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Adolf Satan, Hirudinea, Noosebomb, Sedate July 24 BOSTON

[Jul 9,2003 9:00pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Thu. July 24th
Chopping Block in Boston

Adolf Satan (doom/sludge with Josh from AC, Larry from Upsidedown Cross, Nick from Kevorkians Angels/You're Fired, and Nate from AC)

Noose Bomb (ex-Grief/Disrupt)

Hirudinea (black/grind chaos)

Sedate (?) What are they like Joe?

21+, $5
[Jul 9,2003 9:07pm - the_reverend ""]
as far as I know, I'm going to be at this show.
[Jul 9,2003 9:10pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Killer Aaron, see you there. Glad the site is back up. I was bored for awhile on the net.
[Jul 9,2003 9:51pm - joe/notcommon ""]
sedate is black metal
[Jul 16,2003 8:05pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Joe, there anyway I can hear Sedate?
[Jul 16,2003 10:14pm - joe/notcommon ""]
not that I know of, i dont think they have any recordings

this is one of their first shows
[Jul 17,2003 10:52am - joe/notcommon ""]
the series at the chopping block kicks off tonight with Ravage, Disengaged, Random Acts of Violence and Days Gone By.

[Jul 17,2003 2:14pm - baneofexistence ""]
the drummer in Noose Bomb is awsome :doublehorns:
[Jul 17,2003 6:38pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
ARGH Here's another show.

Adolf Satan

8/19 Club Euphoria in Hudson, NH
18+? $5?
[Jul 17,2003 8:44pm - xmikex ""]
Club Euphoria?? haha the strobe lights, lazer effects, and smoke machine will go over GREAT with seth putnam.
[Jul 18,2003 2:14am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Seth isn't playing there. So is this place a dance club?
[Jul 18,2003 8:58am - xmikex ""]
it's a dance club in a strip mall this weird little town. It's just weird.
[Jul 18,2003 10:40am - joe/notcommon ""]
the series kicked off great last night!!!
with the exception of the headlining bands coming, leaving, and then not coming back.
the place was rocking, i think alot of those people will be coming back next week.

hirudinea load in at 7:30-8, try not to be too late. You should be able to find parking alongside the club, on the side road that goes up the hill.

[Jul 18,2003 10:00pm - PSHR  ""]
"try not to be late"

yeah right
[Jul 18,2003 11:57pm - haaah  ""]
[Jul 19,2003 4:25am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
We will be there on time.
[Jul 19,2003 9:58am - joe/notcommon ""]
haha, are you guys late alot or something?
[Jul 19,2003 5:41pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
We were late one time, but that had a lot to do with work and traffic. We were supposed to play at 5, we ended up playing at 7 or something, and had our set cut to three songs.
[Jul 20,2003 1:09am - joe/notcommon ""]
oh, well whatever, this show is more laid back so no pressure
[Jul 20,2003 1:54am - Terence ""]
I dont think that the set was cut short, as it was that everyone who played that fest only got about 10-15 minute sets.
[Jul 20,2003 10:14am - joe/notcommon ""]
was that the bitter end fest?
kevorkian's angels set got cut short
[Jul 20,2003 3:21pm - Terence ""]
hah, once again, they didnt get cut, they had only about 25 mintues to play. Every band that played that fest say they got cut short, the original schedules for every band that played was 10-25 minute sets, depending on what time they played. To this day we have never played anything past 25 minutes, we wouldnt want to, metal people have ADD..PS I didnt set the Bitter End Fest up, Mark from UCW did, im just defending him cause so many people gave him shit for it.
[Jul 20,2003 7:22pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
We played about 8 mins, and were told to stop. I'd say thats getting cut short. I don't care, it was ok with us for a million reasons haha.
[Jul 20,2003 7:53pm - joe/notcommon ""]
kevorkian's angels got cut short by 10 minutes
[Jul 20,2003 9:38pm - brad kevorkians  ""]
the kid that booked the show asked me personally to cut our set short
so there!
[Jul 21,2003 1:04am - Terence ""]
hey its all cool and the gang, what can you do, the show was a bookers nightmare I guess, it was a good time though.
[Jul 21,2003 4:48pm - brad kevorkians  ""]
no regrets from the Kevorkians Angels, twas a great show, just poorly run
[Jul 21,2003 9:13pm - joe/notcommon ""]
day one was better
Watchmaker and Kevorkian's Angels so close together, woo!!
[Jul 21,2003 11:30pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
sorry guys, it was the first fest we ever set up. haha. we'll do better next year. offer any suggestions to make it run smoother, we are open for anything that helps.
Sedate is my little brother's raw black metal band. he's the bassist. they are gonna work on some new material before they record. but after that they'll probably put songs on mp3.com or whatever.
[Jul 22,2003 6:08pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Yo Dave, looking forward to seeing your brothers black metal band. Hope it's good.

