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Coffin Series #1 -=- w/ Malamor (NY), Bane Of Existence, Life At Zero (NH), Whoremastery and possibly 1 more TBA

Dee Dee's Lounge (Quincy, Ma) - [bane_of_existence][life_at_zero][malamor][randomshots][whoremastery]
[Aug 2,2005 2:02pm - nate ""]

possibly one more band... we'll see how this pans out....

more info @ www.myspace.com/coldstorageproductions
(add us while you're there!)

[Aug 2,2005 2:24pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
exploding christ needs to play with whoremastery, although over all we really wouldnt fit on this show
[Aug 2,2005 2:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Aug 2,2005 2:33pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 2,2005 9:11pm - nate ""]
[Aug 3,2005 8:22am - nate ""]
BUMP for a new day
[Aug 3,2005 8:49am - Whoremastery ""]
haha...man I cant belive we finally got a show..

And yes there needs to be a exploding christ,whoremastery show!
[Aug 3,2005 8:50am - nate ""]
Rob have you guys got a logo instead of the text I used?? I am gona add real logo's for the one's that aren't on there..
[Aug 3,2005 10:07am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
gotta love them TBAs... *hint hint*
[Aug 3,2005 10:11am - nate ""]

Bands on the show are encouraged to download and print the files up above. Inside the ZIP file is three files, one with a full size flyer, one with 2 up on a sheet and the other is 4 up on a sheet. They are all in color but you can print em however...

TBA band will be confirmed or not tonight...
[Aug 3,2005 10:59am - subjugate shn  ""]
i brought 100 to malevolent creation last nite got rid of more than half and joecommon took a handfull to bring to some of the shows he is going to this week
[Aug 3,2005 11:03am - nate ""]
kick ass bro, thanks a ton!!
[Aug 3,2005 11:10am - subjugate shn  ""]
not a prob man, i am gonna hit newbury comics(attleboro) and guitar ctr today i think and hang up some this weekend i will hit the south shore
[Aug 3,2005 11:25am - nate ""]
awesome dude, you rule... hopefully all bands do this shit! who here does?
[Aug 3,2005 11:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I got some of those flyers to hand out Friday and Saturday @ obriens
[Aug 3,2005 11:38am - nate ""]
thank you Joe!!
[Aug 3,2005 11:52am - subjugate shn  ""]
i will probly do my usual
few hundred 8x11
and a thousand+ 1/4

[Aug 3,2005 11:58am - nate ""]
fuckin a'... I thought bands stopped promoting themselves and just expected people to show up... that was a joke... bahaha... alot of abdns I know don't lift a finger to promote a show and that sux!

Thanks a ton to you guys and Joe for already kicking this into high gear, I appreciate it!
[Aug 3,2005 12:00pm - subjugate shn  ""]
hah yea i know what you are saying,
[Aug 3,2005 12:00pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
we make our own flyers all the time and bring em everywhere!

*hint, hint*
[Aug 3,2005 9:15pm - nate ""]
TBA band couldn't do it, which works well and keeps the show at just four bands, hopefully they can do it for the October show (if this one goes over well).

Anyone planning on coming out to this or what??

As the show gets closer I'll mention times and poop...
[Aug 3,2005 10:06pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
damn it all!
[Aug 3,2005 11:08pm - nate nli  ""]
Sac... If this one goes over well and I'm given the chance to book again we'll possibly talk
[Aug 3,2005 11:20pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll be there, on some yet undetermined side of the stage. But I'll be there regardless.
[Aug 4,2005 6:45am - SUBJUGATE ""]
i think this show will go down well
[Aug 4,2005 7:09am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
and there was much rejoicing
[Aug 4,2005 8:23am - largefreakatzero ""]
I will be sure to promote this to all the forest people and woodland creatures up here. Seriously, though, we'll get the word out...
[Aug 4,2005 8:25am - nate ""]
"woodland creatures"... bahaha... there were plenty of them at Coos Fest
[Aug 4,2005 8:27am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yes, from the sub-species "beerus-guzzlus".
[Aug 4,2005 8:29am - nate ""]
yeah they converted me for the night, I became a "beerus-guzzlus" but the next morning I turned into a normal human with a headache the size of Earth with a memory no bigger than a thumbtack...
[Aug 4,2005 8:56am - Whoremastery ""]
nate..i dont have one as of yet...but im gonna make one up soon and hopefully get it on the computer...and thanx for the half hour set..but our songs are so shoet..we wont need that much time
[Aug 4,2005 9:05am - nate ""]
take whatever time man, if you use it than that's cool.. if not that's aiiiight too!
[Aug 4,2005 9:05am - largefreakatzero ""]
nate said:yeah they converted me for the night, I became a "beerus-guzzlus" but the next morning I turned into a normal human with a headache the size of Earth with a memory no bigger than a thumbtack...

