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Terminator 3 rules

[Jul 14,2003 12:30pm - xmikex ""]
fuck what you heard, this movie has my personal endorsement.
4 upside-down crosses
[Jul 14,2003 12:32pm - George ""]
that movie was retarted.:stupidflanders:
[Jul 14,2003 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I would agree... horrible movie.
and if you don't agree "talk to da hand"
[Jul 14,2003 12:46pm - succubus ""]
yeah i've heard a lot of bad reviews...i am an AHHNALD fan though...it's no "Conan The Barbarian" but all I saw was the last scene (i think)..and about 7 minutes of it..i would have watched it till the end but someone dragged me out:bartnormal:
[Jul 14,2003 12:50pm - xmikex ""]
okay "talk to the hand" and "she'll be back" were absolutely horrible. and T2 puts this movie to shame. But it's still an excellent addition to the terminator series. and retains it's :satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross: status
[Jul 14,2003 1:32pm - bullets_for_jake ""]
i agree, it was a pretty good movie, minus the couple of lame t2 references...shitty one liners...and those fruity glasses he pulled out first. i demand a t4 though.

anyone see league of extraordinary gentlemen? by far the best movie this summer...
[Jul 14,2003 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard that movie was killer. it looks good too.
28 days later was amzing.
and there's some other movie coming out that is done by the director of Dark City. it was an awesome movie for cinematography.. and the new one looks beautiful too. I was looking on http://www.quicktime.com for the trailer, but couldn't find it.

I think the worst movie of the summer goes to Tom Cruises "last Samuri"
I can read his mind "well, keano does it in the matrix, I'm gong for it"
[Jul 14,2003 3:33pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
mike no!!!!! ive been waiting so long for a new terminator movie and i saw this garbage it would have been good if it didnt have the terminator name on it Most ridiculous arnold movie ever = Commando.
[Jul 14,2003 4:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
the new terminator is gay, its such a pussy. It got its gun damaged which was gay.

john connor was also a gigantic pussy in this one. He did nothing but whine about everything, what a fag.

overall there was no character development in this movie, it was just all action, action, action, and overused one liners.

Id give this movie rightside up crosses if they were availible.
[Jul 14,2003 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
Just watch tetsuo the ironman instead.
[Jul 14,2003 5:26pm - heartless ""]
have not seen t3 yet, but i saw 28 days later and i loved it.
i loved how he went into the church and right when he said hello
like three corpses sat up and looked at him. they looked totally evil.

ok anyway, rev, i think you were talking about Underworld, i saw that trailer and it looked pretty good.
[Jul 15,2003 4:32pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
exacty tom The other Terminator films had a differnet feel to them a more intelligence and the characters were easily liked. Also the story was mutiliated, skynet just randomly popped back with some dumbass who no one knew about in T2.Instead of comming up with something interesting they murdered the terminator movies. People say "oh its a solid sequel, but it cannot compare to the pervious films" Well then, that means its not a solid sequel. I didnt wait 12 years to see a subpar sequel. Fuck you john mostow , fuck you.
[Jul 15,2003 4:54pm - jesus ""]
its just a movie. your only meant to enjoy the effects and the hot chick. good enough for me :ralphie:
[Aug 16,2003 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]
underworld rules.

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