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Another myspace victim for all ya'll to harass

[Aug 9,2005 3:46pm - wakeoftears ""]
This bitch is CRAZY. I was friends with her for a while, then she told me today she wants me to be more than a friend and tells me to either dump my girl for her or suffer the consequences. Now she's sending my girl completely fabricated stories and IM convo's to try to get her to dump me. Somebody kick/rape this girls ass for me.


Please do your worst, she deserves it! I plan on destroying this girl's life if at all possible...
[Aug 9,2005 3:47pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha... I used to talk to that girl on Yahoo...
[Aug 9,2005 3:49pm - wakeoftears ""]
fucking destroy her
[Aug 9,2005 3:52pm - the_reverend ""]
you are her will be happy together, I can tell.
[Aug 9,2005 4:09pm - ~Carina~  ""]
The deal with my pictures . . .

Alright, here's the deal...

I have tons and tons of people telling me, "You don't look like your picture(s)."

Sure, they're deceiving but...My pictures are just for fun.
[Aug 9,2005 4:11pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
oh man i love the internet
[Aug 9,2005 4:29pm - horror_tang ""]
[Aug 9,2005 4:42pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
wow, if only m ex's were on myspace....
[Aug 9,2005 4:49pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
here's an odd one aswellhttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...dID=24271385&Mytoken=20050809134842
[Aug 9,2005 5:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm betting that's your myspace.
no click
[Aug 9,2005 5:34pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]

thats hysterical
[Aug 9,2005 6:07pm - dwellingsickness ""]

Yes folks they now have a myspace page.

Join it, the Rev did:NEWHORNS:
[Aug 9,2005 7:09pm - niccolai nli  ""]
I tried fucking with her on AIM but she wasn't very much fun so nothing really good came of it. She didn't have enough self esteem to get pissed off.

TheListless: Heyyyyy.
ThisIsKimberlee: Who is this?
TheListless: A stranger. I heard if I had a few bucks in my pocket you'd probably have sex with me.
ThisIsKimberlee: And you'd be?
TheListless: As mentioned, a stranger.
ThisIsKimberlee: Who is this stranger?
ThisIsKimberlee: Well if you cannot tell me then I'm not talking. :-)
ThisIsKimberlee: Have a good evening.
TheListless: TheListless: define stranger


Inflected forms: strang·er, strang·est 1. Not previously known; unfamiliar.
ThisIsKimberlee: I don't talk to strangers.
TheListless: I have sources that tell me otherwise.
TheListless: I was told you like to rub your naked body with mustard while crippled men throw nickels at you.
TheListless: Is it true?
ThisIsKimberlee: This is a bot huh?
ThisIsKimberlee: lol bye @ bot
TheListless: haha l33t whr3
TheListless: pwnd k thx
ThisIsKimberlee: You're either a bot or an FTJ'er
TheListless: Clearly not a bot. CLEARLY.
TheListless: I'm not sure what you mean by FTJ'er but if It's your counter strike clan, than no.
ThisIsKimberlee: Then who are you and why are you IM'ing me?
TheListless: I told you
ThisIsKimberlee: Tell me who this is or I am blocking you.
TheListless: Alright. My name is Nick Leach.
TheListless: But my friends call me Castledoomerown.
TheListless: I'm looking for someone who will smear condiments on thier naked body for change.
TheListless: I was told you were such a person.
ThisIsKimberlee: Bye.
TheListless: You shouldn't block me, you treasure our conversation.
ThisIsKimberlee: Bye
TheListless: 3rd bye in a row?
TheListless: Grow some ovaries and block me already.
ThisIsKimberlee: Tell me who this is.
TheListless: Back to that are we?
ThisIsKimberlee: Answer it
TheListless: You know, we're going in circles here.
TheListless: ...wich seems to be how you think... circles.
ThisIsKimberlee: So, why don't you tell me who you are.
TheListless: Because I want you to rub mayonase on your nipples.
ThisIsKimberlee: You're odd.
TheListless: And your giving me an unwelcoming attitude about it.
ThisIsKimberlee: Good.
<this is kimberlee is away>
[Aug 9,2005 10:07pm - wakeoftears ""]

oh shit, thats beautiful.

THANK YOU, that worked out better than I could have possibly imagined.
[Aug 9,2005 10:25pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
RELAYforDEATH: hey baby you're not below my standards
ThisIsKimberlee: May I ask who this is, please?
RELAYforDEATH: im joe christianni. i have a shrinkwrapped tube of beef. are you interested?
ThisIsKimberlee: Don't IM me, please.
ThisIsKimberlee signed off at 10:24:47 PM
[Aug 9,2005 11:12pm - the_reverend ""]
sell her this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5791782530
[Aug 9,2005 11:44pm - davefromthegrave ""]
"grow some ovaries"

[Aug 10,2005 10:20am - CinderBlockHouse nli  ""]
i love it
[Aug 19,2005 7:15pm - wakeoftears ""]
Bump for this bitch threatening to report me for harrassment and releasing her info to others. HAHAHA.
[Aug 20,2005 12:14pm - niccolai nli  ""]
post it on lambgoat. those guys are brutal.

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