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movie: the Cave

[Sep 5,2005 5:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Sep 5,2005 6:26pm - DomesticTerror ""]
haha no one likes your cave thread!
[Sep 5,2005 6:36pm - malettey ""]
i saw it a few nights ago, it was okay, but i expected a lot better.
[Sep 5,2005 8:49pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Corny actors and acting but the movie over-all was kind of cool until it started to climax like 3/4 of the way through; then it got realllly fucking, silly and lame...
[Sep 5,2005 9:23pm - Aegathis ""]
Im not surprised im hearing reviews like that so far, seriously whens the last time a movie like that came out and it was actually good?
[Sep 5,2005 9:32pm - anonymous  ""]
Your lucky if one good horror movie comes out in theatres a year.Go with the underground horror that u find in Blockbuster video or online.And of the course u cant fail with 70s and 80s horror.
[Sep 5,2005 9:37pm - Aegathis ""]
anonymous said:And of the course u cant fail with 70s and 80s horror.

[Sep 6,2005 12:43am - diamond_dave ""]
one word : japan
[Sep 6,2005 6:19am - Notorious D.U.G.  ""]
asian horror fails to impress or scare me. neat atmosphere but nothing special.
[Sep 6,2005 7:47am - the_reverend ""]

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