I didn't even drink, but was still useless the next day (because I'm old). I drove home that night and got in @ 2:30 am. 377 miles that day.
[Aug 4,2005 9:08am - nate ""]
yeah being old didn't help me much either, add in the drinking and OUCH!
[Aug 4,2005 9:21am - SUBJUGATE ""]
printing flyers now to give to my band members sunday, i think this show should do very well.
[Aug 4,2005 9:32am - nate ""]
I hope so, thanks a ton already to you guys and Joe and anyone else pumping flyers out, I appreciate the help... like I said, I wanna do this is a series of shows so if it goes over well I already am looking at a date and another killer out of state band to do it... I don't think they've actually ever played MA before, if they have it's been a fuckin long time I know that... but anyway, thanks again Jim!
[Aug 4,2005 12:03pm - hoser ""]
I TOTALLY WICKED <3 Life At Zero's new logo!!!!!!!!!

Awesome guys!!!!....Can't wait for the stickers!!!!!!!

[Aug 4,2005 12:05pm - nate ""]
bahaha I just made it cause I couldn't get a clean version of their real one... anyone have their logo besides what they have on myspace?
[Aug 4,2005 12:10pm - hoser ""]
Buahahahahahahahahahaha.........not bad, if they were from China!!

[Aug 4,2005 12:10pm - hunterhunter ""]
deathamphetamine would play this show, and fit nicely...is this TBA spot that you speak of filled yet?
[Aug 4,2005 12:12pm - hoser ""]
Here dude......

[Aug 4,2005 12:18pm - nate ""]
hunter... the TBA band couldn't do it, but I'm keeping the show to 4 for now... like I said to Sac, if this goes over well I will be doing this series once a month...

thanks hoser!
[Aug 4,2005 3:04pm - hunterhunter ""]
fucking sweet,
way to pick up the slack in the scene where joe, liz, jess, and brian left off....
[Aug 4,2005 3:05pm - hunterhunter ""]
p.s keep us in mind dude!
[Aug 4,2005 3:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
hoser said:Here dude......


Thanks dude, that's our old one though. I don't know how to extract our new logo from the background it's set in. Our new logo is on our gayspace page. I think the flyer for this show is good as it is -- our name's on it, that's all that matters.
[Aug 4,2005 6:44pm - handinjury ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I'll be there, on some yet undetermined side of the stage. But I'll be there regardless.

Hah, me too.:spineyes:
[Aug 4,2005 7:46pm - Whoremastery ""]
nate get exploding christ on if you still need something..im supposed to do a split with them...i gotta call you about somthing also
[Aug 4,2005 7:54pm - Whoremastery ""]
hails to nate also for picking up the fucking ball with shows to....horn to you my friend!\m/
[Aug 5,2005 6:41am - SUBJUGATE ""]
i think you will have no trouble making this a regular series nate

oh yea bizzump
[Aug 5,2005 7:18am - nate ""]
SUBJUGATE said:i think you will have no trouble making this a regular series nate

oh yea bizzump

thanks Jim, that's what I'm hoping...

[Aug 5,2005 10:06am - tyagxgrind ""]
[Aug 6,2005 8:40am - nate nli  ""]
[Aug 6,2005 9:11pm - subjugate shn  ""]
up ya go
[Aug 6,2005 10:02pm - nate ""]
any of you mofos on myspace add the page I made for Cold Storage "The Coffin Series" @

[Aug 7,2005 7:43pm - subjugate shn  ""]
i got ya added bro
[Aug 8,2005 6:47am - SUBJUGATE ""]
up ya go
[Aug 8,2005 12:56pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
and yet again
[Aug 8,2005 1:00pm - Whoremastery ""]
fuck sluts in the ass
[Aug 8,2005 4:58pm - nate nli  ""]
do it, DO IT!
[Aug 8,2005 5:01pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I think "Whoremastery" is my favorite band name right now. I expect to hear pure filth on 9/16. Filth, I say.
[Aug 8,2005 9:21pm - nate ""]
filth...mmm tasty...
[Aug 9,2005 7:56am - SUBJUGATE ""]
back to the front
[Aug 9,2005 8:11am - nate ""]
I'm getting psyched about this show, it's gonna be awesome to see BOE's new line-up and to finally see Malamor (been listening to their disc like crazy), Life At Zero is just gonna crush (anyone who hasn't seen them in a while will be surprised at how awesome they have become) and Whoremastery is just gonna spread so much filth we're all gonna need the CDC to come spray us down for toxic waste exposure!
[Aug 9,2005 3:04pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
let me give ya a little boost back to the top
[Aug 9,2005 6:30pm - Whoremastery ""]
and Whoremastery is just gonna spread so much filth we're all gonna need the CDC to come spray us down for toxic waste exposure! >>

thats my plan...how bad can i get away with some shit nate without getting you in any problems....i have a lot of awful ideas...and the cdc might really have to come down...call me soon!:pukeface:
[Aug 10,2005 6:38am - SUBJUGATE ""]
back to the top
[Aug 10,2005 8:14am - Whoremastery ""]
http://www.myspace.com/whoremastery if any of you fucks want to hears some shit.
[Aug 10,2005 8:17am - SUBJUGATE ""]
funny you post that thats what i am doing at this very min
[Aug 10,2005 8:33am - largefreakatzero ""]
Whoremastery said:http://www.myspace.com/whoremastery if any of you fucks want to hears some shit.

