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Jamaicaplain is gay

[Sep 8,2005 3:41pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Why are all the people under 25 into the same hip trendy tripe? This town sucks.:moe:
[Sep 8,2005 3:42pm - Pillorydan ""]
Yeah I lived there for a year....There are tons of butch lesbians...
[Sep 8,2005 3:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
yeah that to. Jp is supossed to be "diverse" but it's really not. Stupid art students. Well some of the are cool.
[Sep 8,2005 3:45pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
jp is home to the best bbq place on the planet, at least
[Sep 8,2005 3:48pm - Christraper ""]
naw dude the best bbq palce on the planet is The Salt Lick in Austin TX. Sorry. I guess JP just sucks altogether.
[Sep 8,2005 3:48pm - swamplorddvm ""]
on washington st.? Doyles is good too I guess. Did I spell that right?
[Sep 8,2005 3:50pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
the place next to the milky way, i forget the name. the one that has the bull that looks like the devil on the sign. that shits soo good.

i should rephrase that jp has the best bbq place in a town with 10,000 lesbians or more.
[Sep 8,2005 3:57pm - Christraper ""]
[Sep 8,2005 8:15pm - xxsfcxx ""]
I just went into the JP to get some Mex food - ( WHITE WOMEN WITH ISSUSE!!!_ ... the rest of of what I saw was just a slum .. shrug odd how you can have yuppy college kids and slum in the same area. Got to love boston.

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