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They gotta be kidding

[Sep 1,2005 8:02pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
This band has a banner up above... I didn't realize Linkin Park influence was what it took to be "the new face of Melodic Death!" or whatever the fuck it said.
[Sep 1,2005 8:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought I listened to them and they sunded like typo trying to do rocky inflames. must have been a different band,
but i'm listening to the mp3 now.
[Sep 1,2005 8:08pm - brian_dc ""]
yet they will remain with a banner on this site

in the end...it's all about the $$$ eh, rev?
[Sep 1,2005 8:10pm - Christraper ""]
[Sep 1,2005 9:38pm - anonymous  ""]
besids the refrain where do u hear the linkin park?
its actually not that bad
hey but i really like the start of the song
[Sep 1,2005 9:41pm - anonymous  ""]
ok your right they do suck sorry about my other statment
[Sep 1,2005 11:28pm - cav of dour cursiva neverli  ""]
wow, im so sad right now. this band is probably the most horrible piece of shit iver ever heard, and completely confirm the fact that what i thought was underground metal has become the same sold out piece of shit music as everything else. its like pop choruses over crappy melodic death riffs.
[Sep 1,2005 11:29pm - uncle sam  ""]
cav of dour cursiva neverli said:wow, im so sad right now. this band is probably the most horrible piece of shit iver ever heard, and completely confirm the fact that what i thought was underground metal has become the same sold out piece of shit music as everything else. its like pop choruses over crappy melodic death riffs.

metal died in 93 it will never be pure again ever
[Sep 1,2005 11:30pm - the_reverend ""]
they aren't that bad imho.
I wouldn't listen to them, but I don't hear linkin park at all.

definitly not the band that I thought they were... I was thinking soulturn or something like that.
[Sep 2,2005 12:01am - brian_dc ""]
finally listened to this...definitely don't hear linkin park...kinda has a in flames sound vocally

meh...I'm not gonna lose any sleep over this band's mediocrity

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