Nice and sleazy.
[Aug 10,2005 8:51am - nate ""]
Rob, I'll buzz ya tonight to see what shizzit you got planned for this hoe-down....
[Aug 10,2005 8:59am - Whoremastery ""]
nice and, sleazy...Thats right bro...chicks should stay clear of me if they want to keep thier worthless reputations ....yes nate call...I might be thinking to over board. The drummer I got for this is better than what i did on those recordings..double bass and blast beats motherfuckers!
[Aug 10,2005 4:05pm - nate ""]
[Aug 10,2005 5:23pm - Whoremastery ""]
[Aug 10,2005 6:13pm - DomesticTerror ""]
the funnel!
[Aug 10,2005 7:55pm - subjugate shn  ""]
[Aug 11,2005 6:41am - SUBJUGATE ""]
up you go
[Aug 11,2005 5:18pm - subjugate shn  ""]
up ya go
a g a i n
[Aug 12,2005 6:38am - SUBJUGATE ""]
and again
[Aug 12,2005 1:43pm - shatteredliz ""]
I wish I could go...
[Aug 12,2005 3:02pm - nate ""]
you should...
[Aug 13,2005 12:46am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 13,2005 11:41am - SUBJUGATE ""]
cannot wait to see whoremastery
[Aug 13,2005 11:43am - nate ""]
[Aug 13,2005 7:16pm - Whoremastery ""]
me too
[Aug 14,2005 9:24am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 14,2005 10:52pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
up ya go
[Aug 14,2005 10:54pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 15,2005 4:07pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
hahah nice mikee
[Aug 17,2005 6:46am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 17,2005 8:23am - largefreakatzero ""]
HAHA - that's great.
[Aug 17,2005 2:38pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 17,2005 2:54pm - nate ""]
I still gotta get a copy of that from you Jim... make sure you bring some...
[Aug 17,2005 2:59pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
we will have em with us
[Aug 17,2005 3:02pm - nate ""]
[Aug 17,2005 5:58pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 18,2005 11:33am - nate ""]
[Aug 19,2005 8:04am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 19,2005 10:11am - Cecchini ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

Ommmmgggggggggg that is the funniest picture I have ever seeen. hahahhahahahahahahhahahaha
[Aug 19,2005 5:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 19,2005 7:15pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 20,2005 2:40pm - Whoremastery ""]
[Aug 20,2005 2:44pm - DomesticTerror ""]
apotemnophilia. he can only get off by having something amputated.
[Aug 20,2005 3:22pm - Whoremastery ""]
and im fucked for just carving whoremastery into my arm...meh!
[Aug 21,2005 8:59am - SUBJUGATE ""]
yes you are
[Aug 21,2005 9:07am - whoremastery ""]
yea...your right but it was fun..
[Aug 22,2005 3:59pm - nate ""]
[Aug 22,2005 4:19pm - largefreakatzero ""]
The one above the amputation -- those are some nasty roast beef curtains.
[Aug 23,2005 8:38am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Aug 23,2005 8:43am - Whoremastery ""]
largefreakatzero said:The one above the amputation -- those are some nasty roast beef curtains.

just how i like em!:pukeface:
[Aug 23,2005 5:27pm - DomesticTerror ""]
9-16, no whore shall be spared
[Aug 24,2005 8:22am - SUBJUGATE ""]
this show is gonna be insane
[Aug 24,2005 5:41pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'm gonna get so drunk.
[Aug 24,2005 6:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 25,2005 3:35pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Holy shit -- that's from a snakebite? That dude is fuuuuucked.
[Aug 26,2005 8:57am - SUBJUGATE ""]
sick man siiiiick
[Aug 26,2005 5:53pm - handinjury ""]
Bump for Whoremastery practice in 1hr &10 minutes.
[Aug 26,2005 5:58pm - Aegathis ""]
handinjury said:Bump for Whoremastery practice in 1hr &10 minutes.

Oh so your not going to New bedford tonight?>:]
[Aug 26,2005 6:06pm - nate ""]
Less than month away... I'm getting psyched about this... As soon as the nights over and is a success (I fuckin hope) I'll have a date for Coffin Series #2 which I already have e bands confirmed for and 2 others waiting to confirm soon as I get a date. If all works out well the headliner I have in mind has not done a MA date in the years and years they've been playing...
[Aug 26,2005 6:10pm - nate ""]
Less than month away... I'm getting psyched about this... As soon as the nights over and is a success (I fuckin hope) I'll have a date for Coffin Series #2 which I already have e bands confirmed for and 2 others waiting to confirm soon as I get a date. If all works out well the headliner I have in mind has not done a MA date in the years and years they've been playing...
[Aug 27,2005 12:28pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Sep 3,2005 1:17pm - Whoremastery ""]
bump...for new england cunt grind!!!!
[Sep 4,2005 7:18pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Sep 5,2005 11:08am - subjugate shn  ""]
[Sep 5,2005 2:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 5,2005 7:25pm - anonymous  ""]
hahahahahahahaha nice mikee you wet dream made real
[Sep 5,2005 9:48pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Malamor's site is gay, you cannot download any complete songs only short clips, I hate that shit, I have not heard them since the "condemn the rising " demo, which I have on cassette but nuthin to play it on
[Sep 6,2005 2:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I sell the MALAMOR CDs for $10.00, Japanese import on Amputated Vein Records.
[Sep 7,2005 6:37pm - anonymous  ""]
malomars kick ass
[Sep 7,2005 7:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Sep 7,2005 9:21pm - anonymous  ""]
but do they tastes as good
[Sep 8,2005 1:47am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Tastes better!
[Sep 8,2005 9:51am - nate ""]
since the link up top is broken, and I did a minor edit...

