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Joe Not Common

[Jul 24,2003 7:45am - Beakey ""]
Anyone else here think that Joe from Not Common is a dick?
[Jul 24,2003 8:33am - succubus ""]
i think this board needs a group hug

can't we all just get along?
[Jul 24,2003 8:39am - Beakey ""]
Who the hell would want a hug from Joe? He's the ugliest, nastiest piece of shit I've ever met.
[Jul 24,2003 8:44am - baneofexistence ""]
but he has pretty blue eyes

according to him
[Jul 24,2003 9:09am - joe/notcommon ""]
hey beakey, keep your mouth shut
you look like a washed up 80's sitcom star
stop getting mad over dumb shit
kevorkian's angels asked me about it first
[Jul 24,2003 9:21am - Beakey ""]
Whatever, dude. As far as I'm concerned, I don't even wanna be on your label anymore. Just ask xmikex. I was telling him last night that we might be going with South Shore Records.

You're a dick.
[Jul 24,2003 9:24am - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah, thats fantastic. do you guys plan on playing over seas?
don't forget who lets you guys play with Ravage?
what would jimmy Flynn get you?
[Jul 24,2003 9:34am - Beakey ""]
Jimmy Flynn is probably the biggest kid when it comes to booking shows around here, and I think every person on this board can confirm that. And supposedly River from Tree is involved in Jimmy's record label now too so that will just triple the exposure.
[Jul 24,2003 9:35am - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah, well with River on his side maybe
atleast i do things myself
[Jul 24,2003 9:37am - Beakey ""]
Jimmy does do most things himself. He's only gonna use River for promo stuff. Plus, River can't really book any clubs after what he did to that VFW in Kingston.
[Jul 24,2003 9:44am - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah I heard about that
who cares, VFW halls are ridiculous
[Jul 24,2003 9:51am - Beakey ""]
You're ridiculous.
[Jul 24,2003 9:52am - joe/notcommon ""]
get back to the other matter at hand
[Jul 24,2003 9:54am - Beakey ""]
There is no other matter. We're just through. Jimmy Flynn said that Paul from Shading the End was talking to you and you told him that you might drop us from Not Common Records. That's it. So fuck you.
[Jul 24,2003 9:56am - joe/notcommon ""]
big fucking deal, expect to see kevorkian's angels paying you a visit soon
[Jul 24,2003 10:00am - Beakey ""]
Oh yeah, that's scary...a bunch of kids who mix butane in their beer just to get fucked up. Tell those junky bastards they're welcome to visit me anytime they want, if they really want it to come to that.
[Jul 24,2003 10:03am - jesus ""]
why dont you guys just call each other
[Jul 24,2003 10:05am - joe/notcommon ""]
we will see what the rest of your band has to say
[Jul 24,2003 10:05am - Beakey ""]
We're not gonna call each other because we're not talking right now.
[Jul 24,2003 10:08am - joe/notcommon ""]
let me guess, you got thrown out of your house again?
why don't you stop being so retarded and call those bastards and practice, you better be ready for the middle east show or i will have noosebomb and gut break your backs
[Jul 24,2003 10:12am - Beakey ""]
We'll be ready. And as far as I know, Gut hates you too. If you keep acting like a dickhead, everyone will hate you, eventually.
[Jul 24,2003 10:14am - joe/notcommon ""]
whatever dickhead, maybe I should just cancel all those shows
[Jul 24,2003 10:17am - Beakey ""]
Don't even bother cancelling them, just take us off. Now that we've got shit going with Jimmy Flynn, we'll never have to worry about playing your little small time shows again.
[Jul 24,2003 10:20am - joe/notcommon ""]
consider it done
i can use that more force fest spot for way better bands like terminally your aborted ghost anyway
[Jul 24,2003 10:24am - Beakey ""]
You can make fun of that band all you want but they're better than anything you could ever do.
[Jul 24,2003 10:26am - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah really good
[Jul 24,2003 2:46pm - moran ""]
I'm with Beakey. You suck Joe.
[Jul 24,2003 2:46pm - joe/notcommon ""]
shut your mouth before i stab you
[Jul 24,2003 2:53pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Jul 24,2003 2:56pm - joe/notcommon ""]
here is a picture of me and my kitten
[Jul 24,2003 2:56pm - the_reverend ""]
youlook like you are in a coffin...
[Jul 24,2003 3:08pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i cant die
i've survived cancer twice already

fuck you world
[Jul 24,2003 3:49pm - dysenterytom ""]
joe.. about like 2 years ago i went to a show at the newton community center....it was a battle of the bands..with ravage and a cold reality and a couple other bands....and i remember a big guy with a goe t, and he was like yeah man this band sucks ( some gay pantera wanna be, mainstreem shit). and then you handed me me a bane of existance tape and siad something like this is some brutal shit...WAS THAT GUY YOU..i think you had a goe t im not sure?:satancross:
[Jul 24,2003 3:56pm - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah that was me
i almost signed bane of existence for their EP, but I had lost too much money on the More Force Fest so they released it themselves
[Jul 24,2003 3:56pm - moran ""]
was he wearing hot pants? if so, yeah it was.
[Jul 24,2003 3:56pm - joe/notcommon ""]
hey moran, get a job
[Jul 24,2003 3:58pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i still can't believe Ravage lost that battle
[Jul 24,2003 3:58pm - moran ""]
i do have a job, it requires sitting around my house playing video games and getting drunk. i'm really good at it.
[Jul 24,2003 3:59pm - joe/notcommon ""]
haha ok, as long as you are good at what you do and enjoy it :tmnt1::tmnt2::tmnt3::tmnt4:
[Jul 24,2003 7:46pm - jabu  ""]
you guys argue little a bunch of little bitches.



blah blah blah

moran is a moron hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh not funny
[Jul 24,2003 8:15pm - Hoser ""]
I wanna dip my balls in it!!

[Jul 24,2003 10:42pm - brad kevorkians  ""]
what the fuck are you guys(beakey and joe) talking about? And we don't mix butane with our drinks Beakman, it's propane. It gets cold in the winter...
why the bad blood,though reading some of this shit, it seems like your joking,but i can't tell....
fuck you both

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