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im really looking forward to winter

[Sep 5,2005 2:05am - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
i cant wait till snow comes and everyone becomes miserable. snowstorms make me happy
[Sep 5,2005 4:13am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
autumn wins by default
[Sep 5,2005 4:16am - the_reverend ""]
I love snowstorms...
[Sep 5,2005 4:22am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:autumn wins by default

[Sep 5,2005 10:36am - the taste of cigs  ""]
I don't need your way of life
I can't stand your attitudes
I can do without your strife
I don't need this fucking world
I don't need this fucking world

This world brings me down
Gag with every breath
This world brings me down
I'm looking forward to death

It seems so unreal to me
So much hate and so mouch pity
I can't take another day
It's such a bore
It gets me really sore
I don't need this fucking world
I don't need this fucking world
This world brings me down
Gag with every breath
This world brings me down
I'm looking forward to death
Looking forward to death
[Sep 5,2005 10:37am - the taste of cigs  ""]
man lyrics sites are dumb, can't they ever get shit right? Oh well.
[Sep 5,2005 12:59pm - DomesticTerror ""]
have you heard the nomeansno cover of that song?
[Sep 5,2005 2:36pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yes. it came to me in a funny way. I've done this a cappella hardcore band called How They Light Cigarettes In Prison and one of the dudes that used to be in Bread & Roses before they became SCENEBAND5000 was like "This reminds me a lot of this stuff nomeansno was doing, let me burn you a CDR of it".

It's a pretty fun cover.
[Sep 5,2005 3:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Winters in New England suck ass
[Sep 5,2005 3:48pm - Lamp ""]
Not looking forward to driving in six solid inches of slush.
[Sep 5,2005 3:52pm - the_reverend ""]
todd and lamp, put on your snowtires.
winter cometh!
[Sep 5,2005 5:08pm - malettey ""]
SacreligionNLI said:autumn wins by default

i agree, fall is my favorite season.
[Sep 5,2005 8:41pm - Big Boa  ""]
I hate winter. Itc cold, and snow is useless.
[Sep 5,2005 8:54pm - dftg nli  ""]
Big Boa said:I hate winter. Itc cold, and snow is useless.

the grim and frostbitten minions of satan ram a collective goathorn up your tender pink anus for thinking that way.

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