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July 172003 - bloodbrothers + daughters tonight

The Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [dance_disaster_movement][daughters][these_arms_are_snakes][the_blood_brothers]
[Jul 17,2003 5:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess I'm heading do to this in a few minutes.
[Jul 18,2003 1:18am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back, working on the pictures.
they will be up shortly.
[Jul 18,2003 1:22am - the_reverend ""]
damn, those pictures uploaded fast.
[Jul 18,2003 2:13am - the_reverend ""]
Ok, after 2-days in a row of arty show, I think I need to head to a tuff guy hardcore show or something evil and black. Reminds me of the time I went to three xSxEx shows in the same week.
But I digress

the daughters: If you want their set list, there is a picture of it up there, all #'d. I've only seen them twice, but it seems like they are moving away from grind to a more art/make-up sound. I sware a bunch of times the singer could have been the singer of the make up. He told some funny stories though like "once there was a show that we played and everyone was having fun. This isn't that show." I think the best description of their set was from one of the bouncers "it sounds like my sanity is slipping away". They ended there set with a line that I can't remember the origin, but it was "we're the daughters and we were better than you"

dance disaster movement: dancey post-punk like old school killing joke. Even the drumming was the old one-two martin atkins circa 82. they told us to either dance or take a dump. I didn't dance.

these arms are snakes: I guess they have a member of botch in them. I was really surprised by these guys. I didn't think I was going to like them, but then they played and it was pretty damn good. It sounded like a hardcore version of Public Image Limited (PIL). The singer’s voice even sound like the older mr. johny rotten.

the blood brothers: damn, there were all these people milling about the stage. I wasn’t sure how many people where going to be there singing. But most of them left the stage as the show started. Anyhow, the blood brothers are a 5 piece; 2 singers, 1 bass/vocals/synth, 1 guitar/vocals, 1 drummer. With 4 people splitting up singing abilities, they jump a huge range, from screaming to mike-patton-esque talk-singing. They came out and rolled around screaming on stage. Well, the singers spent some time off-stage, on top of the crowd screaming. It was definitely cool cause they played my favorite tracks off the new cd. It was especially cool on tracks like “the saleman, Denver Max” cause you can actually figure out which singer does what vocal layer.
[Jul 18,2003 8:33am - succubus ""]
it was a lot of fun!

oh and aaron you were right...my name WAS on 2 lists one for a ticket and one for a photo...Heidi emailed me back telling me so.

<<I'm sorry I was unable to get back to you in time - I was out of the office
most of the afternoon with a client interview - you DO have a photo pass for
tonight's Blood Brothers show - by the time I was able to get it confirmed,
I was already at my meeting.>>

[Jul 18,2003 9:12am - the_reverend ""]
yep, HER sent me that same thing.
she's so nice.
[Jul 18,2003 9:23am - succubus ""]
told ya she's awesome >:]

now if the Cure tours... <<insert orgasm smiley here>>
[Jul 18,2003 9:57am - kreggler  ""]
these arms are snakes were fantastic. Nice work on the PIL reference reverand i was trying to figure out who his voice reminded me all night. Jonny Rotten vocals distorted through several processors. Sort of like camera obscura, a little less synth heavy. Their ep comes out on jade tree in august.

dance disaster movement were kind of weak. I in fact, chose to take a dump instead of dancing. Like their record, they were boring and lacking momentum. Check out out hud this sunday at the middle east for a good dance band.

blood brothers were phenomenal. In my opinion one of the best bands playing right now. A nice group of guys too. All in all a totally fun show, lots of different types of kids there due to the brothers cross over appeal. How the fuck do they write songs like that? seriously. theyre the shit
[Jul 18,2003 5:02pm - XdeadXtearsX ""]
fucking brilliant show. the blood brothers were just amazing, completely letting loose while staying tight. the mayhem was incredible. one of the few bands in recent memory that has consistently improved with each additional record. i can only imagine what they'll do next. the new song they played last night was pretty kick ass too.
[Jul 18,2003 5:07pm - heartless ""]
i totally wish i could go back in time and go to an as the sun sets show. and definately NOT the 7744 days. i mean when the singer used to have dreadlocks. ahhh i dont really like the direction theyre going in now...
and for some reason the singer reminds me of a very pissed off Conan O'Brien with long hair :wiggam:
[Jul 19,2003 9:57am - joe/notcommon ""]
i heard the band daughters once, very gay
i wish bands like that would get ebola and die right away

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