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[Jun 26,2005 1:17am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ARE YOU InSaNe?!?!?
[Jun 26,2005 1:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Jun 26,2005 1:47am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
"I am a all around person. I listent to everything from Rap to Country to Gospel! Open with the music!"

why is it the more closed-minded a person is, the more open they think they are?
[Jun 26,2005 1:48am - IntricateProcess ""]
[Jun 26,2005 10:27am - Nigel Eggwhite  ""]
I just sent this beotch a stool sample in the mail.
[Jun 26,2005 4:12pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
"i love black men, but white boiz r ok 2" hahahahaha
dumb cunt
[Jun 26,2005 5:54pm - metalguy  ""]
She seems like a good friend.. you know.. I would love to be embarrassed by her.. *hint of sarcasm*
[Jun 26,2005 7:27pm - wade ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:"i love black men, but white boiz r ok 2" hahahahaha
dumb cunt


[Jun 26,2005 10:59pm - malettey ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:dumb cunt

i agree completely. she should be raped.
[Jun 26,2005 11:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Jun 26,2005 11:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Jun 26,2005 11:49pm - Robdeadskin ""]
that was some funny shit TOS
[Jun 27,2005 1:19pm - yodaslab  ""]
what a dumb bitch, i hope i never have a daughter who dates someone named IVAN, AKA "YOUNG HAZE"...lol what a fucking joke
[Jun 27,2005 1:43pm - Hooker ""]
I'm so psyched about life.

-Her dad.
[Jun 27,2005 3:24pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i would classify ICP with emo. they both suck so horribly bad they need to be wiped off the face of the earth. i used to be big into ICP. then they turned gay, and i grew up.
[Jun 27,2005 3:44pm - Christraper ""]
When were they not gay?
[Jun 27,2005 4:13pm - malettey ""]
a year or so ago i was invited to see a dark lotus concert at the palladium. i sat in the balcony, worst show i ever saw in my life; it was six guys in army camoflage walking around on stage rapping about god knows what. actually i was paying more attention to some cunt standing diagonally to my left a row or two ahead of me; she was dancing, and her tits were bouncing around and her pants kept falling down revealing her ass crack. i watched her more than the fucking show.:shocked:
[Jun 27,2005 9:48pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
wait wait ICP was legit at some point? I thought they were always like they are now (scratches head)

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