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another celebrity sex scandal

[Aug 12,2005 1:30pm - ~Carina~  ""]

it's funny how she was totally obsessed with him too

The 14-minute porno allegedly shows a naked Nicole (See? It's starting already) sticking out her pierced tongue at the camera while Colin says something incredibly dramatic like, "I could do this breakfast, lunch and dinner."

And of course, Colin, who was really upset when they cut his penis out of a scene in the flick A Home at the End of the World , seems to be losing his balls over the fact that his ex-lover is looking to score big with this position-filled tape.

Colin is suing Nicole for trying to sell the tape (which was made in 2003) to a big-time porn flick producer, and has managed to get a temporary restraining order to prevent the sale and distribution of the tape.

So for now, Colin has put aside his desire to sleep with a wrinkled 80-year-old woman, and is setting his sights on regrets of the past.

[Aug 12,2005 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I read that a while ago.
[Aug 12,2005 1:47pm - ~Carina~  ""]
So did I
[Aug 12,2005 1:48pm - ~Carina~  ""]
oh and aaron
[Aug 12,2005 2:27pm - ~Carina~  ""]
msd im me this vid tonight! k thanks!

[Aug 12,2005 9:41pm - dirteecrayon ""]

looks like colin, robert deniro and lemmy have something in common

[Aug 12,2005 9:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
~Carina~ said:msd im me this vid tonight! k thanks!


Unless they're having sex with epileptic horses, this probably won't make it into my video collection.
[Aug 13,2005 1:08am - powerkok ""]
who fucking gives a shit?
Just my opinion.
[Jan 5,2007 1:39am - anonymous  ""]
~Carina~ said:msd im me this vid tonight! k thanks!


[Jan 5,2007 2:05am - todayistheday NLI  ""]
doesnt he already have a video out? is this another chick?

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