fridge and the liquor cabinet. Every sat night during faire all the cast members come over to my house and get fucking plastered. i run a renny flop house during faire season.

can i be an honorary cast member? haha

i don't really know anyone that works there except for the dude who runs the test of strength. he works at a comic book store in worcester.
[Sep 22,2008 4:26pm - sacreligion ""]

aril said:cardoza's - ahh, no idea how that slipped.
I used to go there all the time until I discovered Westport Liquor's collection.

i always went to barry's at the edge of NB. some cheap ass sailor jerry's there, i tell you hwat.
[Sep 22,2008 4:27pm - aril  ""]
Cya Saturday'
[Sep 22,2008 4:42pm - GodlessRob ""]
how many passes do you need?
[Sep 22,2008 4:44pm - aril  ""]
probably just 2. might go the weekend after this one coming up.
[Sep 22,2008 4:44pm - STLUCI ""]
you should check out connecticut renaissance faire as well .
everything much less expensive and is larger . www.ctfaire.com
[Sep 22,2008 5:24pm - Seth  ""]
That is what I hear about the CT faire and one up in NH I think, but there is one up north to....
[Sep 22,2008 5:25pm - aril  ""]
I went to one in Minnesota and it was awesome. I think it's one of the companies' home state.
[Sep 22,2008 5:53pm - Godlessrob ""]
Yea the same person that owns this one owns the one out there too. Funny trivia thing... Samantha Harris from Dancing With the Stars is the owners daughter.

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