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this is kinda fucked up, something JoeNC will love !

[Jul 7,2005 11:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ok my friend found this, not sure if it's been posted or what but man i thought this was pretty fucked up.



this is an article about trying to pass laws to stop these websites


this should be interesting or die off really quickly ! :nuke:
[Jul 7,2005 11:56pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
This is just wrong...
[Jul 8,2005 12:00am - powerkok ""]
No shit....
shame on you for even repeating this garbage wx3.

as for a topic of debate....no debate necessary...its wrong, live with it.
[Jul 8,2005 12:02am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
nice to know that legal loopholes work for everyone. Like John Benet Ramsey for example. I'm really glad I fight for the first amendment to continue existing.
[Jul 8,2005 12:17am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
powerkok said:No shit....
shame on you for even repeating this garbage wx3.

as for a topic of debate....no debate necessary...its wrong, live with it.

hey i said it was fucked up, i just wanted to point out how fucked up it was. i thought it was fitting to post after the whole debate over the new law about how all porn is now child porn unless you have the documents to prove otherwise. it's pretty fucked up all together.

[Jul 8,2005 12:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
fuck morals and standards.

damn are my fingers sticky.
[Jul 8,2005 12:26am - glam danzig  ""]
DAVEFROMTHEWANG you're a friggin' perv. Let's just talk about D&D. None of this kiddie sh1t.
[Jul 8,2005 12:27am - lil' amber  ""]
hey boys
[Jul 8,2005 12:28am - UNDA COVA  ""]
watch out. Lil' Amber is actually a 55 year old cop (pig)
[Jul 8,2005 12:35am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
glam danzig said:DAVEFROMTHEWANG you're a friggin' perv. Let's just talk about D&D. None of this kiddie sh1t.

[Jul 8,2005 3:47am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Wow, that's hot.
[Jul 8,2005 5:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
fap fap fap
[Jul 8,2005 7:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I'd beat the shit out of that slut
[Jul 8,2005 11:45am - babyshaker ""]
lol always the romantic
[Jul 12,2005 3:45pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
this girl is hotter http://www.mia-model.net
[Jul 12,2005 3:48pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hell yeah.


I wonder if any of these little whores are going to come to the FBI picnick
[Jul 12,2005 3:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I bet her cunt tastes like baby formula.
[Jul 12,2005 3:55pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
These bitches are so small that you only have to hit them half as hard to knock them out and get down to business.
[Jul 12,2005 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah... there's a line that was crossed there, but I don't want the gov't looking at my boardband on a plane so I will keep my mouth shut and follow the advice of george carlin on that one.
[Jul 12,2005 4:00pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
Is this technically even porn at all? They are all clothed.
[Jul 12,2005 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
it would not be considered porn. it would be considered "child exploitation".
[Jul 12,2005 4:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]
the_reverend said:it would not be considered porn. it would be considered "child exploitation".

I see kids dressed like that at the beach all the time. Why is it any different on the internet?
[Jul 12,2005 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that's why I'm not clicking. I don't really think things like that should be illegal, but man.. those sites are as creepy as the thought of you on the beach with a pair of binoculars scoping out the "hotties" from the 6-14yo beach goers.

plus, black esploitation movies are awesome.
[Jul 12,2005 4:11pm - malettey ""]
"...it had instructed the FBI to review the pre-teen sites in order to determine whether they are breaking any laws."

i'd like to know how many of these FBI fuckers are having a field day "reviwing" these web sites. i bet there's a good amount of dried up, crusted semen under the desks of the computers these guys "review" the sites on!
[Jul 12,2005 4:15pm - anonymous  ""]
this is totally wrong - someone needs to get this kid to the gym. That shit don't tone itself. She's heading toward chunkyville.
[Jul 12,2005 6:31pm - Mr McFeely  ""]
I'd cum all over her Easy Bake Oven...and Barbie Doll.
[Jul 12,2005 6:56pm - succubus ""]

i cannot believe the parents let their kids do this

i was looking and saw thong underwear..wtf? she doesn't even have an ass yet...and photos trying to show non existent cleavage...

you know, a couple of weeks ago the rev and i took my neices to the beach (13 and 14) and you should have seen the perves looknig at them.one man in his 60's...looknig at me and them...fuckin gross perve

[Jul 12,2005 7:06pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
shes probably alot older than she looks
[Jul 12,2005 7:16pm - succubus ""]
the sites, which feature girls as young as 6 wearing revealing clothing and striking sexually suggestive poses but display no nudity or overt sexual material that would run afoul of child pornography laws. “It sickens you that a parent would have such disregard for their own child.”

There is ample evidence that the sites, which sell photos and videotapes to members, cater primarily to adults, very few of whom are in the market to hire models. Many — if not most — customers are sexually interested in children, and some are pedophiles, according to law enforcement officials and children’s advocates.
[Jul 12,2005 7:18pm - succubus ""]
In one scene, she lifted her skirt, giving the briefest glimpses of underwear. In another, the unidentified cameraman lay on the floor and shot up her skirt as she danced away un-self-consciously

ugh i'm naucious readingthis
[Jul 12,2005 9:48pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:whoah...gross

i cannot believe the parents let their kids do this

i was looking and saw thong underwear..wtf? she doesn't even have an ass yet...and photos trying to show non existent cleavage...

you know, a couple of weeks ago the rev and i took my neices to the beach (13 and 14) and you should have seen the perves looknig at them.one man in his 60's...looknig at me and them...fuckin gross perve

One thing that should make you feel a little bit better is knowing that those guys pretty much never get laid.
[Jul 13,2005 11:10am - the_reverend ""]
and darwin wins!
[Jan 11,2007 9:52am - anonymous  ""]
yo fuck u kid, this shits awsum and mad ppl like it

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