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looking for a band in the MA area

[Jul 21,2003 1:38pm - Velius ""]
:gun: Well as it seems my band is going threw some shit(all personal)and im going to be looking for a band,so im posting this message so that someone hopefully will see it who needs a guitarist and will have me try out for them..i live in middleboro if that helps umm i use a gibson sg,crate blue voodo half stack,i play metalcore/hardcore whatever you want to call it since people label everything these days,some examples are norma jean, on broken wings(after there whole rap core thing was over) red chord,from a second story window, with dead hands rising,dead to fall,misery signals, etc yeah so post back or im me on aim whatever works for you im normaly on aim alot cause i leave away messages but yup so thats about it for my post :gun:
[Jul 21,2003 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
you should join goratory and laugh at ruster angel.
or was that malborough?
I forget.
[Jul 21,2003 2:07pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hahaha that's so mean. I want to play banjo for Goratory, I get some sort of backwoods overalls-and-a-broken-porch feel when I see them.
[Jul 21,2003 3:49pm - Velius ""]
:gun: hahaha no seriously im looking for a serious band that plays my style of music, and ive never even heard of that band :gun:
[Jul 22,2003 2:04am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Goratory is pretty sick
[Jul 22,2003 2:16am - xmikex ""]
so basically you're looking to play post-mallcore "hardcore"...yeah you're from middleboro alright.
[Jul 22,2003 9:26am - joe/notcommon ""]
skip the red chord stuff and join goratory
[Jul 22,2003 1:05pm - Velius ""]
? how am i looking to play mallcore,, just because the mall sells norma jean shirts and other shit like that, and me happening to like that band doesn't mean im mallcore or whatever you call it. You people jump to conclusions so god damn fast.i made a post to join a serious band and i get insulted? thats fucking retarded. and i never said i wouldn't play for this band i said ive never heard of them.meaning if they contacted me and set up a try out i would go try out for them obviously if i liked there style of music you moron.your just like all the other want to be scene kids you come up with your scene terms for everything, post-mallcore wtf is that.don't you people have anything better to do then go and try and make fun of people you don't even know online
[Jul 22,2003 1:07pm - xmikex ""]
go listen to 8 bit infinity you nerd.
[Jul 22,2003 1:08pm - Velius ""]
you mean lucas.what do you have aginst them??
[Jul 22,2003 1:14pm - Velius ""]
wait a sec how am i the nerd im not the faggot who goes looking for internet fights.thats just fucking sad now stop posting on my forum cause i don't feel like wasteing my time reading your non sense.i just want to play music why must everything be labeled now a days by you fucking want to be scene kids
[Jul 22,2003 1:46pm - xmikex ""]
1. i did stop posting.
2. this is the rev's forum not yours.
3. i've been in hardcore going on 7 years now. i was going to boston shows when you were still in your nirvana stage. im hardly "old skool" but I'm not about to take insults from some fashioncore new jack nerd.
So watch who you're calling names alright tuff guy?
[Jul 22,2003 1:57pm - bitterlowz ""]
so yeah im a vocalist looking for a band as well..
[Jul 22,2003 2:04pm - velius ""]
look xmikex i got nothing aginst you but you came in here and started insulting me when you don't even know who i am.or what i play. you just assume man just let it go ok.

this is to the singer where are you from??

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