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foot tapping affliction

[Aug 29,2005 2:27pm - litacore ""]
someone help me, yesterday at random I played AC/DC's 'Stiff Upper Lip" CD


because now I can't stop foot tapping to those infectious Angus licks stuck in my head (although Phil Rudd is pretty much to blame for the foot tapping).

Damn Australians.
[Aug 29,2005 2:58pm - hoser ""]
AC/DC makes me fart uncontrollably. Something about that SG twang that really gets my intestines constricting.
[Aug 29,2005 3:00pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't decide if i hate rush or ac/dc more
[Aug 29,2005 3:01pm - Hooker nli  ""]
go with rush. you hate ac/dc and you're automatically a gay communist kiddie toucher
[Aug 29,2005 3:02pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well i guess im screwed...i definitely think i hate rush more but i still can't dig anything ac/dc does

they're like the epitome of generic
[Aug 29,2005 3:03pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the voice too...i feel like a cracked windowpane when i hear it
[Aug 29,2005 4:03pm - litacore ""]
ac/dc are the shizz-nice.

I like 'For Those About to Rock' the most

you can try and take the townie outta the metal but you can't take the metal outta the townie.

[Aug 29,2005 4:33pm - BornSoVile ""]
SacreligionNLI said:well i guess im screwed...i definitely think i hate rush more but i still can't dig anything ac/dc does

they're like the epitome of generic

who fucking cares, they rock guy!
[Aug 29,2005 4:40pm - malettey ""]
hoser said:AC/DC makes me fart uncontrollably.

hahaha! that's great!
[Aug 29,2005 4:48pm - malettey ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i definitely think i hate rush more

i don't care what anyone says, i fucking love rush. true they're all ugly bastards and geddy lee sounds like a woman sometimes, but i think they make great music. i enjoy ac/dc as well, but i have to agree with you that they are pretty generic. back in black and highway to hell are the only two albums i really like, plus a few select older songs from the bon scott era.

if you ever want to make fun of rush call them bum rush!
[Aug 29,2005 4:56pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
rush obviously rules, i saw them during a massive thunderstorm in an outdoors arena...it was fucking awesome! and the resulting flu was well worth it!
[Aug 29,2005 5:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i think their music is waht gave you the flu cuz it sucks so bad

epitome of lame
[Aug 29,2005 5:13pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
yeah i mean, its not like they are 3 of the greatest musicians in the world or anything. actually, the more i think of it...they do suck. neil peart is probably the worst drummer of the 20th/21st centry I MEAN COME ON MAN LEARN HOW TO DO A FILL!, geddy lee couldnt write a bass line to save his life...and alex lifeson...psh amateur at best.

RUSH should have probably killed themselves as children, they are so terrible.

[Aug 30,2005 11:52am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i can't believe the retardation i just subjected myself to.

if you don't like AC/DC...i don't even know what to say...
[Aug 30,2005 12:43pm - Josh_Martin ""]
SacreligionNLI said:well i guess im screwed...i definitely think i hate rush more but i still can't dig anything ac/dc does

they're like the epitome of generic

Uh, they started that sound. All the bands that ripped them off are generic. AC/DC rules.
Simple does not = generic. AC/DC has better riffs than your band.
[Aug 30,2005 1:11pm - daniel  ""]
ac/dc is very overrated, yeah they do what they do well (hard rock) but compared to metal bands they're a joke. expecting everyone on a metal message board to like them is just out of touch with reality. (speaking of which, i fucking hate it when people can't tell the difference between rock and metal, it's not that ac/dc isn't heavy enough to be metal, it's that they're not *metal* enough to be metal)

rush may not be for everyone, but they're incredible musicians, technically speaking ac/dc are a bunch of retards in comparison. plus rush has an good amount of both prog rock and prog metal songs in their catalog, so as a metal fan i prefer them for that reason. i always tell people who hate rush to try to ignore the vocals and listen to the music, there's a lot of cool shit going on in there.
[Aug 30,2005 2:10pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Angus could outplay anyone, and i mean ANYONE on this board, as well as the majority of guitarists period.

That said, people who only listen to music for the level of talent/technicality need to pull their heads out of their asses.
[Aug 30,2005 2:14pm - brian_dc ""]
AC/DC is pretty rockin'...I like Rush too...I like music with talent and technicality and music with that certain something that goes beyond that,

I just don't like fucking emo.
[Aug 30,2005 2:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
daniel said:ac/dc is very overrated, yeah they do what they do well (hard rock) but compared to metal bands they're a joke. expecting everyone on a metal message board to like them is just out of touch with reality. (speaking of which, i fucking hate it when people can't tell the difference between rock and metal, it's not that ac/dc isn't heavy enough to be metal, it's that they're not *metal* enough to be metal)

rush may not be for everyone, but they're incredible musicians, technically speaking ac/dc are a bunch of retards in comparison. plus rush has an good amount of both prog rock and prog metal songs in their catalog, so as a metal fan i prefer them for that reason. i always tell people who hate rush to try to ignore the vocals and listen to the music, there's a lot of cool shit going on in there.

