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BANE OF EXISTENCE news - new singer and guitarist added to the lineup - 1 new show booked

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Aug 5,2005 11:00am - SUBJUGATE ""]
Bane of Existence is pleased to announce the addition
of two new members - vocalist Dusty Lyon and guitarist
Chris Farmerie. Both Dusty and Chris are formerly of
Massachusetts death metal bands Acephalus &

BANE OF EXISTENCE is a 5-piece band based in Rockland,
on the South Shore of Massachusetts. Continuing to
play live and increase their fan base, they combine
the musical styles of such bands as MALEVOLENT
and IMMOLATION. In the meantime, the band is
currently perfecting their existing songs of pure
hatred as well as putting together new material.
Check out the band's first full length CD "Humanity's
Splintered Salvation" and be on the lookout for new
material, guaranteed to be sicker than ever.

the new lineup has 1 show currently booked
w/ Malamor (NY), Bane Of Existence, Life At Zero (NH)
and Whoremastery
8pm Doors, 21+, $6 admission
Dee Dee's Lounge - 297 Newport Ave in Quincy, MA

BANE OF EXISTENCE was formed in the tail end of 1999
under the name DISMALBIO by drummer Mike Butkiewicz
and guitarist Jim Ash. The two began looking for
people who shared the same vision and uncompromising
brutal musical tastes. They finally found the bassist
they were looking for; former DISRUPT drummer and
GRIEF bassist Randy Odierno. Randy's powerful
distorted bass not only laid down a solid rhythm, but
also added an extra element to pummel the masses!
After distributing vocalist wanted flyers at every
possible metal show, an email came in from one Doug
Rinaldi. Doug admitted to never having done lead
vocals for a band before, but wanted to give it a
shot. Fortunately, Doug had pulled through. After
recording a 5 song demo in 2001, the band parted ways
with Randy. Randy was soon replaced by bassist Brandon
Adelizzi, formerly of WARHEAD and DREAD. Brandon's
attitude and fast, heavy, finger picking style was
just what the band needed to progress to the next
level. The new line up played out extensively and
recorded its debut CD in 2002 titled "Humanity's
Splintered Salvation". Unfortunately, the CD's release
was delayed due to artwork issues, but finally saw its
release in early 2004 on Fleshfeast records of Spain.
BANE OF EXISTENCE performed live as often as possible
from 2002 to 2004 in support of the CD. However, due
to health and personal reasons, the band sadly saw the
departure of Doug in early 2005. Refusing to throw in
the towel, the band put out word that they were
looking for a new vocalist and a second guitarist. Jim
received interest from Chris Farmerie; the former
ACEPHALUS guitarist and DESPOILMENT bassist who had
filled in on bass at two BANE OF EXISTENCE shows
earlier in 2003. Chris also gave word that his former
band mate Dusty Lyon (also formerly of ACEPHALUS and
DESPOILMENT) was interested in the vocal spot. The
band, having played shows with Chris and Dusty's
former bands already, knew what they were capable of
musically, but could never have foreseen the sheer
brutality these two would now add to the sound of BANE
[Aug 5,2005 8:00pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Good choices, nice guys. Can't wait to see how you do live with Dusty drunk as hell on the mic.
[Aug 5,2005 8:09pm - blue ""]
[Aug 6,2005 9:22am - subjugate shn  ""]
i am pretty sure the new line up won't let anyone down
[Aug 6,2005 9:45am - handinjury ""]
Sweet , cant wait to see the new linup
[Aug 6,2005 12:17pm - BornSoVile ""]
you guys just raised the bar sick. great news!
[Aug 6,2005 9:13pm - subjugate shn  ""]
[Aug 8,2005 7:46am - SUBJUGATE ""]
practice kicked ass yesterday i hope they all go like this.
[Aug 8,2005 4:23pm - theeaglenature ""]
Dusty learned his lesson after the infamous "Club Fuel Incident"

That was 5 years ago.
[Aug 8,2005 4:33pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's funny how that got around so much. Did he really do anything that bad? Maybe my memory has gotten a little fuzzy over time, but it seems like all he did was "throw" the mic on the ground when the set was over. Every time I see a singer do that now (and it happens a lot) I always wonder if the club is going to start stealing the other members' equipment as collateral.
[Aug 8,2005 5:05pm - theeaglenature ""]
I'll try to make the story short. The club was serving minors at the bar all day (Dusty was 17 at the time) and he basically got trashed and acted like a stupid, drunk kid. He (and the rest of us in the band to be honest) then played a horrible set. He did throw the mike down in frustration a bunch of times, definitely more than once. Immediately afterwards, the club owner demanded $100 for a new mike. When Dusty put up an argument, the club owner's head of security took MY amp head and tried to take it into a back room. I got in his way and physically prevented him from doing so. He pushed me, I pushed back. He threw a punch, mayhem erupted... you know the rest.

The point is that it was 5 years ago and he was 17. Everyone did stupid shit when they were 17. Dusty & I have done 25-30 shows together since then and he's always acted like a complete professional. We never go onstage drunk anymore. That was one time. Half a decade and two bands ago.

[Aug 8,2005 5:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yeah, I understand. I never considered it a big deal really. I think the club was way more out of line than anyone else. That place hasn't really changed. It's still run by dickheads and they still have a trampoline for a drum riser.
[Aug 8,2005 6:11pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I never even heard about that incident, I was just joking cause the last couple times I've run into him, neither of which involved performing, he was smashed.
[Aug 8,2005 6:24pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's fun to reminisce, though, eh?
[Aug 8,2005 7:06pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yes? Maybe.
So what's up with this new band, do I get to try out?
[Aug 8,2005 7:37pm - subjugate shn  ""]
i have the video of the show it was pretty intence, i have no worries about him i know he's a amazing vocalist and front man
[Aug 8,2005 9:44pm - theeaglenature ""]
Oh I know you understand Mike... I thought the other guy was making a reference to the show by saying "good luck with dusty drunk onstage, etc..."
[Aug 8,2005 10:17pm - nate ""]
Chris, haven't seen ya in a while, psyched to hear you're with BOE now and look forward to seein ya tear it up with them.
[Aug 8,2005 10:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
honestly, this is like the best local band news I've heard all year.
[Aug 9,2005 7:25am - SUBJUGATE ""]
BornSoVile said:honestly, this is like the best local band news I've heard all year.

sweet man
[Aug 9,2005 7:03pm - theeaglenature ""]
nate - thanks man, we'll have to chat at the show, thanks for putting this together!
[Aug 9,2005 10:42pm - ann  ""]
jim ash should bring back exceed
[Aug 9,2005 11:12pm - Notorious D.U.G.  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 6:37am - SUBJUGATE ""]
ann said:jim ash should bring back exceed

not even if my life depepned on it!!!! some things are better off dead that band is one of those things.
[Aug 10,2005 8:49pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Acephalus was sick! can't wait to hear the new shit!
[Aug 11,2005 12:33am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Thanks for the kind words amigos.
[Aug 11,2005 7:10am - SUBJUGATE ""]
ditto what msd said

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