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For all you cheap vodka drinkers

[Jul 13,2005 9:54am - norwellbob ""]
I'd be surprised if this hadn't already been posted, but just in case:

[Jul 13,2005 9:57am - Mary ""]
[Jul 13,2005 10:33am - strangles kittens  ""]
i always wondered if that would work. .. . now i know, and now im going to save lots of money on cheap vodka, but would that work on cheap whiskey?
[Jul 13,2005 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
hampshire or jenkins vokda!
[Jul 13,2005 1:04pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
thats fucking cool.
[Jul 13,2005 1:05pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
although i bet Mr. Boston would melt the filter

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