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[Aug 3,2005 8:46am - Eli ""]
Im selling a Lee Jackson Perfect Connection preamp. This is the preamp Alexi Laiho(Children of Bodom/Sinergy) uses. Ive got some shitty pictures if you're interested. Selling for 2-300.
[Aug 3,2005 9:09am - Eli ""]
(It's the one in the fourth space down)
More pictures at http://photobucket.com/albums/a224/Eli321/
[Aug 3,2005 9:16am - largefreakatzero ""]
Would it work for PA speakers? We need some juice to drive my drummers triggers in our jam space. Our current PA head does not have enough cojones.
[Aug 3,2005 9:28am - Eli ""]
No, this is only the preamp, what you'd need for something like that is a poweramp(which is what that Rocktron Velocity is). I'd say get a higher wattage PA; or buy a mixer and a power amp, but if you did it the second way you gotta make sure the speakers are the right Ohms.
[Aug 3,2005 9:35am - largefreakatzero ""]
Ah yes, ohms. That confusing little horseshoe that can really fuck you hard if you treat it incorrectly.
Thanks for the advice.
[Aug 3,2005 9:52am - Eli ""]
No problem.
[Aug 3,2005 7:19pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
What kind of tubes does it use?
Can I use it on bass/vocals/everything else?
And I would like to hear it.
[Aug 4,2005 9:09am - Eli ""]
its got three 12AX7's. I dont see why you wouldnt be able to use it on everything else, but remember this is a PREamp, not a poweramp.
I'll record some quick soundclip and put it up.
[Aug 4,2005 8:16pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Thanks, I'm well aware of how they work. I'll look it up on some sites and see what I find.
[Aug 4,2005 10:03pm - Eli ""]
check http://www.harmony-central.com, they have reviews for everything
[Aug 4,2005 10:05pm - Eli ""]
[Aug 4,2005 10:15pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Looks pretty nice. There is a bass-tailored version but from the looks of it the difference is where the EQs are based and they added a DI and bi-amp out.
Anyway, I probably want this but I'd still like to hear it.
[Aug 5,2005 10:40am - Eli.  ""]
Cool... monday when im back home, i'll throw up some soundclips
[Aug 12,2005 2:56am - axe  ""]
I want to buy it. Put it on ebay with a buy it now... Just tell me when you are going to put it up and I will snatch it right away
[Aug 19,2005 9:55am - Eli ""]
Sorry it took so long, here are some shitty clips recorded with an equally shitty vocal mic(cause thats all i have on hand here).


And of course, there are other sounds you can get outta this thing.
[Aug 19,2005 9:56am - Eli ""]
If you guys are still interested, i'll say $230, i payed just under $300 not too long ago.
[Aug 20,2005 2:58am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Samples don't work for me, I don't have anything that can play 24 bit wavs at the moment. I can swing $230, got any time I can come try it out?
[Aug 20,2005 3:34pm - Eli ""]
Can you make thursday around 6/7 in Malden
[Aug 20,2005 5:21pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I do believe I can.
[Aug 21,2005 2:53am - axe  ""]
Ill give you $275
[Aug 21,2005 2:55am - axe  ""]
i dont need to try it, how can I pay you? I need it shipped to canada. It would be nice if you would put it on ebay with a buy it now for me...
[Aug 21,2005 9:22am - Eli ""]
Ok axe, but I gotta be fair, so since DeOdiumMortis responded first, i'll let him try it out and if he doesnt want it I'll definitely throw it up on ebay for you with a buy it now. I'll let you know on thursday.
[Aug 21,2005 9:27am - Eli ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I do believe I can.

alright, i'll email you the address
[Aug 21,2005 4:32pm - axe  ""]
[Aug 22,2005 12:17am - axe ""]
I really want it Everything works good on it right? And just wondering if the unit has a footswitch... Anyway, Ill be waiting till you let me know.

[Aug 25,2005 9:50pm - Eli ""]
Sorry man, he took the amp, but i found this one on ebay for you
Same one, for $250 buy it now. $14 shipping, worldwide. Good luck man.
[Aug 26,2005 1:14am - axe1  ""]
thanks! I just saw that one go up too, and was waiting to see if you sold it. Thanks for letting me know!
[Sep 9,2006 11:49pm - Gurator  ""]
sorry Eli... have you always your gp-1000 to sell???please answer me at gurator_99@hotmail.com
[Sep 10,2006 12:04am - PatMeebles ""]
Eli, stop selling good stuff, you fool.

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