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Guitarist needed.

[Aug 28,2005 11:44pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Guitarist needed for possible collaboration. NOT a full time band, nor any sort of "serious" commitment. Writing, recording, possibly a show here or there.

I need an eclectic "shredder". You most definately need chops. Sweeping, arpeggios, and be able to play to a click as well as harmonize to another track.

If you have a beard, that is most excellent. If you look like a dwarf, or a viking, that is far more excellent. If you can play well drunk, you're pretty much in.

The music is pretty much powermetal. I'm going to be putting full choral arangements, some pretty viking shit. Kind of like Blind Guardian, but with a little less cocksucking.

I'm laying down guitar, bass, and drum tracks myself, but I just can't cut it with the retarded solos.

I can provide a few unfinished snippets of recording to give you an idea of what sound, but I've not even approached vocals or bass yet, so it's just raw sketchy shit. I intend to be working on this for quite a while, and am just doing it out of love.

[Aug 29,2005 12:05am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
8 views and nothing. HA! Guitarists are everywhere, but everyone hates powermetal.

[Aug 29,2005 12:07am - Cecchini ""]
Nooooo way, not the members of 3 Headed Monster we ARE the epitome of power metal. Both me and Kessaris shred/sweep and the such, Kessaris is just much more better at it than me, but if you send us some snippets maybe we'll take a look at it and see if either of us can do some work with it. Me personally I doubt I would have the time for shows or even tossing the lead work down, but either way I would like to hear it.


[Aug 29,2005 6:14am - Sinistas ""]
give chris@665.org a shot, he's in powerglove, so you know he can shred
[Aug 29,2005 9:15am - DreamingInExile ""]
I love powermetal, but I can't shred like I wished I could. if you still come up with no guitarist, you can always record everything slow and quantize it to the speed you need it... HAHAHA

all hail powermetal!!!
[Aug 29,2005 11:13am - Hooker nli  ""]
I have a big ass beard. I stopped practicing sweeps a while ago though.
[Aug 29,2005 11:24am - brian_dc ""]
I can shred, but I've been pretty sick lately and my playing has suffered for it

and I have school fulltime and work starting in September...damn, I've always wanted to have a side powermetal thing.
[Aug 29,2005 12:11pm - the_reverend ""]
kessaris is what I was thinking.
that noodle head plays noodle riffs.
[Aug 29,2005 7:43pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
wow, 6 responses, yet only ONE beard! Where's all the damned vikings!?

I'm working on mixing down a few clips, should have something linkable by the end of the week, just gotta figure where to host it.

[Aug 29,2005 9:31pm - Cecchini ""]
just do it at myspace or something.
[Aug 29,2005 9:49pm - Sinistas ""]
if you haven't tried chris, do. seriously, he hasn't had only 1 band in ages
[Aug 29,2005 10:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
I can play bass.
[Aug 30,2005 12:14am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
BornSoVile said:I can play bass.

Oh don't worry, you're already in. Just start growing that beard now.
[Aug 30,2005 12:16am - anonymousretard  ""]
arrowhead knows everything you should definately have him in your band or sewing circle!
[Aug 30,2005 12:16am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Cecchini said:just do it at myspace or something.

I've got space on masscore.com I can put it on, I'm just trying to track down my password.
[Aug 30,2005 12:16am - anonymousretard  ""]
anonymousretard said:arrowhead knows everything you should definately have him in your band or sewing circle!

[Aug 30,2005 12:16am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
anonymousretard said:arrowhead knows everything you should definately have him in your band or sewing circle!

I don't sew. I'm a knitter.
[Aug 30,2005 12:19am - anonymousretard  ""]
your a douchebag but thanks for telling me dime used solid state...more fuel for the fire!
[Aug 30,2005 12:21am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
I am a douchebag. Do you have a point, or are you just helping me keep my post bumped?
[Aug 30,2005 12:29am - anonymousretard  ""]
a little of both there douchebag boy but dont fear its all in good fun!
[Aug 30,2005 12:29am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
3 headed monster sound sick! Great playing. Anyone got a link to Powerglove?

Since this is basically a recording collaboration, there's room for a lot more than two guitarists. I have already got Darren Pierce signed on to do a few leads, but no shows. So those of you who say time is a problem, feel free to try it anyway. I've literally got one or two saturdays a month I can schedule tracking at the most, so no-one's schedule sucks as bad as mine.

Also, does anyone have contact info for that kid from Cryptic Warning? What's his name? We played a show with them once, and I really dug his solo style with all those energetic sloppy tapped arpeggios. I still can't figure out how the fuck he does that shit. The closest I can come is using two strings at maybe half the speed. I wonder if he likes powermetal at all.
[Aug 30,2005 12:30am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
anonymousretard said:a little of both there douchebag boy but dont fear its all in good fun!

I'm not a boy, I'm an older man. Get it straight, because it makes it sound that much sicker when I admit to sleeping with 10 year olds. 20 year difference beats a 10 year difference, y'know?
[Sep 16,2005 2:12am - anonymous  ""]
www.vgmetal.com is the official Powerglove site.
[Sep 16,2005 6:03am - Sinistas ""]
or www.myspace.com/vgmetal
[Sep 16,2005 9:18am - defnasty ""]

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