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Has anyone here passed a stone before????

[Jun 29,2005 3:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
My Dad had to go the hospital last night early in the morning. He requested pain medicine which is something I've never seen him do before (he's had close to a dozen surgeries for random tim allen shit throughout the years) cause the pain is so intense. My mother just called me from the Hospital, he's doped up on morphine but still in immense pain. Is there a good food/drink to consume to help this pass???
[Jun 29,2005 3:22pm - powerkok ""]
Kidney or Gall?

excessive caffiene will give you kidney stones.
Ive never the experience, but know a few ppl that have, and its supposedly some truly intense pain.
Best wishes to your Pop!!!!
[Jun 29,2005 3:25pm - Defnasty ""]
Who farted?
[Jun 29,2005 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 29,2005 3:29pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
one of my good friends had to deal with this shit. the kids got his dick tattooed but couldnt even deal with the pain of this. i guess theres a way to laser them out or something.
what he should ask for in regards to pain medicine is duragesic patches. the trick is to suck out the middle of em. that or oc80s are really the only effective way to deal with the pain.
i dont think there are really any tricks, you just gotta pass em. sucks
[Jun 29,2005 3:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
Kidney...My mother says he's gonna get a ultrasound soon, then the treatment hopefully soon, I believe it's with lasers but I hear it hurts too. Everyone I've talked to about this in the present and past says it's the worst pain you can ever endure in your life. i hear their hereditary as well.
[Jun 29,2005 4:26pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
gallstones are the worst pain ever. I had them. the doctor told me the pain you get are worse than child labor pains. woo.
[Jun 29,2005 4:57pm - eddienli  ""]
BornSoVile said:Kidney...My mother says he's gonna get a ultrasound soon, then the treatment hopefully soon, I believe it's with lasers but I hear it hurts too. Everyone I've talked to about this in the present and past says it's the worst pain you can ever endure in your life. i hear their hereditary as well.

lasers i thought it was with some type of sound wave thing...

maybe i just made that up
[Jun 29,2005 5:36pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Kidney stones suck real bad

I have had them like 3 times
[Jun 29,2005 5:40pm - dwellingsickness ""]
BornSoVile said:My Dad had to go the hospital last night early in the morning. He requested pain medicine which is something I've never seen him do before (he's had close to a dozen surgeries for random tim allen shit throughout the years) cause the pain is so intense. My mother just called me from the Hospital, he's doped up on morphine but still in immense pain. Is there a good food/drink to consume to help this pass???

There is nuthin you can really do, except have them surgically removed, hope they pass ,or just deal with the pain....It sounds corny but ,drinking lots of fluids is supposed to help, the more you drink, the more chances you have of them passing on there own if they are kidney or bladder stones
[Jun 29,2005 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
there is some ultra sound thing you can do where you lay in a bath tub,
but that's something I saw on TV a long time ago.
[Jun 29,2005 11:30pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Yeah ,you lay in a pool of water ,It is like ultrasonic waves or something like that,But the success rate for that is not very good, it depends on how big the stones are to begin with , if they are too big, it does not break them up enough to pass.And then you end up having to go through the Surgery anyways.They tell you that right from the get go, they are like this may or may not work

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