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Video: stupid people tricks

[Jul 18,2005 1:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 18,2005 1:34pm - thedeparted ""]
that guy looks like a douche bag
[Jul 18,2005 1:35pm - Defnasty ""]
Umm is that real?
[Jul 18,2005 1:35pm - Defnasty ""]
That guy looks like Jonah Bloodbath.
[Jul 18,2005 1:40pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
god what a fuckin weiner...
[Jul 18,2005 7:32pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 18,2005 7:41pm - succubus ""]
just saw a commerical for this...
sci fi channel
mind freaks his name is criss angel or something
i remember seeing a poster at zzfest too

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