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So i just got back from Stryper

[Sep 23,2005 3:50am - eddie ""]
I felt very out of place at this show. Maybe it was all the 40 year old women, with their 12 year old kids.

the 2 nu-metal bands before them sounded exactly the same. and needless to say sucked. after the first minute of each band my friends and i retreated to the lobby.

The arcade games ate my quarters. 50 cents i'll never see again....

Jaded played in the bar connected to the theater before stryper played, so my friends and i checked them out. Holy shit an all girl band that can really rock out. I haven't seen that since, well i've never seen that.
The guitar was overpowering the rest of the instruments and vocals, but she's so damn good it didn't matter.
Is their manager Ozzy?

Stryper rocked. the first two songs they played had me worried because they weren't that good at all. Everything after that was pure greatness minus some stupid acoustic melody.
Yeah they’re a little Christian, with all the throwing of bibles and praying and such, but the music's so gooooooooood. My friend almost crushed some lady for one of the bibles. fun time.
I'll be going to their boston show.

On the ride home a pig pulled me over of having my high beams on, on an empty road. What a fucking dick.
[Sep 23,2005 4:58am - RichHorror ""]
I'm insanely fucking jealous. No sarcasm, either.
[Sep 23,2005 6:56am - That ain't metal..  ""]
Stryper Sucks. They are nu-metal now a days and they sucked when they were hair metal. Fuck Stryper!!
[Sep 23,2005 7:00am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. this is like the 10th time that stryper played and I had no idea about it before hand....
[Sep 23,2005 8:21am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
the_reverend said:hm.. this is like the 10th time that stryper played and I had no idea about it before hand....

[Sep 23,2005 9:34am - litacore ""]

why didn't Jaded open? They look JUST LIKE Stryper!
[Sep 23,2005 10:21am - |an  ""]
dude, stryper played "loving you"..... fucking awesome show. they played a bunch of lost classics.
[Sep 23,2005 2:01pm - eddie ""]
litacore said:TO HELL WITH THE DEVIL

why didn't Jaded open? They look JUST LIKE Stryper!

they should of, they're 1000 times better than those shitty nu metal bands.
[Sep 23,2005 2:20pm - dwellingsickness ""]
you could not pay me enough to see Stryper back then,and I am positive you could not pay me enough to see them now....Are they still endorsed by Aquanet©
[Sep 23,2005 2:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I saw them once. I didn't care to see them again. It was fun the first time but I cant give what little I have money to bands like.
[Sep 23,2005 2:54pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
wait, where did you seem them? not in boston right? i thought that was late october....

stryper rules. i saw michael sweet sing the national anthem at some gay fireworks show. they were like, and now to sing our national anthem...michael sweet! and i didnt believe it was actually him until i heard the voice...he sounds exactly the same.

im seeing them in about a month
[Sep 23,2005 3:41pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
[Sep 23,2005 3:42pm - |an  ""]
dan_bloodblister said:wait, where did you seem them? not in boston right? i thought that was late october....

Hartford, CT. Was worth the drive (better than the Avalon), incidentally Michael Sweet lives like 10 minutes from me, I see him in this guitar store all the time...
[Sep 24,2005 8:50pm - ArrowHead ""]
I hated them in the 80's, but some DJ was playing tunes off their new album the other day, and I thought it was pretty good sounding. Definately some good clean vocals and harmonies, but the guitars were very grungy compared to the old stuff.

That said, I HATE the christian rock image they have. It's not even the message that bothers me, it's how over the top they are about it. I dig a lot of other christian bands, from old Hopesfall to Michael W Smith, but they're a lot more low key about the christian message.
[Sep 30,2005 11:37pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck Britt the guitarist of Jaded!! She so stuck up and a closet bitch

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