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Anyone not give a shit at all that Hellfest got cancelled.

[Aug 19,2005 12:00am - xmikex ""]
i'm sure someone, somewhere is crying into their army hat over it. but the very idea of Hellfest gives me testicular cancer and I couldn't be happier that it got cancelled. I guess "the scene" is just gonna have to come up with some other way to decide what godawful generic band with just the right connections is gonna be this year's king of XrehashedXboringXcommercialXyouthcrewXbullshitXfakehardcoreX.

can't wait.
[Aug 19,2005 12:11am - KeithMutiny ""]
[Aug 19,2005 12:11am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
lol you have testicular cancer

[Aug 19,2005 12:11am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i wanted to go see coalesce !
[Aug 19,2005 11:21am - attendmyrequiem ""]
there were a few bands i wanted to see, but i wasn't going, so i doesn't bother me too much, but now i can't ask anyone to pick me up an ion dissonance shirt, so now i'm saving some money there, too. so i guess i don't care.
[Aug 19,2005 11:22am - dan_bloodblister ""]
im holding out for heavenfest
[Aug 19,2005 11:31am - attendmyrequiem ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i wanted to go see coalesce !

i'd love to have gotten a chance to see them. i got into them when 0:12 revolution... came out and they never hit up maine at that point.
[Aug 19,2005 12:13pm - Lamp ""]
Too lazy to go down to NJ for anything.
[Aug 19,2005 12:14pm - blue ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i wanted to go see coalesce !

[Aug 19,2005 12:33pm - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
if NJ got wiped off the map tomorrow, i would shed no tears
[Aug 19,2005 1:07pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i forgot there even was a hellfest.
[Aug 19,2005 1:10pm - strangles kittens  ""]
NJ,. . the armpit of the United States.

[Aug 19,2005 2:20pm - anonymous  ""]
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hellfest!!! hahhahahaahhahahahahahahaa
[Aug 20,2005 3:34pm - mOe_RK_in jersey  ""]
Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:if NJ got wiped off the map tomorrow, i would shed no tears

that hurts Ryan...i'm in NJ until September 2nd...
[Aug 20,2005 5:40pm - Kalopsia ""]
yea and i live in NJ, so fuck you all
[Aug 20,2005 8:06pm - boobtoucher ""]
blue said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:i wanted to go see coalesce !

Yea, if you didn't want to see Coalesce, you must simply not enjoy seeing any kind of band playing "extreme" music. But, no matter what event comes up, the uber-hipster have to trash it.

[Aug 20,2005 8:13pm - the_reverend ""]
new england is the asshole of the country. all the pollution from the entire country comes through here.
worst air ever
[Aug 20,2005 10:54pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
the_reverend said:new england is the asshole of the country. all the pollution from the entire country comes through here.
worst air ever

I dunno about worst air ever. Just went to Valdosta, Georgia recently. Pretty funky down there.

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