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Do you remember the great myspace outage of 05...?

[Sep 12,2005 7:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
there was chaos, destruction... i mean, people have shows to pretend they were at. Kids have class tomorrow and arent sure what t shirt to wear... for god's sake... I CANT CHECK MY PICTURE COMMENTS!!!!!


... I was in my kitchen, washing a dish, he was in his basement.
[Sep 12,2005 7:49pm - Hooker nli  ""]
dark times, man. dark times.
[Sep 12,2005 7:59pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
How am I supposed to sleep tonight?!?!
[Sep 12,2005 8:00pm - dwellingsickness ""]
The Emo kids have lost their link to the outside world...What will happen next..........
[Sep 12,2005 8:02pm - Joey Ramone  ""]
Do you remember Rock n' Roll radio?
[Sep 12,2005 8:09pm - the_reverend ""]
so funny
[Sep 12,2005 8:12pm - anonymous  ""]
its is because I just went to check mine and I wasl ike fuck... lets check out the pit
[Sep 12,2005 8:27pm - poopsmcgee ""]
so funny,we all make fun of it,but we all use it...but some take it way to seriousaly.
[Sep 12,2005 8:28pm - poopsmcgee ""]
if rttp was down,I would be a little more upset..
[Sep 12,2005 8:30pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Rev would have to leave the country...People would be knockin down his door if the site was down
[Sep 12,2005 8:31pm - dwellingsickness ""]
poopsmcgee said:so funny,we all make fun of it,but we all use it...but some take it way to seriousaly.

I resent that...I do not use Myspace
[Sep 12,2005 8:31pm - poopsmcgee ""]
my apoligies
[Sep 12,2005 9:47pm - hunterhunter ""]

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