Dumbest post yet.
I fucking hate it when some dumb kid tries to tell people who've been listening to metal for over 20 years what's metal and what's not.
Not many people are more metal than Bon Scott.

[Aug 30,2005 3:12pm - daniel  ""]
KillerKadoogan said:Angus could outplay anyone, and i mean ANYONE on this board, as well as the majority of guitarists period.

That said, people who only listen to music for the level of talent/technicality need to pull their heads out of their asses.

i agree with the second part of your statement, but the first part is just ridiculous... there are SO many guitarists who can outplay angus young. and no i don't mean just technically like yngwie or some bullshit, but actual well-written tasteful guitar playing like randy rhoads, michael schenker, timo tolkii, slash, warren dimartini, early kirk hammett, etc. in fact, most guitarists in metal totally outplay angus, not just technically, but compositionally as well, just by the nature of what they're open to and what they attempt. and yes that includes some guitarists whose bands have posted on this board, how about the accursed, inheritance, raov, endgame, inflicted, the list goes on and on. saying angus can "outplay" all those guitarists is something i'd only expect in a music review by helen keller. all angus is capable of is boring pentatonic blues mediocrity, and he hasn't added a single thing to his style in thirty years.
[Aug 30,2005 3:14pm - Hooker nli  ""]
daniel said:ac/dc is very overrated, yeah they do what they do well (hard rock) but compared to metal bands they're a joke. expecting everyone on a metal message board to like them is just out of touch with reality. (speaking of which, i fucking hate it when people can't tell the difference between rock and metal, it's not that ac/dc isn't heavy enough to be metal, it's that they're not *metal* enough to be metal)

Worst post ever. Ever.
[Aug 30,2005 3:18pm - daniel  ""]
Josh_Martin said:Dumbest post yet.
I fucking hate it when some dumb kid tries to tell people who've been listening to metal for over 20 years what's metal and what's not.
Not many people are more metal than Bon Scott.

attitude-wise, sure. musically speaking, ac/dc is a hard rock band. surely you can tell the difference...

there's image/attitude and then there's actual musical composition... two very different things.
[Aug 30,2005 3:40pm - litacore ""]

what have I done
[Aug 30,2005 3:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
daniel said:Josh_Martin said:Dumbest post yet.
I fucking hate it when some dumb kid tries to tell people who've been listening to metal for over 20 years what's metal and what's not.
Not many people are more metal than Bon Scott.

attitude-wise, sure. musically speaking, ac/dc is a hard rock band. surely you can tell the difference...

there's image/attitude and then there's actual musical composition... two very different things.

I'm done arguing with a 15 year old for today.
But based on the replies to your dumbass post, its you that 's out of touch.

Oh, and most of the people who you say are better than Angus site Angus as a major influence. So it appears that you are missing something.

[Aug 30,2005 4:26pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
ac/dc = pioneers...but i don't like them. far from a justifiable reason to think i'm a jerk-off

rush = unique music, quality musicianship, lame songs
[Aug 30,2005 4:26pm - Kevord ""]
This is a dumb topic. Rush and Ac/Dc both rule. If you think otherwise stop wasting your time with music maybe you should take up knitting or stamp collecting.
[Aug 30,2005 4:29pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
haha...i love how people think they have seniority when it comes to listening to music

[Aug 30,2005 4:31pm - litacore ""]
I force my taste on everyone

maybe tomorrow I'll start a thread about Venom
[Aug 30,2005 5:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
KillerKadoogan said:
That said, people who only listen to music for the level of talent/technicality need to pull their heads out of their asses.

I have grown tired of people who take the other side of that argument. I can't understand why so many people who listen to underground music hate most of it, for being underground, who the fuck cares.
And as far as people trashing shit for being genric.....it's the equivilant of bashing a band for down tuning - it's fucking style, sure it sounds the same to you, you just don't have an ear for it. Look at bands like Motorhead, Ramones, AC/DC, Slayer...sure there isn't anything cutting edge about them, that's because they're pioneers. I really don't care if AC/DC puts out the same album over and over again, I love that sound, and I'm relieved at times they haven't changed it.
[Aug 30,2005 5:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
litacore said:I force my taste on everyone

maybe tomorrow I'll start a thread about Venom

have you heard Slaughter Lord???
I have a problem with punching my steering wheel when I listen to Bathory - Blood Fire Death.
[Aug 30,2005 11:46pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:I really don't care if AC/DC puts out the same album over and over again, I love that sound, and I'm relieved at times they haven't changed it.

i certainly will give them that

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