Suggestions for fest? Make it more of an extreme metal show instead of a metalcore show. There are enough extreme bands from MA now that you could fill three days worth.

Here is my imaginary fest of locals because I am never going to do it

You're Fired
Adolf Satan
Noose Bomb
Anal Cunt
Kevorkians Angels
A Cold Reality
Drop Dead
Suffering Bastard

[Jul 22,2003 6:12pm - jesus ""]
[Jul 22,2003 6:12pm - the_reverend ""]
id is from NH
[Jul 22,2003 6:49pm - ratt_mowe ""]
dropdead and suffering bastard. damn good choices my man. damn good.:doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns:
[Jul 22,2003 11:05pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Yeah I like Drop Dead. Nobody really gives a shit aboot them. Did you hear about the singer of Suffering Bastard getting naked at their show? He tried to pull a GG when they played with the Murder Junkies. Thats funny.
[Jul 22,2003 11:06pm - ratt_mowe ""]
hahaha i wouldnt doubt it. they are nuts. and yes i am a huge dropdead fan... have been for years. fuck other people who dont know what they are missing
[Jul 22,2003 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, I saw dropdead's singer's other band and I saw dropdead with nunslaughter.

wait, the murder junkies STILL play?
I guess I never thought of it.
[Jul 22,2003 11:26pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Yeah man they still play, and they suck really bad.
[Jul 22,2003 11:30pm - tyagxgrind ""]
SxB is awesome. Chris is a fruit haha. We wanted to play down in Provi sometime with them but it never happened. Sedate has gotten a lot better I hear. Let me know when you play in Provi in the future because its closer to me then Haverhill sorry haha.

You got my AIM. Word.
[Jul 22,2003 11:35pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Yeah I want to play in RI again, we played our best show there. Hirudinea might take a break from playing live for a little bit. We really need to record, and put out the split with Watchmaker. If any shows pop up you will surely see it here haha.
[Jul 23,2003 1:25am - Dave Maggot  ""]
theyre (sedate) good for raw black metal i think. i dont really like too much raw black metal anymore though, i kinda grew out of it.

for the fest we got a ton of bands that just all contacted us all at once. there were a lot. in this state its hard to get people through the door with just real straight forward metal bands, cuz its not that "popular" around here lately. which sucks. next year it'll be different though. a whole day for straight forward metal, grind, death, whatever . then a whole day for metal core, metal, hardcore, punk, whatever. hopefuly we can pull it off smoother than the first fest. we'll most likely have more money and label support next year too. so it should be good.
[Jul 23,2003 11:40am - joe/notcommon ""]
this show is going to be awesome, i cant wait to see Hirudinea again and Adolf Satan and Sedate for the first time

and as always, Noosebomb will be excellent
[Jul 23,2003 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
as far as I know, I'll be at this show.
how is parking around that area?
[Jul 23,2003 11:43am - joe/notcommon ""]
parking can be a bitch sometimes honestly.
i would suggest coming around 8 Aaron, then you can probably find a spot along the street that runs next to the club, the one thats a hill

[Jul 23,2003 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I'm not sure if I can get there before 9pm.
we'll see.
[Jul 23,2003 12:43pm - joe/notcommon ""]
you will be able to find parking, but you would have to walk a block or 2

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