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Detahamphetamine house needs tenant

[Aug 31,2005 10:25am - THESAVAGECURTIAN ""]
this isnt really band news but we are fucking desperate. our house in amherst Ma is in serious need of a tenant who can move in by next week at the latest. The room is 390 a month with all utilities included. Any metalheads in western MA looking for a place to live call 1-413-687-1367 and ask for scott
[Aug 31,2005 11:31am - hoser ""]
What's a "Curtian?"
[Aug 31,2005 6:09pm - p.e.  ""]
390 for a room? damn....MA is fucking expensive...try looking for anyboady who can pay the rent and not just a metalhead.
[Aug 31,2005 6:10pm - KeithMutiny ""]
id be interested, if it were over here in civilization, but amherst is way too far out...

so i guess this post was pointless.

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