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NIENTARA reunion show!

[Sep 11,2005 1:56am - anonymous  ""]
DECEMBER 23rd in CT (venue TBA)

Bands so far:

Nientara (One time reunion)
The Breathing Process
The Cauled
The Inhale
Shroud of Turin
XReign of TerrorX (awesome dudes from FL)

more bands TBA keep checking www.myspace.com/nientara

[Sep 11,2005 9:50am - anonymous  ""]
[Sep 11,2005 11:39am - xmikex ""]
Neintara sucked. so did the breathing process.
[Sep 11,2005 1:58pm - mOe_RK ""]
what will the Nientara lineup be?
[Sep 11,2005 2:54pm - blue ""]
[Sep 11,2005 3:39pm - MattRCT ""]
isn't reign of terror some straight edge rapper
[Sep 11,2005 4:27pm - anonymous  ""]
the nientara line-up is gonna be the original line-up (kris, josh, brian, nate), and with george on drums
[Sep 11,2005 5:30pm - cav nli  ""]
i wanna play this show!
[Sep 11,2005 9:25pm - anonymous  ""]
bump up the jams
[Sep 11,2005 10:34pm - UnspeakableGrind ""]
Nientara's cool but their singer's queerer than a two dollar bill!!!
[Sep 16,2005 1:11pm - This bitch  ""]
its people like you who give the scene a bad name. Grow up and gain some maturity. If both of those bands suck then explain why they both have a decent fan base. But I'm sure you can do better...ignorance will get you nowhere, you must be really bored with your life.
[Sep 16,2005 1:27pm - anonymous  ""]
eh, ive never even heard of this fucking band, but just cause millions of people like clay aiken and atreyu means jack shit about thier musical ability.
[Sep 16,2005 1:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I think the funniest comment any one could make is
"will they show up"
so I'm going to say it.
[Sep 17,2005 1:44am - xmikex ""]
This bitch said:its people like you who give the scene a bad name. Grow up and gain some maturity. If both of those bands suck then explain why they both have a decent fan base. But I'm sure you can do better...ignorance will get you nowhere, you must be really bored with your life.

People like me? oh, you mean people who goto shows practically every weekend, support hard working bands, and give a shit enough to call a band out on being generic, and boring instead of just jumping on every bandwagon every other week? Ya, we're real sons of bitches. Especially to anonymous no-names on the internet that wet themselves in anger when someone they don't even know says they (god forbid) don't like neintara. Thanks for the maturity lesson.
[Sep 20,2005 2:43pm - this bitch  ""]
I think I just proved my point. This scene is about support for the love of music...all music whether you think its good or bad, or have you forgot what this scene was ment to be all about. So instead of lurking posts just to knock bands, try rethinking your place in this scene. P.S. I don't need to leave my real name just to get my point across...why would I just so u can bring this to a more personal level...nah...thats goig to far. Thanks ass.
[Sep 20,2005 10:38pm - xmikex ""]
Re-think my place in "the scene"? So I should stop going to shows, stop supporting bands that deserve support, and kiss Neintara's ass? Why not, that's what everyone else did. A pretty decent majority of the kids I saw come out to those shows abandoned "the scene" a year later for whatever the new cool thing was. That being after they hung off all the right nutsacks, and maxed out their scenepoint Visas. I'm still here. I still don't like boring generic bands. I'm not going anywhere.

And lighten up with your secret identity. I'm not gonna call you out to the flag pole after school just because some kid I probably don't even know has a crush on Neintara.

[Sep 20,2005 11:37pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
there will always be people to like bands like the breathing process and nientara, and there will always be people that DON'T like those bands. deal with it. i know i'd never want support from someone who really doesn't give a shit. "the scene" isn't going to die because a few people decide not to like said bands, and won't go to their shows. get the sand out of your vagina.
[Sep 21,2005 12:42am - anonymous  ""]
. "the scene" isn't going to die because a few people decide not to like said bands, and won't go to their shows. get the sand out of your vagina.>>

there is no "scene" jerkoffs. just a few people who cant compete in society and hang on to a forgotten form of 80's closet homosexual music because its all they have!
[Sep 21,2005 2:14am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i'll probably head down for this.

but the nientara line up for this show is:
george - drums
nate - bass
brian - guitar
josh - guitar
kris - vocals
[Sep 21,2005 2:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
xmikex said:This bitch said:its people like you who give the scene a bad name. Grow up and gain some maturity. If both of those bands suck then explain why they both have a decent fan base. But I'm sure you can do better...ignorance will get you nowhere, you must be really bored with your life.