[Sep 8,2005 8:51pm - anonymous  ""]
a week from tommrow
[Sep 8,2005 8:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm really looking forward to this show.
[Sep 9,2005 11:06am - subjugate s.g.o.  ""]
one week from today fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 9,2005 11:06pm - Big Boa  ""]
Whoremastery set list:

Ring around the asshole
Face it your a lesbian
Roomates pussy smells
A cunts life
Everyone hates you
Thanks for the yeast infection
Raised by dykes
No ones shittier than you
I only cared about the sex
Movie script sucks
You have man shoulders
Star struck
[Sep 10,2005 9:32am - subjugate s.g.o.  ""]
six days
[Sep 10,2005 9:41am - nate ""]
who's coming out to this??
[Sep 10,2005 10:52am - subjugate s.g.o.  ""]
[Sep 10,2005 11:22am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I shall attend.
[Sep 11,2005 9:54pm - subjugate hgo  ""]
blarg....... bump
[Sep 12,2005 1:55pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Big Boa said:Whoremastery set list:

Ring around the asshole
Face it your a lesbian
Roomates pussy smells
A cunts life
Everyone hates you
Thanks for the yeast infection
Raised by dykes
No ones shittier than you
I only cared about the sex
Movie script sucks
You have man shoulders
Star struck

HAHA -- awesome! And bump...

[Sep 12,2005 2:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Face It, You're A Lesbian.
[Sep 12,2005 4:20pm - Big Boa  ""]
Face it, I need my grammar checked on a message board.
[Sep 12,2005 4:46pm - Aegathis ""]
nate said:who's coming out to this??

I guess i dont have an excuse not to go
[Sep 13,2005 7:48am - SUBJUGATE ""]
so we will see you there
[Sep 13,2005 9:06am - downsy  ""]
hopefully there is a good show like this when I get out there in OCT... christ..

must have metal !!!

~!>D / Disinterment
[Sep 13,2005 12:55pm - largefreakatzero ""]
HAha - Downsy! We'll see you in Oct!

Hey, anyone have some non-confusing directions to Dee-Dee's? The mapquest ones are making my head hurt. We would be coming down 93S. Remember we are accustomed to the woods, so buildings and traffic confuse us. Or maybe that's just me.
[Sep 13,2005 4:33pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Die-rections? Anyone?
[Sep 13,2005 6:01pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 13,2005 6:19pm - whoremastery ""]
3 more days till anal sex!!!
[Sep 14,2005 12:34pm - anonymous  ""]
2more days
[Sep 14,2005 4:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Day after tomorrow.
[Sep 14,2005 4:17pm - whoremastery ""]
you gonna get raped john boy......
[Sep 14,2005 4:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Can't rape the willing, Worm.
[Sep 14,2005 4:22pm - whoremastery ""]
awesome...my cock will be hard wrapped in razor wire!!
[Sep 14,2005 7:11pm - the old man  ""]
up ya go mutha fucker
[Sep 14,2005 10:05pm - Big Boa  ""]
Make sure you fuckers get there early to see whoremastery's set.
[Sep 14,2005 11:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 14,2005 11:41pm - Aegathis ""]
Oh man that totally ruined my child hood memories of mario, haha
[Sep 15,2005 6:35am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Sep 15,2005 9:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Looks like we'll just be a 4 piece for this. Our other guitar player had some unexpected family issues to deal with. I'll just bring some of my other personalities along and we'll trade off on the harmony parts.
[Sep 15,2005 10:18am - nate ""]
hopefully all works out for this show. They are saying that Hurricane Ophelia will be making a close pass to our area around 3-4 AM Saturday morning (friday night). I am hoping this does not interfere with the draw and or the show not going on. As of right now though it is still 100% going to happen. I talked with Malamor last night and they are still coming and most of the other bands have still stayed confirmed so this'll be a sick time. Looking forward to it indeed!
[Sep 15,2005 10:27am - RustedAngel ""]
I'm thinking the hurricane will die down a lot between now and saturday since it's already on land practically. They said it's moving really slow too.
[Sep 15,2005 10:29am - nate ""]
yeah that's the problem though, they say the longer it sits over NC it could strengthen... and the longer it sits there the more chance it will come closer to our area because the jet stream is shifting and the hurricane will basically ride the jet stream right towards us... but I'm not worried to much, we'll just have to see what happens...
[Sep 15,2005 10:31am - nate ""]
they (NOAA) projected it pass 200 miles off our coast yesterday, but today they are saying it be closer than 100 miles off the coast... the storm is shifting direction... but like I said, fuck it I'm not majorely worried about it... I just wanna make sure people are to scared to come out and go to this show...
[Sep 15,2005 12:15pm - nate ""]
Ben from Malamor wanted me to ask... any bassist playing this show willing to let them use the bass cab? The have something to drive it, ie. head, but are limited on space to bring all their shit. Anyone?
[Sep 15,2005 1:41pm - NotCommon  ""]
I will be at this show, but I only know Bane of Existence.

