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!!OMG the most important news ever that everyone on this board should like totally have to read RIGHT NOW!!!

[Jul 21,2003 5:45pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 21,2003 5:48pm - ratt_mowe ""]
[Jul 21,2003 5:56pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I never gave you permission to post pictures of me that you didn't shoot.
[Jul 21,2003 6:10pm - the_reverend ""]
not you, no beard.
[Jul 21,2003 6:30pm - jesus ""]
look at his fucking gay shirt. what a fag. stupid fucking hardcore kid
why dont you cuff your pants retard
[Jul 21,2003 10:12pm - BingChlorine ""]
No, remember now, it's PLUG your pants.
[Jul 21,2003 10:59pm - Velius ""]

that plugged pants makes it to yet another convo thats amazeing..................
[Jul 22,2003 1:59am - thegreatspaldino ""]
thats SOOOOOOO old. i had that pic saved on mym comp back in like... 2001
[Apr 7,2004 4:30pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 7,2004 4:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
why did you bump this thread?
trying to rekindle old wars?
[Apr 7,2004 5:13pm - succubus ""]
nope..i told you why when you im'ed me =)
[Apr 8,2004 12:49am - Abbath ""]
i love you reverend, you make my day complete minus all the whale penises and stuff
[Apr 8,2004 7:43am - pillorydan ""]
Thanks for the laugh Rev!....hehe
[Apr 8,2004 9:02am - succubus ""]
that's an old one i showed him first so thank me..also, thank me for bumping it
[Apr 8,2004 9:03am - davyp ""]
thank you... that made my day
[Apr 8,2004 10:47am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA. very true. very true.
[Apr 8,2004 1:19pm - hybrid ""]
hahahaha that picture never gets old, nor does the message
[Apr 9,2004 2:14am - Kalopsia ""]
it's true though
[Apr 9,2004 2:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i've never seen this before. it totally made me giggle. thanks for the laugh. i needed it right now.
[Apr 9,2004 9:56am - Wee...Bink! ""]
thegreatspaldino said:thats SOOOOOOO old. i had that pic saved on mym comp back in like... 2001

yeah, my brother has that printed out and in his room, i cant even remember how old it is.

[Apr 9,2004 11:44am - retzam ""]
I remember this! This was only 2 or 3 weeks after I started posting here. Funny shit.

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