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ENSLAVED show in Providence

[Jul 23,2003 3:55pm - armageddonday ""]
Alright, Enforsaken dropped out of the tour. Sorry.
[Jul 23,2003 4:49pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Hirudinea must replace them for the show then? heh heh

Whats up Anne?
[Jul 23,2003 10:45pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah I wish, but I'm actually psyched/relieved there's only 4 bands so I'll stick with that.
I count on you to spread the word for that show at your show tomorrow, I wish I could come...I probably won't.
Otherwise same shit, work shows work shows....
Take care
[Jul 23,2003 11:09pm - Terence ""]
Enslaved are friggin nasty, we cant make it though cause we have a show that night as well,...maybe some other time, hopefully :satancross:
[Jul 27,2003 2:05pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah I saw that you guys have a show, that sucks...well, have fun! This kind of show we cannot really choose the date unless it's booked months before. So you take what you get. I would have chose another night.
[Jul 28,2003 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
the night's find with me.
epoch of unlight is amazing!

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