Who are those other bands?
[Sep 15,2005 2:08pm - nate ""]
whoremastery is Rob from Teratism's side project, Life At Zero is from NH and has played MA a few times and Malamor is NY death metal, they've been around about 11+ years now, they're latest CD has guest vocals by Frank from Suffocation.
[Sep 15,2005 2:13pm - downsy  ""]
well your other guitar player better be there for jam when I get there ! OR ELSE !!! hahhaahah..

good luck on the show this weekend.

[Sep 15,2005 2:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks dude. And Nate, Malamor can probably use Tom's (our bass player's cab). The thing isn't pretty pretty but it works...
[Sep 15,2005 3:23pm - whoremastery ""]
we dont have a bass player or we would let them.....our set is only 10 or 15 min..but, we have 12 songs to play..our songs are short, but thats the point..all songs are true stories!!! fuck the guilty cunts!!
[Sep 15,2005 10:24pm - Big boa  ""]
Last fuckin bump
[Sep 15,2005 11:30pm - spidey ""]
Who's buying me beer??? I drink that shit...
[Sep 16,2005 8:28am - largefreakatzero ""]
Bump for tonight!
[Sep 16,2005 8:36am - whoremastery ""]
yes..i get to spread my std's tonite.......
[Sep 16,2005 10:30am - Mess  ""]
what are the set times? if anyone knows?
[Sep 16,2005 10:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
This what Nate sent me:

Malamor (from NY) 11:15-12:15

Bane Of Existence (from Boston) 10:15-11:00

Life At Zero (from NH) 9:20-9:50

Whoremastery (from Quincy, MA) 8:30-9:00

The show'll be $6 to get in, 8pm doors (show start between 8:30-9:00) and
obviously it be 21+
[Sep 16,2005 10:42am - dyingmuse ""]
i am so there!
[Sep 16,2005 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
crap! it starts at 8:30? good thing I checked.
[Sep 16,2005 10:53am - whoremastery ""]
yes..i need pics of us rev. i hope you make it there on time..
[Sep 16,2005 11:16am - largefreakatzero ""]
Last night, I thought we weren't gonna be able to do this, due to a sick drummer, but I am happy to announce that Nick beat the Triple E and we are there.
[Sep 16,2005 12:16pm - nate ""]
Triple E eh? I've been making sure my kids are in early each day cause that shit has me freaked out... there's been a case or two local to me so I'm not taking any friggin chances... glad to hear he's ok though and that you mofo's are still gonna make it.
[Sep 16,2005 2:11pm - whoremastery ""]
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! ehem! shaving my balls sorry! few more hours!!!
[Sep 16,2005 2:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
nate said:Triple E eh? I've been making sure my kids are in early each day cause that shit has me freaked out... there's been a case or two local to me so I'm not taking any friggin chances... glad to hear he's ok though and that you mofo's are still gonna make it.

I don't think he really had EEE, I was just making a bad joke. He was complaining about headache and puking, but he's fine now.
[Sep 16,2005 2:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
i was sick like that yesterday and i had a all headache last week, there is indeed a bad cold going round'

[Sep 16,2005 3:39pm - whoremastery ""]
this show will be sponsered by monastat 7.....few more hours!!!
[Sep 16,2005 4:49pm - Robdeadskin ""]
alot of peeps coming on my end..this is gonna be a good fucking time:shocker::shocked::satancross:
[Sep 16,2005 4:57pm - nate ""]
:skull: As long as it goes over well, IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN :skull:
[Sep 16,2005 6:52pm - DomesticTerror ""]
leaving soon
[Sep 17,2005 1:46am - DomesticTerror ""]
good times.
Life at Zero: couldn' t hear the bass or vocals too well, but the giutars and drumming was tight as hell. would like to see them again.
BOE: good to hear the new vox and guitars. ALWAYS a pleasure to jam with these bro!
Malamor: what can i say? they were sick as hell. gotta grab a cd of theirs.
thanx to Paul for the beers, Dusty for the butts. Nate, you put on one Hell of show!
[Sep 17,2005 1:54am - SPIDEY ""]
had a fackin blast! NE Cunt Grind! bands were sick, rolling rocks were sick, hotties were sick! (don't tell mary jane, bitch is pissed!)
muthafucka please, muthafucka please.
[Sep 17,2005 2:09am - j of existence  ""]
all i can say is AWSOME!!!
great show all bands kicked ass............ sleep now
[Sep 17,2005 2:45am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
fuck boston.
took me forever to get through there.
and fuck my tooth.. it hurtz a lot and whiskey isn't doing anything.
[Sep 17,2005 2:50am - dyingmuse ""]
man i had a great time and all the bands kicked ass!