People like me? oh, you mean people who goto shows practically every weekend, support hard working bands, and give a shit enough to call a band out on being generic, and boring instead of just jumping on every bandwagon every other week? Ya, we're real sons of bitches. Especially to anonymous no-names on the internet that wet themselves in anger when someone they don't even know says they (god forbid) don't like neintara. Thanks for the maturity lesson.

back of tha neck is generic

see you at the shows!
[Sep 21,2005 8:52am - xmikex ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:xmikex said:This bitch said:its people like you who give the scene a bad name. Grow up and gain some maturity. If both of those bands suck then explain why they both have a decent fan base. But I'm sure you can do better...ignorance will get you nowhere, you must be really bored with your life.

People like me? oh, you mean people who goto shows practically every weekend, support hard working bands, and give a shit enough to call a band out on being generic, and boring instead of just jumping on every bandwagon every other week? Ya, we're real sons of bitches. Especially to anonymous no-names on the internet that wet themselves in anger when someone they don't even know says they (god forbid) don't like neintara. Thanks for the maturity lesson.

back of tha neck is generic

see you at the shows!

your beard is generic.

[Sep 21,2005 9:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Lastly, who the fuck is Nientara and why should I care if they reunite?
[Sep 21,2005 10:43am - this bitch  ""]
no one said you have to care so if you don't then stop posting. If your not here to give support then take your business else where. Some people liked nientara, some don't. To them, the ones that do are the ones that mean anything and the fact of the matter is that alot of kids did like them and would like to see them ONE LAST TIME. If you don't like the band, then don't come, don't post and mind your own life. This is for the people who do like them, not for any other reason. Oh and I didn't mean "rethink you name in the scene as in to get out. I just ment that you should really rethink you negative attitude because this music scene is supposed to be positive and we should all support every band even though you may not like them. Everyone has the right to their own opinion but it's just obvious that the negative posts are just to piss people off...lame. Some people just can't see past the end of their own nose.
[Sep 21,2005 10:44am - this bitch  ""]
[Sep 21,2005 11:13am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i liked nientara. those guys were all super chill with me. but whoever 'this bitch' is makes no sense. why go out and support bands you don't like just because they are in the scene. if that was the case i'd tell everyone to go to cave in shows or even worse bury your dead. but no, there are some bands that don't deserve my time or anyone else's for that matter. this is the US i can say i think this band is gay and not worry about it. plus, if you haven't noticed hardcore is dead. it's a bunch of 15 year olds in bury your dead shirts going to terror shows. i have no problem bashing on that scene.

i have a feeling i probably know you, so don't take it personally. but, supporting EVERY band, even ones you don't like seems really idiotic. i'm in it for the music not the scene. i support bands i like, if i don't like them i don't care someone won't be my friend. that's all the scene means. scene is doing it to kiss ass instead of for the music. think about it.
[Sep 21,2005 11:45am - this bitch  ""]
i never said to go out and support bands they don't like, if you took it that way, I'm sorry...it would just be nice to not have stupid kids leaving bullshit comments trashing every band they don't like, thats just my opinion, but what is the point anyways, people live for talking shit on message boards. I don't even like nientara that much, but I do like the breathing process...for that matter. I'm speaking generally. P.S. "attendmyrequim" it's cool, you don't know me.
[Sep 21,2005 7:13pm - xmikex ""]
I skimmed over most of what you wrote, it all seemed pretty trite. I'll sum it up as best I can.

this bitch said:If your not here to give support then take your business else where.

[Sep 21,2005 8:49pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i'd just like to point out that i never said anything bad about any of the bands. i only said that people will have their opinions and say what they want no matter what. i don't think mike was talking shit, he was just speaking his opinion. what's wrong with that? you can't expect everyone to either say something really positive or even semi-positive or stay out of it 100%. talking shit would have been a lot worse than saying the bands suck. i could go on for hours, but i won't.
[Sep 21,2005 9:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i know nothing of these bands, but i do have 1 thing we all agree on...

CT Sucks.
[Sep 22,2005 1:41am - attendmyrequiem ""]
KeithMutiny said:i know nothing of these bands, but i do have 1 thing we all agree on...

CT Sucks.

best comment ever
[Oct 8,2005 11:01pm - anonymous  ""]
how to be "scene"

-talk shit on meaningless message boards
-listen to genereic metal/hardcore music
-wear generic obvious clothes
-complain about why you shouldnt give a fuck about a band, rather then saying nothign at all
-listen to bury your dead
[Oct 9,2005 12:39am - ThoseNotOnTheAss ""]
This show will be awesome.

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