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Video: the most metro sexual video ever.

[Aug 18,2005 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 18,2005 3:05pm - succubus ""]
waiting for this to open...
will this remind me of someone
i dunno...

hmmm didn't work
[Aug 18,2005 3:09pm - grundlegremlin ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please tell me that was a joke. The part when he is standing in that room with the Xbox just screams:Hey little boys wanna party? I have a giant Xbox
[Aug 18,2005 3:11pm - rupturedzine ""]
dare I say that is NOT metrosexual...it's just fucking gay.
[Aug 18,2005 3:12pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Now I have it stuck in my head.Pizaz pizaz come on and let me give it to you.AIDS
[Aug 18,2005 3:13pm - rupturedzine ""]
grundlegremlin said:Now I have it stuck in my head.Pizaz pizaz come on and let me give it to you.AIDS

hahaha, that sucks, I went back to listening to Sodom and avoided that attack.
[Aug 18,2005 3:16pm - Dissector ""]
This has got to be a joke. Gay people don't even act that gay. He looks just like my girlfriend's brother though.
[Aug 18,2005 3:19pm - Dissector ""]
Christ it's stuck in my head too. I'm gonna be singing it all night now.
[Aug 18,2005 3:22pm - rupturedzine ""]
Aaron you better post some rockin tits or something to make up for the mental trauma you're putting people through.

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