and malamor...wow!!!! they kicked my fucking ass!!!!!


laz rocked and i heard the singer fine from where i was...the bass was a C hair low...but not badly low.
[Sep 17,2005 2:57am - the_reverend ""]
whoremastery: well, I'm going to let out the secrets. I knew that handinjury was on drums. I knew it once his mask fell off. Scott (teratism) was on guitar. I knew it was him cause the singer.. Um... I heard the singer was in vital remains at one point.... But the singer said "scott" to him so I knew it was him, plus then he took off his mask. Way to keep the secret. You dudes need a vault. anyhow, they played a bunch of tracks that were lividity-esque in their tongue-in-cheek-ness. all songs about the singers life.
a bunch of people missed them play. Dan&mark showed up for a couple songs. Josh, rob, DOM, and a few others... Lame.

life at zero: I made fun of andy mentioning the whole "second guitarist" thing over and over. I actually met the guy in their practice space. He was unable to make this show due to a death in his family. I must say, after watch andy look like was racing, trying not to trip over his fingers while playing, I think that a second guitarist would eliviate that. I'm positive it must be less stressful for him with the new guy. Mike had his own little fan club going on there

bane of existence: second time seeing them with new members. I must say that it wasn't as good ad goodtimes. In those cramped corners, it was a lot harder for the new guys to head bang their way into your hearts (and save spring break in the process). They still sounded awesome and you could a couple things
1) jim's going to sleep good time night after he was headbanging, trying to keep up with the new kids who are head banging machines.
2) dusty was trying to sound more like doug this time in his scream.
I think my favorite song they did was solace. It sounded doublely sick.
[Sep 17,2005 5:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No opinion on MALAMOR?
[Sep 17,2005 5:55am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Shit, I wish I went.
[Sep 17,2005 9:05am - dyingmuse ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:No opinion on MALAMOR?

dude...amazing death metal!
[Sep 17,2005 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
I have yet to post that one.
[Sep 17,2005 11:47am - DomesticTerror ""]
Joe's shirt was great. so great.
[Sep 17,2005 11:52am - subjugate shn  ""]
actually it wan't scott and i am personally pretty pissed that that was on one of our shirts if it was on one of his bands shirts i wouldn't care but that statement in no way represents BOE at all!!!!!!!

[Sep 17,2005 1:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Whoremastery -- as I told a couple of the guys "You were raised by dikes" was my favorite. Song titles were hilarious.

Life at Zero -- we were alright I guess. Wish Jeff (guitar) could have made it. We haven't been practicing much lately which was painfully obvious in that the set hurt to play. Progressively sloppier towards the end as my picking hand began to give up.

Bane -- awesome set, very tight. I hope we can play with these guys again soon.

Malamor -- unholy fuck! Good call booking these guys, Nate! They were so precise and tight it was almost annoying. Great fucking set, nice guys. I will wear my fancy new t-shirt proudly and blare that disk everywhere.

Thanks to Nate for having us down, great times, great bands. Now my next post will be the bad part, the ride home...
[Sep 17,2005 1:17pm - Aegathis ""]
i didnt get home till like 230. Some how a 30 min ride became 2 hours
[Sep 17,2005 1:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yeah, this was a great show. Whoremastery, Life at Zero, and Malamor were all sick. Many thanks to Nate for setting this thing up! Can't wait for #2.
[Sep 17,2005 1:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]
OK, so we left after Malamor and I was driving with Nick (my drummer) following me with Steve from HCN. Got back to the highway, no problem -- then the fucking tunnel is closed -- FUCK! These nitwits have traffic diverted all the way thru downtown. Fine, deal with it. Cruising along, stop at a light, all of a sudden, BANG! Nick rear-ends me! DOUBLE FUCK! His front end is kind of fucked and my bumper and receiver hitch is mangled, but we just keep going. Rest of ride annoying but uneventful.

OK, back to Manchester to the jam space. Minor damage to some drum gear, amps are fine. Another case for solid state -- they can take a jarring blow -- I think a tube amp would have been toast.
We get all the shit back into the room, and we leave the 2 vehicles unattended for maybe 10 minutes tops while we are making the last trip with drum gear. I stop at the bathroom and then come out to find Nick talking to someone on the loading dock. 2 fucking wigger faggots are tossing our trucks. I say to the one kid, "What the fuck are doing in my truck, faggot?" He says, "it's cool we didn't take nothing." I start to move towards him, and realize my pig-sticker with 4" blade has made its way into my hand. I stop, and think alright, I kill him and have to dispose of the body or go to jail OR he pulls a gun and my night gets way worse. Neither option seems so good at 2:30 am, so I refrain from pounding this fag. So they sleaze their way up the road. I then see all my shit tossed around in my truck and get angry. I jump in the truck and fly after them, they see me coming, hop a fence and cross the RR tracks. We looked for them later, but they diappeared. TRIPLE-FUCK!!! Anyway, all I could find that they took was a bunch of change from my ashtray, so no big deal.
Crappy way to end off a good night...
[Sep 17,2005 1:30pm - theeaglenature nli  ""]
Nate - thanks for having us play. Awesome job setting up this show!

