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Sam Black Church appreciation thread

[Aug 6,2005 1:05am - V-190  ""]
How much did this band rock? Anyone here still dig them? Remember any good shows?
[Aug 6,2005 1:06am - blue ""]
[Aug 6,2005 1:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I second that motion.
[Aug 6,2005 1:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
every SBC show i went to was good. One time Jet jumped off these HUGE speaker cabinets at the Palladium or something. That was fucked. Then another time he made my girlfriend's head bob up and down using his hands.

All genius.

[Aug 6,2005 1:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Aug 6,2005 2:39am - RustedAngel ""]


SBC for life.
[Aug 7,2005 12:51am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i wish they'd play hempfest
[Aug 7,2005 1:02am - RustedAngel ""]
attendmyrequiem said:i wish they'd play hempfest

again, yes that would be cool and THE ONLY reason for me to go to that shitstorm.
[Aug 7,2005 1:23am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This band fucking ruled. I remember following them around, from concert to concert, because they were so fun...

Hear the new band JetFuel yet? Pretty good.
[Aug 7,2005 1:50am - Distrust-Kevin ""]
I can't count how many times I've seen them. Its a lot. Had the honor of opening for them a few times as well. Too bad they got fucked by their label.
Then again maybe it's not so bad, since all of their fans probably would've started calling them sellouts (like Unearth, Powerman 5000, Zombie, Godsmack, and just about any other local band that has made it) had they signed to Geffen and gotten REALLY famous and not had that bullshit court stuff with Taang records.
Anyway, I still love that shit. New God Science, The Way We Were, Disjustice, and Ninth Circle are my favs

The new Jetfuel sounds good too. Denominator is a excellent song.
[Aug 8,2005 11:25pm - V-190  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:One time Jet jumped off these HUGE speaker cabinets at the Palladium or something. That was fucked.

Ha Ha Ha Ha......Nice, I hope you have high speed internet.


download the video at the bottom of this page, you'll need to unzip it
[Aug 9,2005 3:33am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

i miss seeing them at Club Babyhead, such good shows !

i got myself a fine SuperChrist tattoo on my shoulder. i miss this band 100%
[Aug 9,2005 8:11am - poopsmcgee ""]
[Aug 9,2005 9:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
The first time I saw those guys was at Babyhead (or was it still the Rocket, then?) about 13 or 14 years ago when they opened for Slapshot. Obviously they blew Slapshot away. Us young'ns had never seen someone shove a mic in their mouth and hang from the ceiling screaming like an insane person. Awesome.
[Aug 9,2005 12:03pm - Ichabod ""]
Um, notice the shirt I'm wearing in this pic the Rev just took this past Sunday at Dee Dee's....appreciated indeed. Ichabod played our first gig ever opening for SBC back in the day. Great band and great friends. [img]
[Aug 9,2005 12:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah, I dig them. They do rock.
[Aug 9,2005 1:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
one time at axis (...or was it avalon???) me and brown started doing flips off the stage. it was fucking nuts. at least 10 kids on stage throughout the entire set. at the end of the set, i was on stage, everyone's cheering, etc and the bassist puts his arm around me just as i'm diving off. long story short, he ends up on top of the crowd with me bass and all. they pull him back to do an encore...and his bass is broken.
they finally fix it, the roadies grab me, pull me onstage and then throw me off (freindly like) and "Formaldehead" ends the evening. one of my fondest memories

[Aug 9,2005 2:15pm - SuperFly ""]
[Aug 9,2005 2:33pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The singer of SBC sounds like if HR had a retarded little brother.

[Aug 9,2005 6:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DomesticTerror said:one time at axis (...or was it avalon???) me and brown started doing flips off the stage. it was fucking nuts. at least 10 kids on stage throughout the entire set. at the end of the set, i was on stage, everyone's cheering, etc and the bassist puts his arm around me just as i'm diving off. long story short, he ends up on top of the crowd with me bass and all. they pull him back to do an encore...and his bass is broken.
they finally fix it, the roadies grab me, pull me onstage and then throw me off (freindly like) and "Formaldehead" ends the evening. one of my fondest memories


oh how i miss those type of shows !

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