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Hand Choke Neck, Never Say Never, Hegalian Dialectic

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jul 19,2005 11:27pm - hoser ""]
The Brickhouse
Dover, NH

Wednesday 7/20

8pm doors
9pm showtime

Be there so that we may grope your pants!!

www.hand-choke-neck.com for details on the groping.....
[Jul 19,2005 11:31pm - powerkok ""]
my pant groping is at a semi-pro level.
This will be fun.
[Jul 20,2005 12:31am - powerkok ""]
[Jul 20,2005 7:59am - Otto_B.O.L. (NLi)  ""]
hey HCN, can you get us on the next Brick House date, we'd love to play that place again but rerally have no contact for anyone.
[Jul 20,2005 9:40am - hoser ""]
I'll see what I can do, Otto. Its not that hard...just email me your contact info and I'll have the guy who books it email you.

[Jul 20,2005 1:17pm - powerkok ""]
Otto, hows the search goin?
Any luck with a vocalist?
[Jul 20,2005 1:20pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Jul 20,2005 4:17pm - powerkok ""]
Ya, whats yer point? One's in Dover, one's in Pvd.RI

Not like they conflict.
Thread pooper.
[Jul 21,2005 11:11am - Junior ""]
Good job last night guys. Was it me, or did the set seem kind of short?
[Jul 21,2005 2:23pm - powerkok ""]
we played the same amount of songs, but I think we played wayyy too fast, making it go by quicker.
Thanks tho, and good meetin ya last night.
Thanks for the beer!!

Hegelian dropped off this show, but some 'band' from California showed up with 2 massive pa speakers, a box of guitar effects pedals, a couple of mixers, and some baby monitors.
They proceeded to make noise for 20 minutes, and then left.
Bizzare indeed.

I heard later that they were on a fly by night tour and are gig crashing all over the US. again, quite bizzare.

Never say Never fuckin slayed, those kids are fucking awesome. You gotta see them if you get a chance.
[Jul 21,2005 2:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]
powerkok said:but I think we played wayyy too fast.

The Breakdown Nazi wanted me to pass this along:

ATCHUNG!!! Zer iz no zuch thing as vayyy too fast! NEIN!

Thank you.
[Jul 21,2005 3:27pm - powerkok ""]
I will mark this as note to self.
Mein hants verr uber kramped~!!!

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