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fuck this heat! ahhh!

[Jun 27,2005 11:37am - RustedAngel ""]
It's like 10x hotter in this office than it is outside or on the floor. Fuck lunchtime, I'm going to go home and jump in the pool. Everyone else can suck ding dongs. :middlefinger:
[Jun 27,2005 11:51am - succubus ""]
wow...my office is freezing...
why can't there be a happy medium
[Jun 27,2005 11:59am - Christraper ""]
Summer needs to go away
[Jun 27,2005 11:59am - RustedAngel ""]
well we should have our air cond. in our window by now but everone is lazy.

the 3rd floor has central air and I may just move my ass down there with my laptop until we get our shit setup.
[Jun 27,2005 12:38pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
summer is awesome. heat to the face all day!
[Jun 27,2005 12:42pm - DreamingInExile ""]
it's nice and comfy in my office, abotu 70 degrees in here, and when you go outside, we're close enough to the beach that we get an awsome sea breeze :newhorns:
[Jun 27,2005 1:16pm - malettey ""]
i work in the meat department in a grocery store so i get to work in a refrigerated area. but today is my day off, so i'm sweating profusely, my scrotum hanging between my knees, and posting my two cents worth on return to the pit. have a nice day everyone!
[Jun 27,2005 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm wearing a hoodie.
drinking hot coffee.
and listening to people who left for lunch bitching about the heat.
[Jun 27,2005 1:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
well I went home and hung out in the pool with the lady for a half hour and I'm back here at work. For some reason it feels like I'm going to pass out. this is awesome!
[Jun 27,2005 2:04pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i love the heat, but sadly i work in an area with a buncha fat fucks so they have the AC set to like 0 to keep their flubber from melting off

[Jun 27,2005 2:10pm - the_reverend ""]
2pm and I still have yet to go outside
[Jun 27,2005 2:16pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i have no ac and my fan is blowing hot air
[Jun 27,2005 5:21pm - RichHorror ""]
I drove home from work with no pants on. It was a liberating experience I reccomend everyone try.
[Jun 27,2005 5:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It's fucking hot at the front of my house (where my room is) but on the deck it's about 75 with a nice breeze. Cookout tonight!
[Jun 27,2005 5:45pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
is that some kind of a secret code? are you letting people know where the decoder is?
[Jun 27,2005 6:13pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The crow only caws when the light is waning.
[Jun 27,2005 6:22pm - DomesticTerror ""]
succubus said:wow...my office is freezing...
why can't there be a happy medium

why can't i be in your office..?
a/c= nips

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