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Glen Benton Arrested(you gotta read this)

[Jun 24,2005 5:30am - dwellingsickness ""]

So funny
[Jun 24,2005 6:22am - dyingmuse ""]
that is all fake
[Jun 24,2005 6:33am - SUBJUGATE ""]
Glen Benton From Deicide Arrested On Multiple Charges
June 24, 2005

Glen Benton From Deicide
was arrested for lewd conduct, shoplifting, and assault at Classy & Sassy ladies boutique, on Reid street.

Authorities documented in a police report that Glen Benton From Deicide entered the Classy & Sassy boutique at approximately 11:15 a.m. After failing to emerge from a ladies dressing room stall, store clerks knocked on the door asking if he was 'ok' or needed assistance. Glen Benton From Deicide was then reported to have exited the dressing room wearing high heel shoes, women's thong underwear and matching bra along with a dress wrapped around his head as a hat.

Glen Benton From Deicide allegedly began dancing and skipping around the store shouting "I'm a pretty princess" over and over, according to witness reports. When asked by the manager to leave the store, Glen Benton From Deicide squatted in the front lobby and defecated on the floor. He then picked up his feces with his hand, took a bite, and asked store patrons if they wanted a bite of his cake to celebrate his birthday.

Clearly becoming a threat to others, one of the female clerks tackled Glen Benton From Deicide, and with the assistance of two other women he was restrained until police arrived at the scene.

Mary Smith, one of the store clerks told UJ reporters, "I only weigh 105 pounds and didn't think I could tackle him, but he went down really easily. He's very weak, and very disturbed."

Initial toxicology reports indicate that Glen Benton From Deicide was high on a mixture of narcotics and prescription drugs at the time of the incident. Results of a psychological exam to determine if he will face possible jail time or be institutionalized are pending.
[Jun 24,2005 8:40am - RustedAngel ""]

Tom Couture From Porphyria Arrested On Multiple Charges
June 24, 2005

Tom Couture From Porphyria
was arrested for lewd conduct, shoplifting, and assault at Classy & Sassy ladies boutique, on Reid street.

Authorities documented in a police report that Tom Couture From Porphyria entered the Classy & Sassy boutique at approximately 11:15 a.m. After failing to emerge from a ladies dressing room stall, store clerks knocked on the door asking if he was 'ok' or needed assistance. Tom Couture From Porphyria was then reported to have exited the dressing room wearing high heel shoes, women's thong underwear and matching bra along with a dress wrapped around his head as a hat.

Tom Couture From Porphyria allegedly began dancing and skipping around the store shouting "I'm a pretty princess" over and over, according to witness reports. When asked by the manager to leave the store, Tom Couture From Porphyria squatted in the front lobby and defecated on the floor. He then picked up his feces with his hand, took a bite, and asked store patrons if they wanted a bite of his cake to celebrate his birthday.

Clearly becoming a threat to others, one of the female clerks tackled Tom Couture From Porphyria, and with the assistance of two other women he was restrained until police arrived at the scene.

Mary Smith, one of the store clerks told UJ reporters, "I only weigh 105 pounds and didn't think I could tackle him, but he went down really easily. He's very weak, and very disturbed."

Initial toxicology reports indicate that Tom Couture From Porphyria was high on a mixture of narcotics and prescription drugs at the time of the incident. Results of a psychological exam to determine if he will face possible jail time or be institutionalized are pending.
[Jun 24,2005 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
yeah.. but the one about tom is true.
[Jun 24,2005 9:07am - SUBJUGATE ""]
tom is a pretty princess hahahahahahaha
[Jun 24,2005 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
dude, just look at his hair!
it's longer and more lady-like each time I see that kid.
[Jun 24,2005 9:50am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:dude, just look at his hair!
it's longer and more lady-like each time I see that kid.

actually, I got kailyn's dad to trim that shit on saturday. :spineyes:
[Jun 24,2005 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
and now you are going to the parlor to get your shit trimmed?
what a princess.
[Jun 24,2005 9:55am - RustedAngel ""]
hey at least I didn't have to pay the $36 - $50 it would cost if I was a real customer. hahah.
[Jun 24,2005 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
tom's new doo
[Jun 24,2005 10:00am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

[Jun 24,2005 10:05am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

[Jun 24,2005 10:29am - malettey ""]
strange how they always refer to him as Glen Benton From Deicide as if that's his whole name.
[Jun 24,2005 10:32am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the_reverend said:tom's new doo

tom rocks that ukelele like a mothafuckin riot
[Jun 24,2005 11:21am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]

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