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New Watchmaker

[Sep 7,2005 8:57pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
three new Watchmaker songs and the new album cover have been posted at willowtip.com.
[Sep 7,2005 8:58pm - jonny8pins  ""]
watchmaker wouldnt suck if they still had timmy but they dont
[Sep 7,2005 9:00pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
thanks for the encouraging words douche
[Sep 7,2005 9:02pm - jonny8pins  ""]
i just call them how i see them,but dont get down his new band has been a complete and total waste of time ,so,you should ask him to come back and then everything would be right in the world
[Sep 7,2005 9:10pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 7,2005 9:10pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
I heard some of the new shit and thought it killed
[Sep 7,2005 9:20pm - jonny8pins  ""]
musics incredible but band is failure
[Sep 7,2005 9:36pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Just listened to all of them, good fucking god the production sounds alot better this time around. I am so god damned excited to get my hands on this cd, probably my most anticpated local disc in a long fucking time.

Good job guys, see you the 20th!
[Sep 7,2005 9:43pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Thanks man. I believe the album comes out Oct. 23. Those songs are good, but wait till you hear some of the better one's. This album is a good mixture between the first two albums.
[Sep 7,2005 11:16pm - criskeyricketts  ""]
music is okay.

Guy with saw..... fucking so stupid!!
[Sep 8,2005 12:16am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Watchmaker kills.
[Sep 8,2005 12:44am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
the new record, and the split material fucking kills. watchmaker is by far one of the best bands from mass.
[Sep 8,2005 12:58am - RichHorror ""]
Killer shit.
[Sep 8,2005 1:05am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
jonny8pins said:watchmaker wouldnt suck if they still had timmy but they dont

nothing against tim but mark made them a much better band. the two new watchmaker recordings destroy the first two albums and thats hard to do.

i wish tim would do something with his new band.
[Sep 8,2005 1:13am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What new band, Hells Infinite 6? I thought they were playing a show. I know the guitar player Brian who used to be in one of my older bands from a few years back. I have yet to meet Tim, he was supposed to come by ExAgenda practice but it didn't happen.
[Sep 8,2005 1:38am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:What new band, Hells Infinite 6? I thought they were playing a show. I know the guitar player Brian who used to be in one of my older bands from a few years back. I have yet to meet Tim, he was supposed to come by ExAgenda practice but it didn't happen.

yeah hells infinite 6. i haven't heard it yet, or heard anything about a show either.
[Sep 8,2005 10:48am - kadoogan  ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:
nothing against tim but mark made them a much better band. the two new watchmaker recordings destroy the first two albums and thats hard to do.

my thouhts exactly
[Sep 8,2005 10:51am - paganmegan ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Watchmaker kills.

[Sep 8,2005 10:52am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Sep 8,2005 6:07pm - pessimist nli  ""]
the killing machine is back...

its gonna be funny when the new cd comes out before the split...
[Sep 28,2005 11:36am - anonymous  ""]
jonny8pins said:i just call them how i see them,but dont get down his new band has been a complete and total waste of time ,so,you should ask him to come back and then everything would be right in the world

He didnt write shit anyway, Mark contributed a ton to the new record
[Sep 28,2005 12:01pm - the_reverend ""]
damn, I reposted this with links
[Sep 28,2005 12:04pm - succubus ""]
nice TXT link =)
[Sep 28,2005 12:07pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:What new band, Hells Infinite 6?

Hells Infinite 6 is awsome... they are just about ready to start playing shows.

Hey Scott, is Hatchet practicing tonight? I may swing by because I'll be up at the jam space for my band practice

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