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to BURZUM or not to BURZUM

[Jul 23,2003 1:45pm - litacore ""]
awright, so even if the guy's this total Nazi bling-blong, I've heard the CD's are being reissued in america and the music's very seminal and influential in extreme metal circles.

have y'all ever had this dilemma, you might like the music but hate their uber-rightwing politics? I don't mean in an A.C., Meat Shits, S.O.D. or Meatmen kinda context ('cos it's easier to be in on the joke than Burzum).

I don't know, I'm curious about what folks think of this--maybe I just need to listen to thirty seconds of any Grateful Dead song then I'd settle for even Skrewdriver...:nuke:
[Jul 23,2003 1:48pm - Beakey ""]
Well, if I can get into an L7 song that has lyrics about chopping my penis off, I think it's okay to get into anything. I guess the lyrics in songs should only matter if you want them to matter. But that's just my opinion.
[Jul 23,2003 1:51pm - litacore ""]
true. L7 had a penis song?
[Jul 23,2003 1:53pm - xmikex ""]
burzum was a huge pile of crap anyways. problem solved.
[Jul 23,2003 1:56pm - Blue ""]
Burzum was never that great to begin with. Varg just burned churches, he got noteriety, big deal.
[Jul 23,2003 1:59pm - Beakey ""]
I just meant that, in general, L7 sang a lot about how guys are all assholes and should be beaten down by overgrown women...but I still enjoy them nevertheless.
[Jul 23,2003 2:05pm - litacore ""]
yeah I don't know if he was just trying to show how METAL he was by pulling off like that, or what. He gets out of jail anyway, and I'm reluctant to contribute to his coffers if he's a fucker, ya know? Kinda like my Manson fascination back when I was in high school--gets old once you see it for what it really is.

So truth be told I've never even heard Burzum. Is it sea-shell music or something? early Bathory's pretty fun, I guess--

also L7 I liked maybe 15% of their songs, the rest were dull. Gimme Kreator any day.

[Jul 23,2003 2:08pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i like newer burzum... its all keyboard soundscapes... really cool and relaxing
[Jul 23,2003 5:48pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Old Burzum is kchhhhhhhhhhhh like all old black metal, but Burzum is an eighth the tempo or anything else. It's like mopey goth stuff for tr00 kids. Don't give him your money, just download it and decide whether or not to burn it to CD. He'd appreaciate that because he's all about burning.
I haven't heard the newer stuff but it's all written and recorded on his cheesey little keyboard and computer in prison. But his "reason" for it sounding how it does is because he's forsaken metal because "it has roots in ni**er music" (I don't like that word and I'm not going to say it, Joe call me a pussy hehe). Anyway, Varg is douche in all forms, especially to the ears.
[Jul 23,2003 5:50pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
that and he cant have a guitar in prison
[Jul 23,2003 5:59pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
It's not like he was ever good at playing it though, no big loss there.
[Jul 23,2003 6:01pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Oh please, "Det Som En Gang Var" shits over anything anybody here will EVER create. Give me a fucking break.
[Jul 24,2003 2:18am - Terence ""]
Burzum is horrible. Its just not good, nothing entertaining. For me, when I listen to something I want it to entertain me, be it blowing me away with crazy blasting or something more atmospheric, Burzum just does nothing for me.
[Jul 24,2003 7:05am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
You can all have your opinions, but I completely disagree.

Burzum is for goth kids? Yeah ok. Thats a really dumb comment, especially coming from someone wearing an Old Mans Child shirt. That is complete mall metal in my eyes. All old black metal is noise too? haha

Black metal should not be about "pop" structures, and conformity.
[Jul 24,2003 8:19am - the_reverend ""]
some burzum is good.
I love the bleak, white noise, whispy tracks that make you remember that wolves are running through snowy woods somewhere.

though varg is a moron.
however, can separate a bands politics that I don't believe in from their music. As long as the music is good and not coporate controlled BS, the members can lite babies on fire and toss them at churches for all I care.
[Jul 24,2003 12:53pm - Terence ""]
I dont think Mike meant it was for Goth kids, he described it as mopey goth stuff, for people who are into the true black metal.
[Jul 24,2003 1:04pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I didn't say Burzum is for goth kids. I said "It's like mopey goth stuff for tr00 kids" which is an analogy. Burzum is to tr00 kids as wallowing mumble goth is to goth kids.
And so what if I like OMC, I like tons of stuff, metal or not. Maybe if I wore Disturbed shirts you'd have an upper hand but lets not get another clothing arguement going on here. I wouldn't call OMC mall metal by far, I don't see a comparision aside from being well-produced, thought I'll be the first to tell anyone that Revelation 666 was a pop-tinged let down to put it nicely.
"All old black metal is noise too?"
I was going more for an interesting way to say it's really raw, which any old black metal I've heard has been.

Back on Burzum, of the three+ albums I've heard, I can say something good about it that doesn't involve coasters. The "atmosphere" I've read a lot about true black metal bands having Burzum actually created well sometimes, as opposed to other bands' claims that just sound like tape hiss to me. I liked that atmospheric part of some of his stuff, but the music couldn't keep me interested. As a person I'll always think he's a dirty sock.
[Jul 24,2003 7:29pm - Terence ""]
I would listen to the Thompson Twins over Burzum, anyday

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