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Red Tide? Killswitch Engage

[Jul 24,2005 10:48pm - KSE fan  ""]
Anyone know where I can obtain material by some band called Red Tide? This was Justin Foley's of KSE first band. I was at ozzfest and these kids were talking about them being a jazz metal death band. Sounds interesting. Found a ton of info about them by using google but can't track any music down. if anyone can post a link that'd be cool. there was a yousendit.com link for some bootleg video of red tide but its expired. thanks :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 24,2005 10:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I guess I should put the 3 tapes and 2 CDs of RED TIDE on eBay soon.
[Jul 24,2005 11:10pm - anonymous  ""]
never heard of them until that guy justin foley joined kse. i found there music on limewire a few months ago. try that or WinMx had some also. its definitly some insane music. i mean they were ahead of their time. i don't like it 100% but whoever wrote the music knows music, like seriously. the drumming is extreamly technical as well. i hate jazz but i gotta give them credit. its one of a kind.
[Jul 25,2005 1:07am - blue ""]
you hate jazz? you shouldnt listen to music.
[Jul 25,2005 1:18am - Anthony nli  ""]
blue said:you hate jazz? you shouldnt listen to music.

[Jul 25,2005 1:28am - dwellingsickness ""]
I think I have their Demo CD somewhere
[Jul 25,2005 1:36am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The vocals ruin RED TIDE for me.
[Jul 25,2005 2:27am - the_reverend ""]
um.. maximize profits.
[Jul 25,2005 7:20am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
blue said:you hate jazz? you shouldnt listen to music.

He doesn't, he listens to Killswitch Engage
[Jul 25,2005 7:23am - KSE fan  ""]
Hey guys I found some songs on http://www.hxcmp3.com/bands/21083/index.php so if any of you are curious check it out. The vocals are bad. They suck. If they had a better vocalist they probably would have gone far. There is lots of potential. The thing that is funny is the music was written back in 1997. I was only in 6th grade! But it kinda reminded me of Candiria but not really. Its a different style. Its better than Candiria minus the sucky vocals. The drumming is outstanding. Its too bad he doesn't play like that in KSE. The guitar work is well extreamly complex. How they switch back and forth from jazz to metal like that is beyond me. Did this band ever play out live? I can't see them pulling this off live.
[Jul 25,2005 8:35am - My Choice  ""]
my sister said when she was in high school she use to see them play out a lot. i was too young to go to shows then. love Killswitch though. my friend is trying to track some of their material down. if i remember i'll come back and post it.
[Jul 25,2005 8:40am - RustedAngel ""]
RED TIDE rules, I use to see them.

The vocalist is an asian dood. They were pretty tight with candiria at the time. Wish they were still around.
[Jul 25,2005 9:09am - My Choice  ""]
Yeah the bio i read said a Jeff Wu was the main writer of the music and he played the guitar and did the horrible vocals. here are some more links I found for your reading pleasure

just google it but you gotta play with the words to get all the hits. my friend is really into them now but its only because he heard about them through Killswitch's drummer. Its ok stuff and they were good musicians but mixing jazz and metal is kinda a no no?

[Jul 25,2005 9:14am - My Choice  ""]
whoops the second set of links got messed


[Jul 25,2005 4:02pm - KSE Fan  ""]
thanks for the links. anyone else talk to Justin Foley at the signing booth? I wanted to ask him about his old band and if they would either put something new out or play a show but couldn't get the nerve to. The dood looked annoyed.
[Jul 25,2005 8:30pm - anonymous  ""]
who has the video footage? i'd like to see it. i saw some info on that DVD called Changing the Face of Metal 1992-2001 or something
[Jul 26,2005 12:23pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Capharnaum played tons of shows with them and shared some members "back in the day". They had a few demo tapes, I think the first one was "Impressions" and the next one was "Hybrid". They have two CDs called "Themes of the Cosmic Consciousness" and "Type II". I think everything except the Type II CD was recorded by fat cripple jew superproducer Jason Suecof (Trivium, God Forbid, Capharnaum, Crotchduster). You can find Type II relatively easy around the CT area, I do believe. But good luck finding the other stuff.
[Jul 26,2005 12:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
I have "Themes of the Cosmic Consciousness"
[Jul 26,2005 12:59pm - KSE Fan  ""]
i read a rumor that maybe Killswitch will release a best of CD containing a mix of all their past bands like Overcast, Aftershock, Red Tide, Blood has been Shed. since i read this on another forum its probably not true. At ozzfest some kid was telling me there is a Red Tide DVD out there. It was never for sale - I guess it is not authorized. Wow the producer of Trivium & God Forbid who recorded their stuff! Cool. But the songs that I have found are from 1996, 1997 so this is old. I should join this board
[Jul 27,2005 8:59am - anonymous  ""]
oh forgot to mention at their DVD shoot at the Palladuim there were a bunch of kids chanting red tide and i saw one kid wearing a red tide t-shirt. i think they wanted to get in the footage or something.
[Aug 2,2005 11:16am - KSE Fan  ""]
does anyone know how to podcast? a friend of mine said there is some podcast (the D&D Show) that features red tide and an interview with ex member and i have no idea how to find it or listen to it, am i making any sense?
[Aug 2,2005 11:29am - dirteecrayon ""]
red tide is awesome minus the vocals
[Aug 2,2005 12:23pm - KSE Fan  ""]
i agree. the vocals are a weak point for sure. too bad they didn't have a different vocalist. the music OTOH is freakin top notch. i mean come on guys. what band out there sounded like red tide??? if they were around today they would kick some major ass as ever new metal band coming out are starting to sound the same. i say they should get back together! umm, with a new vocalist of course!
[Aug 2,2005 2:00pm - anonymous  ""]
D&D might be the Dawn and Drew show. Haven't heard it but a lot of people talk about that podcast. its kinda like a Howard Stern type podcast but i hear its funnier since podcasts are not regulated.
[Aug 4,2005 10:38am - anonymous  ""]
the vocals sound like GWAR kinda.

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