Thanks to everyone who showed up, thanks to Whoremastery, Life at Zero and Malamor.

Thanks to everyone who donated to hurricane relief.

[Sep 17,2005 2:28pm - subjugate shn  ""]
ok more awake now sorta

first up nate thanks for letting us play the show you rule man!!

whormastery!!!! damn skippy you fellas kicks ass hope that not gonna be your only show ever.

LAZ you guys rule always a pleasure playing with you guys i hope we can do it again soon hopfully we will have more new material by then

us well rev i beg to differ i thik this set killed good times but thats my opinion we were tighter and more in ourt element, yea chris and dusty are headbanging machines but i think at 39 i hold my own pretty well.

malamor oh shit these guys kick butt, i have a video of them somwhere i am gonna have to check it out again cause they really put on a great show and are tight as fuck!! thanks for comming here to play for us hope to see you back here in Ma. again real soon!!!!!!

thanks to those who donated to the red cross, BANDS FOR RELIEF got a little over $50 collected http://I.AM/HELPING

[Sep 17,2005 2:33pm - powerkok ""]
My Sweet Jebus, those kids are lucky you didnt murder them.
That scares me cuz it sounded like they were possibly not too threatened by Nick if they were still there, maybe thinkin of jumpin him or somethin...

Im not gonna swear, but I think in NH you can actually use deadly force when someone is robbing you of anything that makes you money. Fuckin gear robbin dirtbags, makes me wanna puke my mouth.

Sounds like Nick suffers from Pellerinitis behind the wheel too, eh?
lol sorry man....and where was Jeff?!?!
[Sep 17,2005 3:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Dude, honestly the fight was pretty much gone out of me after the hell ride north. I just wanted that night to end, not talk to cops explaining why there were pieces of dirtbag strewn about the parking lot. In the future, I think I'll utilize my special piece of paper that allows me to carry a funny joke in my pocket. Just be sure everyone locks their shit in that parking lot at night -- I always do, but seriously we were only gone for 10 minutes.

Nick has had a very black cloud hovering over his head lately. Unfortunately I stumbled underneath it last night. Man, it sucks under there.

Jeff could not make the show due to a death in the family. He was bummed about it, but what're you gonna do?

[Sep 17,2005 3:30pm - nate nli  ""]
well I had a killer time and wanna thank every band and fan that came to Quicny for the evening. Every band put on a great set and I was pleased with the way things panned out for this show. It would have been nice to see some poeple hang around for Malamor, even though there was a decent crowd for them, but overall it was a good turnout. Thanks again everyone, hopefully I will have a new date soon for Coffin Series #2!
[Sep 17,2005 5:35pm - ARRIK_  ""]
Greg is a kick ass drummer
[Sep 17,2005 6:10pm - powerkok ""]
andy I told nick not to hit you but he was like "fuck that fucker he is a peice of shit and I hate him soIm gonna hit the fucker" I mvery sorry I tried to stop him. I still love you!

Steve Choke Neck
[Sep 17,2005 7:56pm - an80smetalchick ""]
DomesticTerror said:Joe's shirt was great. so great.

My statement on this matter has been posted to www.bandsforrelief.net
in the news and press release section

Thank you.

Bands for Relief
[Sep 17,2005 8:23pm - anonymous  ""]
who gives a fuck? no one cares.
[Sep 17,2005 8:46pm - an80smetalchick ""]



Bands for Relief is issuing this statement to announce the discreditation of the Boston death metal band, Bane of Existence. Bane of Existence performed a Cold Storage Productions Hurricane Katrina benefit show with Bands for Relief at Dee Dee's Lounge in Quincy, Massachusetts on Friday, September 16, 2005.

This action comes forth as a result of the Bane of Existence drummer, Mike Butkiewicz taking personal responsibility for the "custom" design and release of a "T-Shirt", bearing the Bane of Existence logo on the front and a photograph of hurricane victims and statement "FUCK HURRICANE VICTIMS" on the back.

The recognition by Bands for Relief of this unprofessionalism and conflict of interest has dissolved the relationship between Bane of Existence and Bands for Relief.

Association of Bands for Relief and Bane of Existence has been terminated as of Saturday, September 17, 2005 with band representative and guitarist, Jim Ash.

Joe McNamara, Owner of Not Common Records wore the Bane of Existence and "FUCK HURRICANE VICTIMS" shirt to the Cold Storage Productions Hurricane Katrina Benefit Show on Friday, September 16, 2005 at Dee Dee's Lounge in Quincy, Massachusetts where Bands for Relief was represented by Bane of Existence. Bands for Relief had no knowledge of the Bane of Existence shirt expressing their opinion.

The relationship between Bane of Existence drummer, Mike Butkiewicz and Not Common Records Owner, Joe McNamara has been recognized as both business and personal.

In the Opinion of Bands for Relief, this action by Bane of Existence and its associate, Joe McNamara of Not Common Records is unprofessional and a direct insult to Bands for Relief, Cold Storage Productions, Dee Dee's Lounge, The Community of Quincy, Massachusetts, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Victims and their Families of Hurricane Katrina.


