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!!!new pictures of the Acacia Strain bassist!!!!!

[Jul 21,2003 2:55am - the_reverend ""]
hahaha guess what joe, kerri quit a few weeks back
[Jul 21,2003 2:58am - Terence ""]
hah, she probably caught wind of Joe following her every move
[Jul 21,2003 3:36am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
It's the end of the world as we know it, it's it's the end of the world as we know it... blah blah blah.
[Jul 21,2003 9:12am - joe/notcommon ""]
and i was totally prepared to send flowers to their next show
now i just want to hit the singer with a frying pan
[Jul 21,2003 10:43am - xmikex ""]
hahaha that is officially the end of that band. now everyone can see them for the total boners that they are. terrible band.
[Jul 21,2003 11:33am - machofthefireant  ""]
these fags need to stop putting fucking breakdowns after every riff they play,get a little more technical,just because you belong to this elite cool straight edge group of friends doesnt give you an excuse to make shitty music they have potential and there new bassist is that radio dj from HCC what a puss,maybe this pussy can keep up with the pinches its kinda of gay hitting open all the time....
[Jul 21,2003 3:22pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Its funny because jonotcommon likes that bassist more then the last.
[Jul 21,2003 3:55pm - Velius ""]
does anyone know why there old bassist quit??
[Jul 22,2003 2:02am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i never heard anything about her playing ability... it was always "oh she is hot... i want to put my meat in her taco... blah blah blah" but really.. was she even any good?
[Jul 22,2003 2:07am - BingChlorine ""]
Let's put it this way, she was no GreatSpaldino.

Dystentery>The Acacia Strain
[Jul 22,2003 2:14am - xmikex ""]
the few times i had this displeasure of seeing this band she wasn't even playing half the time.

now see, heres what we should be talking about, how much everyone should hate this band.
[Jul 22,2003 2:18am - thegreatspaldino ""]
wow... she must have really sucked... because i suck so... damn thats pretty horrible...

also... why cant any fucking bassists use their fingers? seriously? is it really that hard to just drop the pick and play like a bassist rather than a make-shift bassist?

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