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If you're not doing anything tonite

ICC Church (Allston, Ma) - [neshamah][norma_jean][randomshots][stretch_arm_strong][the_hope_conspiracy][with_honor]
[Jul 8,2003 11:05am - mike_m  ""]
Stretch Arm Strong
The Hope Conspiracy
Norma Jean
With Honor

July 8
ICC Church, Allston, MA
6:30pm doors
[Jul 8,2003 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
I'm planning on going to this.
hoping it's an early out show... need sleep.
[Jul 8,2003 11:36pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Not that great of a show, i showed up real late missed with honor the only band i wanted to see, missed norma jean didnt give a shit. Hope conspricy was stupid, Strech armstrong was pretty bad. Yup that was it.
[Jul 8,2003 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm home.
working on the pictures now
[Jul 9,2003 12:54am - the_reverend ""]

pictures are up.
[Jul 9,2003 1:12am - the_reverend ""]
it was like a billion degrees in there

Neshamah: pretty good band from south africa. I think they would be awesome were there more people there, but it was way too echoey to hear much.

With Honor: hands down awesome. wH is always great live. Fun and full of energy. it's so great and posi. They played tracks from the EP and the full length. I need to get copies of both of those for my radio show. oops.. time to go back to square one again.

Norma Jean: first off, I'm a huge fan of the CD and of the last time I say them, but... this was not the best performance I've seen from them. The pearl st. show was much better. they didn't have the back-up singer for that song with the clean vocals ("Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste") so people in the crowd followed along. The lead singer made lots of funny faces. I thought they were going to end with "like bringing a knife to a gun fight!!!!" (aka "Creating Something Out Of Nothing, Only To Destroy It"), but they didn't. that is my favorite norma jean track.

the kid with the abortion shirt. I think he came with norma jean and that shirt was soooo funny I had to snap a shot of it. There was some HUGE saying on the back, but I didn't snap a shot of that. TO THE PARENTS: if you want a full-sized copy, just post here or IM me or something.

The Hope Conspiracy: It seemed like the biggest crowd was there for these guys. Lots of moshing, sweating, and jumping in the air with fingers pointing. They are also still calling their cd from the fall "new", but I think I also heard them play a new track.

Stretch Arm Strong: I'll admit, I was never a fan of these guys. I didn't care for the CD I got. Live, it was pretty good. I still didn't really care for the singing, but it was fun to watch kids jumping and piling up for them. reminds me of if you took band and terror and made them have a baby.
[Jul 9,2003 1:44am - Slynk ""]

I think this is the shirt. Oh, silly Pro-Lifers. :spineyes:
[Jul 9,2003 4:30pm - matty  ""]
ah!!!!!!!!! how did I miss this show?
freaking a piss
it wasn't in the concert report
[Jul 9,2003 9:54pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i saw youth brigade there
the show sucked, that hall sucks
oxymoron didn't show up
youth brigade is still one of the best hardcore bands ever though
[Jul 10,2003 1:16am - heartless ""]
i just saw this tour at the el n gee and what the FUCK
norma jean DIDNT play "creating something..." kinda depressing.
the lcd screen on my pathetic digital camera cracked as well.
sucks to be me :gun:

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