Bands for Relief

[Sep 17,2005 8:51pm - anonymous  ""]
subjugate said:are we still crying about this hasn't anyone new been killed by a violent crime yet since the other nite
people die
people get killed
yes it sucks but we move on

some folks are deeply upset, some don't care one way or the other people will exploit it for their own personal gain. today is another day

[Sep 17,2005 10:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]
there's no such thing as bad publicity.
[Sep 17,2005 10:12pm - subjugate getting old  ""]
in this case yes there is.
[Sep 17,2005 10:13pm - subjugate getting old  ""]
anonymous said:subjugate said:are we still crying about this hasn't anyone new been killed by a violent crime yet since the other nite
people die
people get killed
yes it sucks but we move on

some folks are deeply upset, some don't care one way or the other people will exploit it for their own personal gain. today is another day

[Sep 17,2005 10:50pm - anonymous  ""]
an80smetalchick said:PRESS RELEASE



Bands for Relief is issuing this statement to announce the discreditation of the Boston death metal band, Bane of Existence. Bane of Existence performed a Cold Storage Productions Hurricane Katrina benefit show with Bands for Relief at Dee Dee's Lounge in Quincy, Massachusetts on Friday, September 16, 2005.

This action comes forth as a result of the Bane of Existence drummer, Mike Butkiewicz taking personal responsibility for the "custom" design and release of a "T-Shirt", bearing the Bane of Existence logo on the front and a photograph of hurricane victims and statement "FUCK HURRICANE VICTIMS" on the back.

The recognition by Bands for Relief of this unprofessionalism and conflict of interest has dissolved the relationship between Bane of Existence and Bands for Relief.

Association of Bands for Relief and Bane of Existence has been terminated as of Saturday, September 17, 2005 with band representative and guitarist, Jim Ash.

Joe McNamara, Owner of Not Common Records wore the Bane of Existence and "FUCK HURRICANE VICTIMS" shirt to the Cold Storage Productions Hurricane Katrina Benefit Show on Friday, September 16, 2005 at Dee Dee's Lounge in Quincy, Massachusetts where Bands for Relief was represented by Bane of Existence. Bands for Relief had no knowledge of the Bane of Existence shirt expressing their opinion.

The relationship between Bane of Existence drummer, Mike Butkiewicz and Not Common Records Owner, Joe McNamara has been recognized as both business and personal.

In the Opinion of Bands for Relief, this action by Bane of Existence and its associate, Joe McNamara of Not Common Records is unprofessional and a direct insult to Bands for Relief, Cold Storage Productions, Dee Dee's Lounge, The Community of Quincy, Massachusetts, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Victims and their Families of Hurricane Katrina.


Bands for Relief


Don't forget to crucify the Rev for not only taking the pic of the shirt but posting it on the website for all to see. That is absolutely the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read. Get over yourself.
[Sep 18,2005 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
malamor: they are a fine example of ny style deathmetal music. I've seen them now 2 times. they d completely rule. last time I saw them was at the goratory CD release in albany. they didn't have the new CD out yet. and I agree, they need to play around here again.
[Sep 18,2005 4:43am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I love that shirt and hope to have my own someday.

Misanthropy > Philanthropy.
[Sep 18,2005 11:31am - the_reverend ""]
I think that mike should submit that shirt to tshirthell.com and make $200 (sans boe logo of course)
[Sep 18,2005 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
ps: that was hurricane carina's idea.
[Sep 18,2005 11:35am - succubus ""]
yes i said to the rev that you should submit that tshirt idea to tshirt hell..hurry up before someone steals the idea
[Sep 18,2005 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
they have one I saw the other day that says "hurricane warning shirt"
[Sep 18,2005 3:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Hahaha -- I didn't even realize that t-shirt said that until I read the whining post about it. Hilarious!
[Sep 18,2005 4:09pm - Worm  ""]
I had a blast at this show until my ex showed up...well at least whoremastery works....LOL..thanx to all that gave as a chance and thanx to nate...malmor fucking killed...till next time cunts!

[Sep 18,2005 4:30pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Malamor fucking slayed :newhorns: I'm glad I got to see them, it's too bad Dan and I got lost because Dan was on the phone on his way down though. well, at least we got to see then end of Whoremastery, LAZ kicked ass as usual, and BoE was brutal as always. Glad I was able to make it out to that show!
[Sep 18,2005 4:50pm - BornSoVile ""]
i missed whoremastery cause everyone in the world was driving like an ass that night, totally scared of misting rain-took me an hour because of that.
life at zero - was the best i've ever seen/heard of them.
bane of existence - wow, this is a cool new band, lots of energy : p
malamor - was great, alot better than when I saw them at valentines bout a year and a half ago. they sounded fucking awesome all around. hope they enjoyed playing for us. it must be a culture shock to see that massholes don't dance.
[Sep 18,2005 5:59pm - DreamingInExile ""]
BornSoVile said:it must be a culture shock to see that massholes don't dance.

I think that pole in DeeDee's would have killed someone :nuke:
[Sep 18,2005 6:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
true. last time I saw them, there was a fight. if you'd seen a show in albany you'd know what i mean. an off night there makes this place look like you got served 2005.

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