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Sept. 17th Show (Auburn System, And Then There Were None, What Once Was, Emmure...and so on)

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Aug 26,2005 1:24am - Thenamesfro ""]
this is gonna be a pretty intense show..


i noticed you weren't doing anything on this day there Rev....you should swing by...
[Aug 29,2005 5:16am - mattfromtas  ""]
im seriously not bitching or complaining about anything. and i mean this in a light hearted fashion: i notice on every flyer we're on, either our name is smaller, in the background, blending in with something, or in a riddiculous font. i dont know, not that it matters really. i just think its funny. EVERYONE GO!!!
[Aug 29,2005 5:18am - blue ""]
ill more than likely attend this show.
[Aug 29,2005 9:25am - mOe_RK ""]
i thought the Nicaea Room was on this show

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